I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 974: Han Du's mind

Now Pingkang can only beg for mercy. He just wanted to speak, only to see a flame covering his head in front of him: "Don't beg for mercy, for the sake of our acquaintance, it will give you face Die, in your next life, don't provoke people like this young master, because you can't provoke!"

Canopy, the flame rushed his head to his body in an instant, and Ping Kang felt that his body strength could no longer withstand this flame, and this flame was so terrifying!

But it can be regarded as what Qin Mo said, he died decently, but there is no whole body!

Pingkang's whole person was burned to ashes, and there were corpses left.

Many people looked at Qin Mo and felt that something big might happen next. Qin Mo was so powerful that even Pingkang could not resist it. This is something that has never happened before in Spring and Autumn City for so long. !

In the Spring and Autumn City until now, the two city owners have changed many times, but it was the first time that they were killed by an outsider, and they were killed by a young man. Qin Mo, this name, will be passed down from today. All over the Spring and Autumn City!

A warrior from a small country can be recognized by the two masters of the Spring and Autumn City Pill, and he is also a friend of the city lord Lei Rui, and even the friend of the young lord of the Spring Yuan Sect. The pet around him is even more capable. The monster that easily ravaged the martial arts powerhouse, how much background and hole cards does this person have?

"His Royal Highness, our Lei Rui City Lord, would like to invite you to the Qiucheng City Lord's Mansion, what do you think?" Ouyang Shuang'er asked.

"In this case, we should respect our fate!" Qin Mo replied.

Qin Mo did not want to see the two city masters, so Pingkang would forget it, but Lei Rui knew that he was a smiling tiger at first glance. Qin Mo didn't want to care about him, but now Qin Mo owes him a favor. It seems I have to deal with it

If Ouyang Shuang'er doesn't make a move today, Fei'er and the others may be in trouble. Of course, Qin Mo is here to resolve these troubles, Qin Mo is very confident!

Qin Mo also thanked the three masters one by one. After all, these three masters came to cheer for him, they also helped Qin Mo and brought great benefits to Qin Mo.

That shocked treasure chest, without the three of them appearing, Qin Mo might not be able to get it.

Of course, Qin Mo also wrote down their favor.

"Master Qin Mo, you have to thank not only us, but also the young master of the Chunyuan Sect. He has helped you a lot!" Only Ouyang Shuang'er said.

"Since he doesn't come to see me, it's that he doesn't want to see me yet. In that case, I don't need to go to see him specifically!" Qin Mo replied with a smile.

"His Royal Highness Qin Mo is right!" Ouyang Shuang'er nodded, and she said in a casual way.

Although Qin Mo hadn't known that Cen Yu for long, he didn't come out himself this time, obviously he didn't want to be exposed to so many people.

Qin Mo understands Cen Yu, and would not deliberately go to see him, and since everyone is friends, will there be fewer peaches to meet in the future?

Of course not. Qin Mo got on the carriage brought by Ouyang Shuang'er and passed by with Fei'er and others. As for this city lord’s mansion, another group of people came here to protect it, and no one knew this one. What will happen to the City Lord's Mansion next, but everyone knows, Pingkang, it's over!

The dignified City Lord of Spring and Autumn was actually killed by a young man. If this incident weren't seen with his own eyes, who would dare to believe it?

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