I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1794: The Seven Fireworks Lotus is ours

When the fire thunder attack fell on Qin Mo, Qin Mo could feel that the fire lotus in his hand was actually absorbing the fire thunder energy here!

In fact, half of Qin Mo's attack was resisted by this fire lotus!

It seems that with these 99 fire and thunder tribulations, Qin Mo can easily follow!

For the next lightning attack, Qin Mo directly took it with his body. He had the fire lotus on his hand to resist half of the fire and thunder catastrophe. Even if Qin Mo only used his body, he could withstand this kind of fire and thunder catastrophe.

One, two, three... More than ten lightning attacks in a row smashed Qin Mo. Qin Mo only felt his body numb, but he was not injured.

The continuous attacks fell on Qin Mo, but there was still no effect. The people around were a bit surprised. They didn't expect Qin Mo's body to be so powerful!

Flame Demon's eyes condensed, how terrifying is Qin Mo's body?

At least from the current appearance, Qin Mo's body can withstand the attack of the titled Emperor Wu. If he has been baptized by this fire and thunder robbery, even if he does not use the dragon scale armor, it is estimated that he will be able to withstand the attack of the invincible Emperor Wu!

This boy is terrible!

Tang Qing was also dumbfounded, Qin Mo actually used this method to fly through the sky? Isn't he crazy?

However, looking at Qin Mo's appearance, there was really no sign of injury, so Tang Qing was relieved, but her eyes fell on the other lotus flower.

Tang Qing had a feeling that this lotus is probably not an ordinary seven-fire lotus, it is more like a creature. Looking at Qin Mo's appearance, it seems that he already knows what this fire lotus is!

The sky thunder that Qin Mo endured had reached the 98th path, and everyone around could feel it. The fire, thunder and robbery clouds in the sky seemed to begin to dissipate, and now is a good opportunity to take action.

"Let's do it together and kill him!"

"Yes, as long as you kill him, the Seven Fireworks Lotus is ours!"

"The Tribulation is about to dissipate. If you don't do anything, it will be too late!"


Many people have already planned to do it.

However, Tang Qing discovered that the Seven Fireworks Lotus had begun to change.

The original fire lotus turned into a milky white flame. It can be seen that this is not a fire lotus, but a flame!

Tang Qing once heard what Qin Mo said, in the list of different fires, but there are still four kinds that have not been subdued by Qin Mo. Two of them are on the flame demon, and there is another kind called Jinglian Demon Fire.

This Jinglian Demon Fire ranked third on the list of different fires, possessing very powerful power, and it also possessed a unique trick called Nightmare Demon Mist. As long as it sprays out, it can confuse others.

The strange fire that spewed out at Qin Mo just now must be the nightmare mist!

And now, strange fog seemed to appear around here.

In everyone's eyes, the environment here has changed, and they can see that the magma here seems to have changed, turning into purple-red, and it is also pouring towards them.

Qin Mo looked around, and it was obvious that this must be the ghost of Jinglian Demon Fire!

I have to say that the illusion of the Jinglian Demon Fire is indeed quite powerful, even Qin Mo is a bit unstoppable, but it is a pity that Qin Mo possesses Lihuo Immortal Eyes, he can see through the opponent’s illusion, so , Even if the Jinglian Demon Fire used its trick, it couldn't deal with Qin Mo.

But for other people, this is different. The faces of these people show fear, as if they have seen something terrifying.

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