I Have a Trillion Merits

: Please Ziya by the Weishui River

King Shang Zhou's angry words rang out in the hall, and hundreds of officials heard an uproar.

Taishi Wen was furious.

However, he saw King Shang Zhou turned around and left without hesitating, and returned to the meat forest of the wine pond in the harem.

Call many concubines and play among them.

The hundred officials gradually dissipated, and Taishi Wen also left the place directly, with more anger in his eyes.


Not long after being here, Xi Bohou had already arrived in Xiqi.

Now Xiqi, after Xi Bohou returned, he entered a state of preparation for battle.

Almost everyone already knew that Xi Bohou was going to reverse it.

In fact, it is the opposite, it is better to say that the king of Shang has no way, and Xibohou revolted to conquer Dashang.

Today's King of Shang Zhou is an innocent monarch in the eyes of the people.

And compared with such wise kings as Xi Bohou, the gap is too obvious.

On this day, while Xibohou was leading the crowd on a parade, passing by one of the Fanhua streets, one of the generals gave a light "Huh" and raised his hand and grabbed one from the crowd on the roadside.

When Ji Chang heard the movement, he couldn't help but raise his eyes. Seeing that the general grabbed an ordinary woodman in his hands, he couldn't help but asked loudly: "Who is this? What happened?"

The general replied: "Lord, this person is Bukit who killed the king's prime minister before."

Ji Chang couldn't help but frown when he heard this. He had calculated this Bukit before, how could Bukit appear here because he is dead.

His hexagram image has never been wrong.

So he said: "Impossible, Bukit has already died in the deep pool, how could this person be Bukit."

The general said, "Master, this person is indeed Bukit."

With that, he asked the samurai who had gone to capture Bukit that day to come forward and identify it.

After this incident, it was discovered that the day before him was indeed Bukit.

Upon seeing this, Bukit hurriedly fell to his knees and cried out: "Kai, Xi Bohou, here is indeed Bukit who killed the king by mistake, but the old mother is still at home, but he cannot die at this time."

When Ji Chang heard this, his face turned red, but he did not expect that the technique of arithmetic that he was proud of was sometimes wrong.

So he shouted: "How dare you bully the lonely too much!"

The general beside him said angrily: "Lord, such cunning rebellious people should be killed in order to emulate them."

Hearing the words, Ji Chang took a sigh of relief, and suddenly moved in his heart, and said, "Tell this king how you avoided this king's arithmetic."

Ji Chang is conceited that the skill of divination is unparalleled in the world, how can such a small man escape.

I saw Bukit knelt on the ground and said, "King Kai, this method is told by a gentleman with the surname Jiang, the name Shang, the word Ziya, and the road name Feixiong."

"He asked the villain to worship him as a teacher, and told the villain to go home and dig a pit. He told the villain to sleep in it, cover him with grass, light a lamp on his head and foot, and sprinkle rice on the grass. , Sleep until dawn."

When Ji Chang heard this, he couldn't help being surprised, but said: "Is there a sage in the wild?"

If it is true as this person said, then this Bukit master is a great sage, and the founding of Xiqi is coming soon, if there are such sages to assist.

Then it would be a big help for Xiqi.

At this point, Ji Chang said: "This king can forgive you, but you have to take me to the place where the wise man is."

Hearing this, Bukit was pleasantly surprised, and quickly agreed, and took Ji Chang and others straight to the Weishui River.

After the group came to the Weishui River, they saw an old man wearing a hat, sitting on the Weishui River, fishing.

When Bukit saw this, he rushed over and said, "Master, Xibo Hou Jichang came here to meet you."

At this moment, the fishing rod in the hands of the old man suddenly trembled, and the old man smiled and said, "The fish has taken the bait."

Immediately, he raised his hand to lift the fishing rod, and saw that at the hook, the golden carp was biting on the hook, and he refused to let go.

The old man ignored Ji Chang and the others behind him, raised his hand and took the golden carp directly off.

At this time, everyone looked at the fish hook in the hands of the old man, and couldn't help being surprised.

It turned out that the fish hook in the hands of the old man was a straight hook.

This old man fishing on the Weishui River was Jiang Ziya who had left Penglai Xiandao and came to Xiqi.

Jiang Ziya looked at the fish hook in his hand with a smile, then looked at the golden carp in his other hand, and shook his head.

Then he whispered: "Run! Don't be so stupid next time."

With that said, Jiang Ziya returned the golden carp in his hand to the water. After the golden carp entered the water, it wandered in the waters in front of Jiang Ziya for a while before leaving.

At this time, Bukit said, "Master, Xibo Hou Jichang is here to see you."

Jiang Ziya looked at Bukit with a smile, then got up and turned around, looking at Ji Chang and others who had been waiting for a long time, and said, "Jiang Shang has seen King Wen."

Ji Chang looked at Jiang Ziya, who was a fairy tale, so he could easily calculate the origin of this person in his heart.

Although this person has some magical powers, he doesn't know the foundation after all. If he invites in so hastily, he still doesn't know whether this is good or bad for Xiqi, how can he do it.

But Ji Chang can only calculate Jiang Ziya's fate of flying bear.

How can you calculate anything else.

However, obviously, he had calculated some of Jiang Ziya's origin.

Although extremely vague, Ji Chang knew that Jiang Ziya was a disciple of the Penglai Immortal Island Clan, which made him relax a lot.

Although he has never been to Penglai Fairy Island, he has never seen people on Penglai Fairy Island before, but according to rumors, Penglai Fairy Island is the dojo of the Holy Father of Human Race.

Under the Holy Father's school, how can there be despicable people.

As soon as I thought of this, Ji Chang bowed and said: "The king of Shang has no way, and he is tyrannical to the people of the world. Chang, please Mr. Jiang to be my Xiqi military division, and we will seek the great cause of cutting business in the future."

Behind him, a crowd of attendants and generals who followed, looked at their masters in awe.

They never knew why they, the lord who was called a humane saint by the mortal people, treated him so respectfully.

However, since their heads were lowered, they naturally couldn't stand there safely, so they also bowed to Jiang Ziya.

The meaning is self-evident.

Bukit stood beside Jiang Ziya and watched Xi Bohou and others treat his master so respectfully. It was also Yu Yourong.

Jiang Ziya hurriedly stepped forward, helped Ji Chang up, and said: "As requested by King Wen, Ziya naturally does not dare to neglect."

Hearing this, Ji Chang couldn't help but smile.

Afterwards, Jiang Ziya turned his head and looked at Bukit beside him, and said, "Look, King Wen, my disciple, although the star is dim, I can still be the vanguard of this cutting merchant."

Ji Chang looked at Bukit and deduced secretly, but he was also surprised.

Although this Bukit is a mortal, he has a very dim general star, which can be used by him.

Ji Chang smiled and said: "Dashan!"

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