After that, an idea emerged in the two of them, and the coldness in their eyes became more intense.

King Shang Zhou waved his hand slightly, indicating that the palace guard would invite Bigan in.

The palace guard turned and left, returned to the outside of the palace gate, and respectfully invited Bigan into the palace.

After Bigan entered the palace again, he was led by the attendant directly to the side hall where the three of Shang and Zhou Wang enjoyed singing and dancing.

Seeing the scene in the Partial Hall, Bi Gan couldn't help but frowned slightly.

After hearing that the king of Shang Zhou dispatched Shenwu generals, Yin Shafei and Lei Kai led three thousand flying horses to pursue and capture Naxibohou.

He rushed to the palace immediately, and he couldn't even wait to report to the court tomorrow.

But after he came to the palace, he saw the scene in front of him.

At this time, King Shang Zhou had no worries. Instead, he was still drunk with two treacherous officials, enjoying singing and dancing.

This made Bi Gan very angry.

He pointed his finger at King Shang Zhou and said, "I also ask the king to recall the general Shenwu as soon as possible to appease Xi Bohou, so that's the right thing."

King Shang Zhou couldn't help frowning slightly as he watched Bi Gan's movements.

When Fei Zhong and You Hun saw the expression on King Shang Zhou's face at the moment, they knew in their hearts that the king had already become dissatisfied with this Bigan.

He got up and scolded, "Master Bigan, please also pay attention to your words and deeds. How can you be presumptuous in front of the king."

Hearing this, Bigan realized that his actions were quite disrespectful, and he quickly retracted his hand. Then he bowed and said, "Please also call the Great King Shenwu General and send envoys into Xiqi to appease Xibohou."

King Shang Zhou frowned and said: "This Hou Xibo did not listen to this king's will. His intention of rebelliousness was too obvious. He needed to be escorted into the court song before he could vent his anger."

Bigan heard the words: "What is the sin of Xibohou? What is the heart of rebelliousness? Please don't listen to the slander of the villain, accidentally hurt the loyal ministers, make the officials centrifugal, and the monarchs and ministers!"

With that said, he also looked at Fei Zhong and You Hun who were on the side, and the implications were self-evident.

When Fei Zhong and You Hun heard Bigan's words at this time, they saw the other person's eyes, and looked at each other, both of them saw the cruel meaning in the other's eyes.

"This Bigan is really deceiving too much." The anger in the two of them was unbearable.

The two of them made up their minds, and they only had to wait for a chance, and they would let this Bigan into a place where no one can recover.

King Shang Zhou looked at Bigan's flushed face, and heard these words again, and he was rather dissatisfied: "Ai Qing said this, does it mean that the king is not the king?"

Bigan looked at King Shang Zhuo deeply, which made King Shang Zhuo feel a wave of nameless anger. This look is disrespectful, and he should really be punishable!

Bigan looked at King Shang Zhou and said, "I misunderstood when I wanted to come to the King. What the next official said is not the case. The next official just wants the King to know a truth."

"Now that Taishi Wen is out of the field, he has not yet returned. When the external troubles are not eliminated, we must not regenerate internal worries, otherwise the big business is in danger!"

Upon hearing this, King Shang Zhou's face became more ugly, and his gloomy face was almost dripping with water.

When Fei Zhong and You Hun saw this, they knew that the time had come, and said:

"What does Lord Bigan mean by this? Could it be that he is questioning the king's decision, thinking that the king is a foolish emperor, and even the loyal minister and the villain cannot be distinguished."

You Hun also spoke maliciously: "Yes! Or, in the eyes of Lord Bigan, this Chamber of Commerce was destroyed in the hands of the king, making the king a sinner forever?"

The two sang and sang and ran against Bi Gan one after another, which made the Shang Zhou king who was sitting here more displeased with Bi Gan, and the anger in his heart became more and more vigorous.

"You..." Bigan wanted to say something more.

But at this moment, King Shang Zhou yelled angrily: "Shut up, Bigan, I respect you as my uncle Wang, so I endured you for a long time."

"Now you are actually ruthless in front of this king. Your heart is punishable, and your crime is worth killing. This king wants to see if your heart is going to Xiqi or me?"

As he said, he shouted for the samurai from the left and right to come, stood in the prejudice, surrounded Bi Gan, staring at Bi Gan in front of him.

When Bigan saw this, he raised his head and looked at the gradual grim expression of King Shang Zhou above. He was suddenly startled, and then he realized what the red-robed Taoist said of the catastrophe.

It turns out that the pro is real!

But at this moment, there is still a trace of luck in Bi Gan's heart.

After all, he is the uncle Wang of King Shang Zhou, and if he wants to come here, King Shang Zhou will not disregard the ethical guidelines and will kill him for no reason.

So he wanted to speak, but at the next moment, Fei Zhong suddenly spoke: "If the king wants to see whether Lord Bigan's heart is towards Dashang or Xiqi? Well, I might as well explore it , So you can see clearly."

When the king of Shang Zhou heard this, he moved his heart and waved his arm violently, and said in a cold voice: "Come here, cut open the chest of the guilty minister Bigan, and let this king see whether his heart is toward Xiqi or me. Dashang?"

The samurai in the side hall looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

But since King Shang Zhou had spoken, they could only obey. One of the samurai spoke up, "Master Bigan, I am offended."

Bigan looked at the grim-faced King Shang Zhou, and looked at the two sneer Fei Zhong and You Hun on both sides, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Knowing that he couldn't avoid this disaster, he said in a cold voice: "The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. Since the king wants to see the heart of the lower official, the lower official will personally cut it open. Let the king take a look."

"Whether the minister's heart is toward Xiqi, or toward my business."

As he said, he pulled out the samurai of a samurai beside him and pierced it directly into his chest.

Bi Gan's complexion turned pale in an instant, and the blood fell to the ground along the wound, and soon gathered into a small pool of blood.

King Shang Zhou's complexion changed slightly, but after all he didn't say anything.

A hint of hatred flashed in the eyes of Fei Zhong and You Hun.

After all, Bigan is an upright person, and he has always looked down upon them two, but now they are relieved a lot.

Bi Gan gave a sorrowful laugh, and looked at King Shang Zhou above, his actions did not stop at all, directly expanding the wound.

Then he threw the long knife in his hand on the ground of the side hall.

Then a hand pierced directly from the wound into his chest, and he took out his heart directly.

For a moment, the exposed Qiqiao Linglong heart released a strange look, shocking everyone in the side hall.

Bigan said: "This time, the king can see clearly."

The words fell, and Bigan staggered out of the side hall here, leaving behind everyone who was dumbfounded.

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