I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2169: OK, I will accompany you!

"That's the case. If that's the case, then we can plant a part of Xiantian with Xianjing well water. It just so happens that I want to plant more precious medicinal materials recently!" Qin Mo nodded and said immediately.

Qin Mo collected more and more seeds during this period, and they became more and more precious.

After the Jinyuan Pill, there is the Shenyuan Pill. The effect of this medicinal material is similar to that of the best immortal stone.

Even if it is a powerhouse at the Transcendental Divine Realm or even the Traditional Vessel Realm level, he is very eager for this kind of pill. If Qin Mo can use the Medicine Immortal Ding Finger to refine, Qin Mo will be able to get more wealth.

"Yes!" Du Yu nodded, very happy.

The location of Xiantian has become so big that the people here don't need to live together in such a crowded life as before.

And Qin Mo was able to allow them to plant some spirit trees here, and then use them to build houses for living.

After all, it is not a mortal but a warrior. It is quite easy for them to build some houses to live in.

In this Xiantian ring, they are not souls, but humans.

Before Qin Mo left, he put a drop of his own blood into this sapling. This was a ritual to recognize the Lord. Sure enough, after dropping the blood, Qin Mo seemed to hear a voice shouting, "Father! "

Qin Mo's mood was a bit complicated. A tree sapling called out that he was father. This feeling really made Qin Mo indescribable.

When Qin Mo withdrew from the Xiantian ring, the excitement in his heart still didn't stop.

There are so many medicinal materials that Qin Mo can grow in 20 acres of immortal fields, and how precious they are, it goes without saying.

Naturally, Qin Mo would not tell this secret.

When Qin Mo appeared in front of everyone, it shocked the people present. Qin Mo was in the Foundation Realm yesterday, but now he has entered the Spirit Pill Realm. What kind of breakthrough speed is this?

And Qin Mo also deeply felt that, as expected, he is not someone who needs to practice, as long as he can continue to pretend to be forced, of course he will have to speed up more than practice!

If the number of people is larger, the more the value of pretending will be obtained! If there are a million people, Qin Mo only needs to pretend to be forced once, and he can almost get a treasure chest of holy realm experience pill!

However, it takes several years for cultivation to have a chance to break through, and the efficiency is too low!

If other people knew Qin Mo's thoughts, they would be very depressed. It would be very rare to break through a realm in a few years. In front of Qin Mo, it was inefficient.

Even when Chen Xiang saw Qin Mo, he couldn't help being shocked, Qin Mo actually broke through!

Others don't know, but Chenxiang knows very well that Qin Mo a month ago was still at the peak of the Martial Ancestral Realm, but now Qin Mo has broken through the Foundation Realm and even entered the Spirit Pill Realm!

What kind of cultivation speed is this? You are too bad!

Bai Suzhen's eyes were also full of incredible color.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful invisible force, and he got 200 points!"


There are many people who know Qin Mo's realm. After these people know Qin Mo's realm, they are all startled. Qin Mo is already at the second level of the holy realm, in the spirit pill realm!

"Qin Mo, today we need to go back to see my parents' clan, and tomorrow we will enter the Patriarch's assessment. It is very likely that I will fall into the Patriarch's assessment, so today, we must meet them!" Chen Xiang said.

"Okay, I'll accompany you!" Qin Mo thought for a while, nodded and said.

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