"Who are you?" Qin Mo said.

"His Royal Highness, I'm here to help you. I wonder if you can take out the jade pendant you got shortly before?" He only heard the black humanity.

"Jade pendant?" Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, and turned out the jade pendant with the tortoise carved in it. Isn't this the jade pendant that Cen Yu gave him?

"Wh...what? How could it be? How could you have the young master's jade pendant?" Pingkang shuddered all over his body and said.

"Young Master?" Qin Mo asked a little puzzled.

Cen Yu is the young master of Chunyuan Sect? If this is really the case, didn't you know a noble person by accident?

"Yes, this is Shaoyu's jade pendant. His Royal Highness Qin Mo, but the young master's distinguished guest, you dare to be rude to him, the young master is very angry!" said the man in black.

"What? No, Special Envoy, I don't know about this, please explain to the young master for me!" Ping Kang said quickly when he heard it.

"Explanation? No need, Young Master said, from now on, you are no longer our City Lord of Spring and Autumn!" The man in black shook his head.

"No, my envoy!" Na Pingkang wanted to struggle, but the man in black had already turned and left.

"Ding, Pingkang's shock value reaches 100. Congratulations to the host for collecting shocked treasure chests!"

Qin Mo had another shocked treasure chest on his body, but his expression was a bit weird. After all, he had done nothing. This shocked treasure chest was automatically delivered to the door.

But other people don't think so. They are all speculating about Qin Mo's body, what is going on with Qin Mo?

The identity of this person is so special. They thought that Qin Mo was just an unknown prince of a small country, but now it is different. The big people here are all fighting against Qin Mo. Forget it, Lei City Lord Rui directly sent his subordinates to intervene, and now, there is also a Young Master from Chunyuan Sect!

This young master of Chunyuan Sect seemed to have been Qin Mo's help. He was here to help Qin Mo and expelled Pingkang as the city master.

The current City Lord Pingkang can be said to be isolated and helpless. He can't bring out his cultivation skills now. At this time, he has never felt so hopeless in his heart.

All this is caused by Pingjiang!

If Ping Jiang hadn't captured Qin Mo's companions, how could Qin Mo's revenge be drawn?

Pingkang never thought that Qin Mo would be so arrogant and bold, and there were such terrifying monsters around him, even he couldn't resist it. All this, the general situation had passed, and he had no choice.

Ouyang Shuang'er's eyes flashed with a strange color, and she didn't expect such a change to happen, but this is good, and it will save her a little trouble.

Pingkang no longer has the identity of City Lord Spring and Autumn, and now even if he kills him, he has no worries.

"Pingkang, now, you are no longer the Lord of Spring and Autumn! Can I kill you?" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Can i kill you?

When everyone heard Qin Mo's words, they couldn't help but feel a little helpless. This person is too bastard. He wants to kill someone, and he has to ask if he can kill him!

Can you answer it?

Pingkang's face was very ugly at this time. Although he wanted to resist, but now he had no choice. The person behind him said that he was no longer from the Chunyuan Clan, and he still had a chance to survive.

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