I Have a Trillion Merits

: Master Wen returned to the court

He was an official in the same dynasty, not to mention that he was also an important minister of the first emperor. How could Taishi Wen not know Bi Gan.

But he didn't know how Bigan, who was in his prime, would die here.

Taishi Wen scanned the surroundings with the third eye on his forehead, and a divine light burst out from it, sweeping directly across the people around him, as if he wanted to find out something.

But the divine light in his eyes scanned for a week, only to find that there was no grievance in everyone around him.

Can not help but frown.

Afterwards, Master Wen looked at the vegetable seller hiding beside him, and couldn't help but frown, "What did he say before?"

When the vegetable seller saw Taishi Wen looking at her, her whole body was trembling, and she said tremblingly: "Returning...Returning to your lord, this person is just asking about her concubine..."

When Taishi Wen saw such an unbearable appearance of the vegetable seller, he couldn't help but raise his hand to cast a mana to comfort the woman.

Sure enough, after the magic power entered the woman's body, the woman really calmed down a lot, and then she continued:

"Master Qi, this person came here on horseback before and asked the concubine if he had no intentions, and the concubine smiled and replied: How can someone live without the heart?"

"But who knows that the concubine just finished speaking, this person screamed and died."

"This matter is not a matter of concubine! In this market, everyone here can prove it to me."

Seeing the panicked eyes of the vegetable seller, Taishi Wen couldn't help frowning, and then began to think about what the woman said before.

Afterwards, he set his eyes on Bi Gan's chest, and saw Bi Gan's chest. As the power of merit faded away, the originally hideous wounds were exposed.

Master Wen watched with the eyes of Dharma, but saw that Bigan's heart had disappeared long ago.

At this moment, there was a burst of intensive drum beats in the Chao Song, which was the drum sound to welcome Wen Taishi's class back to Chao.

Taishi Wen frowned and said: "You wait to send the order, so that Baiguan will return to the hall to wait, no need to meet."

Someone below responded: "Yes."

Afterwards, Master Wen deliberately vacated a carriage to place Bigan's body.

Only after returning to Chaoge, he exchanged it to Bigan's family, and it was easy to organize a funeral of noodles.

The news of Wen Taishi's return to the court had already spread throughout Chaoge. At this time, Baiguan heard that there was no need to go out of the city to greet them, so they all rushed to the palace.

At this time, Master Wen also left the army and rushed to Chaoge first, came outside the palace, and entered the palace together with Baiguan.

When he arrived at Wumen, Master Wen saw Baiguan waiting quietly in two rows outside Wumen.

Master Wen Tai greeted each one with a smile.

When he arrived at King Wu Cheng, Master Wen said in a low voice, "What happened in the song today."

King Wu Cheng frowned slightly, and said: "The king ordered the two great generals of Shenwu to come to our mansion to lead three thousand flying horses, and go to capture Xibohou."

When Taishi Wen heard the words, an angry expression appeared on his face.

He can be said to have watched King Shang Zhou grow up, and he can be regarded as the teacher of King Shang Zhou.

But now he can't see through King Shang Zhou.

Capture Xibohou, is this to force the entire Xiqi to be the opposite of Dashang?

They didn't know at this time that Yin Dipai and Lei Kai had returned in a big defeat, but they had not yet reached Chaoge.

And Xi Bohou was completely forced by Shang Zhou to be the opposite of Da Shang.

Taishi Wen said angrily: "What else?"

King Wucheng said: "Today, Minister Bigan went to the palace to persuade the king to give up the capture of Xibohou, but he has not yet appeared."

When Taishi Wen heard this, his heart was even more angry, and he seemed to have guessed something.

Subsequently, he led a hundred officials into the hall.

After arriving at the hall, Taishi Wen was in the east corner of the hall and saw a big yellow-orange pillar just standing in the hall.

Taishi Wen couldn't help but summoned the palace officer and asked aloud, "What is this? Why is it standing in the hall."

The palace officer respectfully said: "This is a new punishment laid down by the king, and the life is a fire."

An unpleasant thought suddenly emerged in Taishi Wen's heart, and said, "What is a blast?"

The palace officer looked at him, but he dared not answer.

At this moment, King Wu Cheng stepped forward and said: "Taishi, this artillery brand is made of copper and divided into three layers of fire doors. If there is a letter from an admonisher, who says that the emperor's fault is, he will be punished."

"The two stripped off their clothes, embraced the copper pillar, and burned their limbs to ashes. I don't know how many loyal and good people have been harmed before."

When Taishi Wen heard this, his heart was furious, and the light in his eyes reflected each other.

He shouted: "Toll the bells and drums for leave."

Upon hearing the words, the palace officer rushed to the side, making people ringing bells and drums.

King Shang Zhou was in the harem, finishing his clothes, feeling a little nervous, and then heading to the hall.

After arriving at the main hall, I saw Taishi Wen, and said with a smile: "Taishi has been fortunate enough in the expedition in recent years."

Taishi Wen scanned the surroundings. Among the hundred officials, most of them bowed their heads one after another, not daring to look at them. Some of them also had helpless eyes shining in their eyes.

For example, Da Xiang Shang Rong, Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu, etc...

He did not expect that during the years when he went out to fight, he saw such a change when he saw the great King Shang Zhou since he was a child.

It made him a little strange and even more frightened.

Master Wen said coldly: "The ministers are out for war, but in this song, His Royal Highness is sensual, killing loyal ministers, listening to villains, and wanting to capture Xibohou, I don't know why?"

King Shang Zhou's complexion changed, but he didn't expect Taishi Wen to be so straightforward and not to give him face.

Actually being in front of these hundred officials, scolded him.

King Shang Zhou said with a dark face: "When did the lonely king kill his loyal minister in recent years?"

Master Wen said: "Then dare to ask the king, where are Bigan and Daxia, and what is the copper pillar in the center of the hall?"

King Shang Zhou's complexion changed. After Bi Gan had taken out the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart from the palace before, he left the palace directly, and how he knew where he was at this time.

As for that Daxia, after hearing about Bigan, it was convenient for the palace wall to jump down and speak with blood.

What's up with him for such a stupid person.

King Shang Zhou said: "Previously, Master Bigan wanted to prove his innocence with his heart. It was really admirable. Daxia was unwilling to lag behind, so he went with him."

"As for the copper pillars in the mouth of the Taishi, they were tortured by the lonely king, in order to punish those slanderous officials."

King Shang Zhou said angrily: "The king has forced many princes to leave in recent years, and this time he has forced Xiqi to be the opposite of my big business."

"The internal and external troubles are all caused by the king. Does the king just think about how to solve it?"

King Shang Zhou said angrily: "How dare this matter to the lonely king, the courtiers and thieves, cut it to prove the dynasty, retreat, retreat!"

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