I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1828: No, Dugu wants defeat, he is here to thank you!

"Ding, get the treasure chest!"

Trash treasure chest, as long as the opponent can vomit bad, or the host succeeds in vomiting bad, you can collect the bad bad value, and the bad bad value can upgrade the treasure chest!

There is such a treasure chest? Qin Mo was very mean, can this so-so nasty be upgraded?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully vomiting, and collecting 100 vomiting points!"

"Ding, the Treasure Chest was successfully promoted, and it is currently a Silver Treasure Chest!"

No way? Only 100 points at a time? Too little!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully vomiting, and collecting 100 vomiting points!"

This is a treasure chest, how can Qin Mo return it to him again?

However, the old man obviously never thought that Qin Mo would return the whistle to him, nor did he ask Qin Mo to go back.

In this way, Qin Mo was a bit nasty. If the old man insisted on asking Qin Mo to go back, then Qin Mo might not pay it back.

Now that the old man does not ask, his conscience is a bit sad.

"You are Elder Ling?" Tang Qing's voice came. After Qin Mo heard it, he was taken aback. Tang Qing actually knew him?

"How do you know this old man?" Qin Mo asked.

"He is the elder who is here to watch the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but generally he will not come here!" Tang Qing said.

"Today, the old man is in a good mood, so I'll come up for a little bit of insight, Master Dugu!" Old Ling said, looking at Qin Mo.

"Look at me? Do you think I'm handsome that's why you came to see me?" Qin Mo was even more confused and asked.


Tang Qing rolled her eyes, this man dare to say anything!

"Master Dugu, I have already thanked you. I believe I don't need my help for what you are looking for!" Old Ling waved his hand before saying.

Looking at the back of Ling Lao leaving, Qin Mo said with a puzzled face: "What the **** is this old guy here for? He didn't just pretend to be forced?"

"No, Dugu wants defeat, he is here to thank you!" Tang Qing said only.

"Thank me?"

"Yes, his grandson actually died in the hands of Da Motian, but if you kill Da Motian, you are avenging him!"

"So that's the case, it seems that I have done a good job after slaying the Great Demon Heaven!" Qin Mo immediately said happily when he heard it.

"Have you found the exercise method you need?" Tang Qing only heard Tang Qing say.

"Not yet, I want to find the secret spiritual cultivation method!" Qin Mo said.

"Here!" Tang Qing said.

The secret method of spiritual cultivation is called the Refining Technique!

Qin Mo just glanced, but was attracted by it.

Spirit cultivation is a secret method for cultivating spiritual power. After practicing, you can also improve your spiritual power, but the most basic cultivation condition is to have a spiritual power above 100.

The second level of cultivation requires 200 mental power, the third level requires 300 spiritual power, and so on...

According to Qin Mo's spiritual power, he can already cultivate to the third level!

This divine refining tactic was almost like tailor-made for Qin Mo. Qin Mo could feel that he had never obtained a spiritual technique that could be practiced.

Now it’s different. As soon as this exercise started, Qin Mo stopped practicing for five days. He felt that his exercises continuously broke through, and he stopped after practicing from the first level to the third level. .

"This technique seems to be quite good for me!" Qin Mo said after waking up.

"This exercise seems to be quite suitable for you indeed, your mental power has become stronger!" Tang Qing said.

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