I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2167: Why is your body a little solid?

These people are not gray mists, but become individuals.

This person appeared in front of Qin Mo, but Qin Mo was surprised.

"Why is your body a little solid?" Qin Mo said in surprise.

"Master Qin Mo, we don't know what's going on. We feel that the immortal energy here helps our souls solidify, and even helps our cultivation!" It was Du Yu who answered Qin Mo.

"If this is the case, that would be great. From now on, Xiantian will become bigger and bigger, and you will have more places to live!" Qin Mo said only.

"Yes, we are very grateful to Master Qin Mo for saving our village. If there were no Master Qin Mo, we would have died here!" Du Xing said.

Other people around also looked at Qin Mo with gratitude. After all, without Qin Mo, they would have no chance to survive this time, and even their souls would not have left behind.

It’s just that Qin Mo’s face showed an indifferent color, and he said, “Don’t worry, everyone, I will save you all here, and I will save you all, so that you can resurrect, but my current strength is too weak and I still need your help. Help, your spiritual cultivation is very important to the next!"

Everyone was polite, and then Qin Mo said the purpose of this time. He took out the spirit wood and said: "This spirit wood was obtained by accident. It contains a huge wood element aura. Everyone, among you, can Does anyone know what this is?"

The surrounding villagers immediately gathered around, but these people shook their heads. No one could know what it was.

"The village chief, do you know what this is?" Du Xing said to an old man

That one was the head of Yaowang Village, and his knowledge was also the most knowledgeable among the people.

After the village chief of Medicine King looked over, his face was a little weird: "Master Qin Mo, let’s be honest, I can’t tell what this piece of spiritual wood is, but if you take it If it is planted here, it may be able to give it life!"

"Plant it here?" Qin Mo said in surprise after hearing this, "Can this spirit tree be planted?"

"Of course, this spirit wood is also a part of the original spirit wood. In this area, as long as it is a spirit wood, it may re-grow and sprout, but I am not sure, I can only try it!" said Yaowang Village Chief.

"Then this spirit tree, please ask the village chief!" Qin Mo said.

If this spirit wood could re-grow, it would naturally be a good thing for Qin Mo.

After Qin Mo left the Immortal Field ring, he began to open the Saint Realm Experience Pill treasure chest.

Qin Mo really wanted to give out five experience pills, but it was a pity that Qin Mo only gave out three experience pills this time.

However, this is a holy realm experience pill, as long as one takes one, it can raise Qin Mo's realm by one level.

If anyone else knew about this, they would definitely be mad with jealousy. After all, after entering the Holy Realm, it would take at least five or six years for each level up. Even if the talent was good, it would take three or four years.

Not to mention the higher the level, the harder it is to break through.

Now Qin Mo can break through a realm with only one experience pill. How can this not make people jealous?

Qin Mo had already swallowed an experience pill, and then began to meditate.

Now Qin Mo's practice is more inclined to the Prajna Longxiang Art. He can clearly feel that all the holy power in Qin Mo's body is condensing towards his Dantian position.

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