I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2161: Today his face is lost too!

However, Qin Mo's financial power displayed this time really shocked other people. Is this person a legacy left by a powerful person in the longevity realm, or even the ascending realm? Otherwise, how could he have so many immortal stones?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful installation of the force, and the reward of the seven-tier force, 1400 points of the force!"

When Xie Jing saw this, he said, "Ten pieces of fake fairy artifacts, that would cost ten million, plus what you bought before, do you have so many immortal stones?"

"What? Are you suspicious that Wang Sicong is not successful?" Qin Mo said with a sneer on his face when he heard it, and said lightly, "Is Wang Sicong that you can compare? The financial resources I have are you. Is it imaginable? Can you guess the number of my immortal stones? Poor ghost!"

Qin Mo's last three words stabbed Xie Jing's self-esteem. Who is Xie Jing? Where did he have been so insulted, Qin Mo said, but it made him feel very angry: "Wang Sicong, you dare to say that to me?"

"What dare I, Wang Sicong? Why? Do you still want to kill me?" Qin Mo's face showed sarcasm. Now Qin Mo is rich and there are people. No matter which one is better, Qin Mo Not afraid.

"Naturally, I won't fight with you here, but I am still very interested in how many immortal stones you have. If you can't get these immortal stones out, then it will be ridiculous!" I only heard Xie Jing sneer. .

"Your Excellency, by saying this, are you making things difficult for me, Wang Sicong?" After Qin Mo heard it, his eyes condensed, looking at Xie Jing and said.

"I'm just telling the truth!" Xie Jing said immediately.

"In this case, I'll bet with you. If I can't get the immortal stone or pill that is enough to buy these pseudo-immortal artifacts, I will be considered as losing. I will not only give you all the things that were auctioned before, but also this A top-grade magic weapon is also given to you!" Qin Mo said, taking out a bow.

After a few days, the ice bow that Qin Mo got from Shen He and the ice crystal bow on Qin Mo's body merged into one. This bow, Qin Mo called it an ice spirit bow. In the top grade magical artifacts, it is not bad.

The high-grade magical artifacts are quite powerful. If the powerful high-grade magical tools are sold, it is estimated that there will not be a million, and it will not be much worse!

Even Xie Jing now can't be unexcited about this thing.

"What if you can really take out these pills or immortal stones?" Xie Jing said again.

"Then I don't need you to hand over anything, you just kneel down to my Wang Sicong and call me three times, Wang Shao!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Qin Mo's self-confidence made Xie Jing's heart startled. If he loses the bet, the price is not small, and it is likely that he will lose face in front of so many people.

But if he doesn't gamble, his face will be lost today!

Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Mo has quite strong self-confidence. Does this young man really have so many immortal stones?

When Xie Jing hesitated, he only heard Shen Shuang next to him say: "Well, in this case, we agreed. I don't believe you have so many immortal stones!"

Chen Xiang's face changed slightly, and she was a little worried and said, "Qin Mo, do you really have so many immortal stones?"

"Xianshi, I don't have so many!" Qin Mo said suddenly.

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