I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2162: Don't want to kneel, so help him

Upon hearing Qin Mo's words, the faces of the surrounding people showed joy, Qin Mo said that there are not so many immortal stones? If this is the case, isn't Qin Mo going to give up?

Shen Shuang immediately said, "Wang Shao, don't you really have so many immortal stones? The things you photographed here are worth nearly 20 million lower-grade immortal stones. This is not a small sum!"

"If you can't even get the 20 million low-grade immortal stones, you don't want to go out easily today. I am afraid that you can leave only if you keep all the treasures on your body!" Xie Jing laughed. Got up and said.

At this time, some people from the auction house have already walked over, and the one headed is the one in charge here.

"This is Wang Si Cion King Young Master, right?" The steward said, "I am the steward here. The value of your auction is too great, so we must first check whether the fairy stones on your body are enough to pay!"

"What do you mean? Why have I never heard of this kind of rules?" Chen Xiang said only when she heard her face sinking.

"Miss Chenxiang, this has always been our rule. However, there were not many immortal stones involved before, so we would not raise such a matter. But today, the things that Young Master Wang bought are too valuable, so we just It will be so!" said the steward.

"You are like this, are you underestimating my Wang Sicong? Well, I'm not afraid to tell you that I really don't have a fairy stone on my body!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Hahaha... I knew he was just pretending to be coercive here. Without so many immortal stones, he would dare to buy so many things?" Xie Jing smiled smugly.

The people around were obviously also a little surprised, Qin Mo actually said this sentence in front of this manager.

The manager's face was already dark, and Qin Mo did this, but offended their auction house.

"Young Master Wang, it would be too much for you to do this. Do you think that our auction house is a place to have fun?" said the steward.

"My young master came here for fun. I don't have any immortal stones. It's good that I don't have any immortal stones. However, I have Jin Yuandan with me. I don't know if your auction house accepts them?" Qin Mo said, just watching. A storage bag appeared in front of him.

what? Jin Yuan Dan? The expressions of the people around him changed drastically. Qin Mo actually used Jin Yuan Dan to offset the price?

Qi Yuan Dan is condensed from the surrounding aura, although it takes more time, but it does not require medicinal material refining, and can refer to refining, as long as you have the strength of the holy realm level, you can do it.

But this kind of golden pill is not that simple. It needs some medicinal materials and a master-level alchemist can refine it.

Qin Mo casually took out two thousand gold yuan pills, which is not what ordinary people can imagine.

"How about it, this manager, how about the golden yuan pill in my hand as a substitute for immortal stone?" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Use Jin Yuan Dan instead of Celestial Stone?

The pupils in charge of things shrank for a while, Nima, this kind of thing, but it is quite the same as replacing a high-grade fairy stone with a high-grade fairy stone, how can ordinary people do it!

After all, even if the value of 10,000 lower-grade celestial stones can be compared with the high-grade celestial stones, the speed of absorbing the aura of the upper-grade celestial stones will be much faster than that of the lower-grade celestial stones.

Not only that, the aura in the high-grade immortal stone will be purer than the lower-grade immortal stone, and it will be easier to absorb and transform into its own holy power.

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