I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2168: What the **** is this?

The position of Qin Mo's dantian seemed to have formed a vortex, and this vortex began to condense together gradually, becoming a golden pill.

Qin Mo was very surprised. He could feel that the holy power in his body was being tempered. Compared with the original quality, it seemed to be much higher.

Is this the Holy Power of the Spirit Pill Realm?

The next day, he was awakened by the soul in the ring of Xiantian.

If Qin Mo doesn't allow it, the Xiantian ring is simply another world, and the soul inside it is impossible to connect with the outside world, but they can connect with Qin Mo.

Qin Mo was a little curious. He said, "What happened?"

"Master Qin Mo, you'll know when you come in and take a look!" Du Yu's voice was heard.

Hearing these words, Qin Mo entered the Xiantian ring again.

As soon as he entered, he was immediately shocked, only to see the fairyland here, which has expanded tenfold, the original two acres of fairyland has now become 20 acres, and the fairyland here is even more dense.

"This... what happened here?" Qin Mo asked in surprise.

Such a big change has indeed made Qin Mo feel quite surprised.

"Master Qin Mo, look, that one is the sprout that re-grows from your spirit tree, and its appearance makes the fairyland here even bigger!" Du Yu said.

"What?" Qin Mo was startled when he heard it.

When Qin Mo saw the sapling in front of him, he found that the sapling seemed to be no different, but it seemed to be breathing immortal energy.

"What the **** is this?" Qin Mo asked in confusion.

"Master Qin Mo, if I'm not mistaken, this sapling is probably the spirit wood of the Tongtian tree!" The village chief had already walked over and said.

"Tongtian tree sapling?" Qin Mo was even more surprised when he heard it. In Qin Mo's mind, there is a record in the library system. This is a tree that can directly lead to the immortal world, and this Tongtian tree, But it was broken by a mighty power.

Chapter 1124

From then on, the road to the immortal realm was broken by people, so if you want to lead to the immortal realm, you can only go through Feisheng.

Even ascending is quite difficult, and it is likely to be blocked by others.

This Tongtian tree has always been a legend, because no one has seen a Tongtian tree for a long time, and it is not known whether it is true or not.

And now, if the tree in front of you is a sapling of the Sky Tree, that means that the legend is true?

"After this fairyland has this sapling of the sky tree, the immortality here is much stronger than before. Now if you plant spirit grass here, I believe that one day can be equivalent to ten years outside, and if it is watered Xianjing well water can even grow to a hundred years of medicine age!" Yaowang Village Chief said again.

Qin Mo was overjoyed when these words came out, but he didn't expect that there would be such a benefit here.

"But now this Xiantian field has become bigger, and the well water in Xianjing has also increased, but Xianjing well water can only irrigate ten acres of Xiantian!" Du Yu said at this time.

"Xianjing's well water is limited?" Qin Mo asked a little surprised.

"Master Qin Mo, don't you know?" Du Yu said a little surprised, "Xianjing's well water has always been limited. It turns out that Xianjing's well water can only be used to irrigate one acre of Xiantian, and it will only be used the next day. There is water from the well to fill it up. Although there is more water in the well now, there is also more in Xiantian!"

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