"No... how can there be lava that can kill Emperor Wu, it's so hot... so hot..." a person cried, only to see flames really appear around his body, this one The man's body was swallowed by this flame, and the whole person was burned alive.

"Fire dragon? Why is there a fire dragon here? Impossible, don't eat me, don't..." The second person also yelled, and his body showed signs of being bitten. His head didn't know. Why did I fall to the ground.

"Holy King, what are you doing? Don't kill me, I won't **** you, please..." After the third person finished speaking, his chest was sunken, as if he had been hammered by a punch.


Although the people here have been caught in the illusion, if they can't wake up from the illusion, they will actually die in the illusion. The power of this nightmare demon mist is really amazing!

From this point of view, this demon fog is indeed different, this kind of illusion, even Qin Mo can't match it!

However, there were still two people who couldn't be confused. One of them was Qin Mo, and the other was Flame Demon. They stood in the air, looking at the demon fire of the pure lotus.

"You are really fine!" Qin Mo said.

"Of course I'm fine, but I didn't expect you to be able to withstand the nightmare mist!" The flame demon replied.

"This kind of demon mist naturally cannot confuse me. After all, I am the King of the Holy Infant!" Qin Mo waved his hand.

"You two, what you are fighting, I am not interested in it, but you are too much. I finally found this fire lotus. I wanted to swallow it. You actually came to hinder me!" A tingling sound that can make people hear it.

Qin Mo and Yan Demon looked at the demon-cleaning lotus fire at the same time, only to see that the demon-cleaning lotus fire turned into a woman, a woman with a glamorous dress and a **** body.

"You are the Jinglian Demon Fire? Why do you dress so little? How well are you? Come here, my brother will help you dress!" Qin Mo's eyes were almost uncontrollable.

Nima, what are you doing so enchanting with a strange fire? Is this trying to seduce a male stranger?

No, strange fire, it seems that there is no gender distinction, this pure lotus demon fire is really weird.

"Demon lotus, we are all different fires, you and me are one, that is a great happy event, in this way, we can all become stronger!" The flame demon said immediately, his eyes full of greed. .

It is estimated that only Void Swallowing Inflammation can have the ability to swallow other alien fires.

"I refuse!" Yao Lian said immediately.

"Why? Are you willing to be swallowed by a human?" Balrog frowned.

"Your body is too ugly, even if I really want to be eaten by someone, I have to pick a little white face!" Yao Lian looked at Qin Mo and licked her scarlet lips.

At this moment, Qin Mo really felt the evil fire in his heart soaring.

Nima, if you really want to be eaten by me, then do it, take me away quickly, don't just talk about it!

But Qin Mo was just thinking about it. He didn't think that Demon Lotus and Flame Demon would be easy to provoke, and it was naturally not difficult to believe what they said.

The Flame Demon looked at Qin Mo, his eyes filled with chill, and he said: "The appearance is just a stinky skin!"

"Hey, this is not what I said. What are you staring at me for? You are wronged, you are in debt, go to the person who said this!" Qin Mo quickly saw the Yan Demon staring at him. Waved his hand, "But what you said, I also agree with it!"

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