I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1829: Are you threatening me?

"It is indeed a little stronger!" Qin Mo said. He felt that his mental power was close to 400. This kind of mental power is probably rare even in the martial ancestors.

"During this time, Saint Moyue sent someone to say that there is no one to challenge your arena. Three days have passed, and the first test is over. When you have time, you will enter the Saint with her. Altar!" Tang Qing said to Qin Mo.

"Did she say when to go in?" Qin Mo asked.

"She said that she must wait for the night of the full moon to enter, and it is estimated that the time will be tomorrow!" Tang Qing answered Yan.

"So, let's go!" Qin Mo nodded and said.

"Elder Ling, we are leaving now!" Tang Qing said to Qin Mo.

"Oh? The exercises you selected are also quite special. Divine tactics? This is a good exercise. This set is the Golden Thunder Method? This is also a special exercise! Okay, you can take them away. Now!" Elder Ling took the two exercise scrolls, glanced at them, and returned them to them.

"Old Ling, I have accepted your gift! I will come to see you when I have a chance in the future!" Qin Mo said to Old Ling.

Old Ling just nodded to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo didn't intend to go to the altar. Qin Mo still planned to leave the magic alliance with others today.

As for the status of Da Motian, Qin Mo is not uncommon!

When Qin Mo found Elder Yue, it was in Qin Mo's mansion.

"Dugu seeks defeat, Young Master, I have something to discuss with you!" Elder Yue said to Qin Mo.

"You all retreat!" Qin Mo said to the neighbors.

After the surrounding people had retreated, the elder Yue said to Qin Mo, "Master Dugu, should I call you Master Qin Mo?"

"You don't need to ask me how you want Elder Yue to shout, there are no outsiders here!" Qin Mo replied.

Qin Mo had a feeling that if Elder Yue came this time, he might be a bad person!

"In this case, Master Qin Mo, I am not talking nonsense. I am here this time because of the will of the saint!" Elder Yue said.

"Saint Aunt's will? I don't know what Saint Aunt is going to say?" Qin Mo asked

Elder Yue replied: "Sheng Aunt means, please Master Qin Mo not to think about leaving the Demon League now!"

"What?" Qin Mo frowned and said.

"Master Qin Mo has a lot of friends and subordinates here, so..." Qin Mo interrupted before Elder Yue finished speaking.

"Are you threatening me?" Qin Mo frowned.

"Threat you? Master Qin Mo joked, how could I threaten you? If Master Qin Mo wants to leave, I will definitely not stop it. I believe that no one in our Demon League can stop it!" Said calmly.

"You..." Qin Mo had already heard what Elder Yue said.

"Although we can't prevent Master Qin Mo from leaving, we can still do it if we want to prevent others from leaving!" Elder Yue continued.

Elder Yue meant that he would not prevent Qin Mo from leaving, but all the people around Qin Mo would stay, and the Demon League did have such potential.

This time, Mo Yue caught Qin Mo's weakness!

How could Qin Mo be able to make Qin Mo leave the people around him and leave alone.

"What does Moyue want to do?" Qin Mo said with a cold face.

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