I Have a Trillion Merits

: Mystery treasure

Everyone looked at the Qiqiao Linglongxin who was thrown by Bigan in the partial hall, and was a little dazed for a while.

None of them thought that Bi could not be able to do this with a civil servant.

Looking at the fading light of Qiqiao Linglong Heart on the ground, King Shang Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, with a glimmer of cold light in them, looking at Fei Zhong and You Hun.

The two hurriedly bowed their heads, not daring to confront each other.

Later, I heard King Shang Zhou said: "Come here, cook this Seven Orifice Exquisite Heart and give it to the two ministers."

There was a response immediately after the delivery.

Both Fei Zhong and You Hun looked at the attendant who had taken away the exquisite heart of Seven Orifices, and they only felt that they were rolling inside.


After Nubuat Gan left the palace, thinking of what the red-robed Taoist said in his heart, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then rushed towards the market on a horse, reluctantly.

Within a moment, he came to the market.

Bi Ganqiang got off his horse, came to a woman selling spinach, and asked, "How about people who have no intention to live?"

As soon as this statement was made, a bright light flashed over the bazaar, and invisible, it seemed that there were rules changing in it.

Hong Yun, who had already left here, turned his head in surprise and looked at it, with a strange color on his face.

Nu Wa frowned and said, "Senior brother, but what else did you find?"

Hong Yun frowned slightly: "I have deployed the means on Nubuat Gan before, but just now, I discovered that under the operation of the rules of heaven, the means I used to deploy have disappeared."

"The rules of heaven?"

Nu Wa was a little surprised and couldn't help but said, "Could it be that the teacher couldn't make it."

Today's Hongjun has been fit for thousands of years.

It can be said that the Dao of Heaven is Hongjun, and Hongjun is the Dao of Heaven. The means laid by the red clouds before disappeared. If it is really done by the Dao of Heaven, it is very likely that Hongjun made the move.

Therefore, what Nuwa said earlier is not wrong.

Hong Yun frowned and said: "It shouldn't be the teacher who made the move. Although the teacher said that I can't change the general situation, but the death of a mere mortal will not affect the overall situation of the Conferred God."

"What's more, regardless of life or death, this person must be the one who will be on the list in the future. The teacher does not have any shots."

Nuwa was silent for a moment after hearing this.

Hong Yun had previously laid down measures on Bigan, and the cause and effect were naturally related to her.

Now that the means have been broken, Nuwa is also a little unsightly.

Hong Yun looked up at the chaos of the sky, her eyes twinkling, trying to see the essence.

But only in the chaos, the secrets of heaven are disordered, and the various avenue rules are mixed together, like a complex spider web, layer by layer, but it blocks the sacred light in Hongyun's eyes.

Hong Yun snorted coldly, mobilized the power of merit in the **** platform, directly blessed the gods in his eyes, and wanted to penetrate the void and chaos and see the essence.

At this moment, looking at Hong Yun so serious, Nu Wa couldn't help becoming serious, guarding the nothingness around him and protecting Hong Yun.

The divine light in Hong Yun's eyes penetrated the emptiness and chaos, constantly shuttled through the rules of the avenue, as if to point directly to the essence.

But at this moment, when Chaos was around, a light flash of light flashed at an extremely fast speed, and even the Red Cloud Magic Eye could not catch the figure in it, and disappeared into the Chaos.

But he could see the power of the rules lingering in it, as if it was not like the rules of the world.

Hong Yun's heart sank slightly. The unknown thing seemed to be a magic weapon that contained the rest of the world, and it could also affect the heavens in this realm invisibly.

This surprised him.

After a while, Hong Yun withdrew his magical powers, but his expression remained solemn.

He originally thought that the saint was the pinnacle of this world.

Although succumbed to heaven, it stands tall on thousands of creatures, possessing the most powerful supernatural power.

But when he noticed the magic weapon and saw the external rules contained in it, he faintly felt a faint feeling in his heart.

It seems that this world is not as simple as I imagined.

Now I can only wait until after the Conferred God, I will go to Zixiao Palace to ask the teacher again.

I think that the teacher now fits the way of heaven, so he should know something.

After seeing Hongyun withdrawing his magical powers, Nuwa couldn't help but ask aloud: "Brother, but found something abnormal."

Hong Yun was worried about Nu Wa, so he smiled and said, "There is nothing unusual."

When Nuwa heard this, she couldn't help but give Hongyun a white look. The solemn expression on Hongyun's face before, shocked her.

This was the first time she saw Hong Yun showing such an expression.

After Hong Yun answered Nu Wa, he turned his head and looked in the direction where Bigan was, and his eyes traveled through time and space.

In the bazaar.

Bigan stood in front of the vegetable seller, waiting for her reply.

When the vegetable seller heard Bigan's question, she couldn't help but smiled, and said, "This adult can really make a joke. Cai has no intention to live, and people have no intention to live."

Hearing this, Bigan spit out a mouthful of blood "wow".

He said: "I am dead in heaven."

It was miserable, which shocked those who heard it.

Bigan slowly fell down, lying in the bazaar, completely silent.

In the market, people gathered one after another.

Hong Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Sure enough, the back hand that he placed was directly broken?

There seems to be something faintly affecting the operation of heaven.

Even the saints such as me cannot avoid the consequences of being affected.

Hong Yun looked at Bigan who had fallen in the bazaar, his expression on his face grew thicker.

This should be the magic weapon that I discovered before.

What the **** is that?

However, Hong Yun's heart became more and more confused.

Shortly after Bigan's death, when people were in the bazaar, and someone wanted to report to an official, outside the bazaar, there was suddenly a neat and heavy hoof of horses.

Everyone looked up one after another, only to see a uniform army outside the bazaar slowly approaching here.

The leader rides a mighty black unicorn under his hips. It seems that he can travel thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, with two male and female whips slung around his waist, and the first-born three eyes are coming here.

In the bazaar, everyone turned their heads, and when they saw the visitors, they exclaimed: "It's Taishi Wen, and the class of Taishi Wen has returned to the court."

It turned out that the person headed was the Shang Taishi who had been conquering for a long time abroad.

Master Wen.

I heard that this man is mighty and extraordinary. The mount is the legendary Mo Qilin. He has three first-born eyes, a magical power in the middle, and a few inches of white light. He can distinguish evil spirits and loyalty, black and white hearts.

Seeing it now is really extraordinary.

Taishi Wen drove Mo Qilin to the front and said, "What happened here?"

Someone replied: "Return to Taishi Wen, someone died here."

Master Wen got off Mo Qilin and looked towards the ground, who had been dead for a long time, Bi Gan couldn't help but change his expression.

It turned out to be him!

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