I Have a Trillion Merits

: Red Cloud Means

After Zhunti left, Primordial eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't care too much.

After all, the power of the West is too weak.

In today’s East, the most important thing is the struggle between elucidation and rejection.

However, the original heart at this time was a little excited.

Now that Shen Gongbao has entered the big business, Hongjun's mouth is a mortal with the appearance of a flying bear.

Among the big business, even Wen Zhongxiu is higher than Shen Gongbao.

But so what?

In the end, Shen Gongbao will be the dominant player, and those who cut off teaching will definitely be on the list.

He and Tong Tian were not pleasing to the eye, and it was very good for him to teach everyone to be on the list.

But Shen Gongbao alone is not enough.

After a long period of primitive contemplation, he summoned the Taoist priest.

This Burning Lantern Taoist is externally the vice-master of interpretation, but he is also called the original teacher.

Now Daluo Jinxian has completed Consummation, but there is still some distance from the quasi-sage.

It is equivalent to the twelve golden cents.

Yuan Yuan opened his eyes and looked at the Taoist Burning Lamp who was gradually approaching, and a smile appeared on his face.

He smiled and said: "The Daoist is now at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, and now the catastrophe is about to rise, the day of the Daoist's proving... is here."

The Taoist Burning Lamp heard this, his eyes widened suddenly, and his heart was excited.

You know, he was also a great power who had heard the Dao in the Purple Cloud Palace.

It's just that because of his own innate spirit treasure and some own reasons, he has not become a quasi saint until now.

Now, many younger generations are sanctified.

On the contrary, his own power at the same time as the sage was actually the big Luo Jinxian, which made the burning lamp face dull.

After hearing what the original said at this moment, Ran Deng was very excited.

Looking at the primitive, he said excitedly: "Teacher is serious about this, but it's really the time for the disciple to prove the truth!"

Primal nodded slightly.

Taoist Burning Lantern didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he said, "Could it be that the disciple's chance to prove the Dao is in the midst of a disaster?"

Yuan Tiantian narrowed his eyes and said, "This time of calamity is your chance to prove the Dao."

After learning the exact answer, the Taoist priest immediately knelt down at Primordial Sky and shouted for the teacher's mercy.

After the Taoist Burning Lantern worshiped, the Primitive Tianzun lifted the Taoist Burning Lantern up and said with a smile:

"This amount of calamity is also your chance to preach, let's go!"

The original said lightly.

After the Taoist priest heard the words, he bowed and bowed to the original, then turned and left Kunlun Mountain.

After he left.

A smile couldn't help appearing on Yuan's face. After this time, he dispatched all the vice-masters of Chan Sect.

This teaching method is far less decisive than my own!

At this point, Yuan Yuan laughed.

And after the burning lamp Taoist descended the mountain.

Hong Yun in the predicament had already noticed it.

Not only that.

Including Zhun mentioned that he went to Kunlun Mountain secretly, but he was also detected by him.

After knowing that Zhunti was heading to Kunlun Mountain, his heart had already risen with a vigilance of 120,000 points.

Only soon after.

He felt the breath of Zhunti and left Kunlun Mountain.

And after Zhunti left, another large Luo Jinxian descended from Kunlun Mountain and rushed into the wilderness.

The thoughts flashed in Hong Yun's mind.

I already guessed who the person down the mountain was.

With his understanding of Primordial, Primordial would definitely not send his twelve golden immortals down the mountain to rob him.

After all, the twelve golden immortals had been given such a shameless method of responding.

Yi's disciple should be robbed.

He valued the twelve golden immortals under his sect so much, how could he send them into the predicament at this time?

Excluding the twelve golden immortals, only the Taoist Burning Lamp meets the conditions.

Thinking of this, after thinking of Zhun Ti from the Kunlun Mountain before, a smile appeared on Hong Yun's face.

In that case, if you want to entrust the twelve golden immortals to the robbery, you should start with the deputy leader.

"Original, original, the previous real Taiyi made you feel so painful."

"Then this time a Daluo Jinxian consummate Taoist Taoist."

"I don't know if you will jump angrily."

Seeing the smile on Hong Yun's face beside her, Nu Wa couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Every time she saw Hongyun smile on her face.

All feel obedient.

Just when Nuwa was puzzled and wanted to ask something.

I only heard Hong Yun speak: "Junior Sister, are you willing to watch a good show with me?"

Nuwa nodded when she heard the words.

She also wanted to see what the good show Hong Yun said was exactly.

Just after Nu Wa nodded, the light flashed between Hong Yun's hands, and a force of law rushed into the sky.

In the dark, a qi mechanism between heaven and earth was changed.

This made Nu Wa couldn't help being surprised.

Although the saint is the highest combat power in this realm, in her opinion, it has not yet reached the realm that can conceal the way of heaven.

However, what Hongyun did this time directly changed the Heavenly Dao Qi.

It has to be shocking.

After Hong Yun took the shot, he once again mobilized a trace of merit, evolved to do Taoism, and moved forward somewhere.

It mirrors what we did before.

Nuwa said, "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Junior sister, come with me. There is a good show for me to watch."

Nu Wa was directly pulled over in confusion.

His face was blushing for a while.

Someone in the wild.

After the Taoist Burning Lamp left Kunlun Mountain, he wandered through the wilderness with his own feelings.

Since I was on Kunlun Mountain before.

Primitive Tianzun said that his chance was in this divine calamity, so he used Da Luo Jinxian to complete cultivation.

It is right to perceive the way of heaven and move forward under the guidance of the way of heaven.

The Taoist Burning Lantern is now also the Daluo Jinxian with a perfect cultivation base, with an extremely fast speed, and he has approached the land of the human race in a day.

Just after Hongyun shot.

The Taoist Burning Lamp has a faint feeling of being inexplicable, it seems that there is something that attracts oneself in the realm of heaven.

And it seems to be not far from your position.

With a move in the heart of the Taoist Burning Lamp, he directed towards the heavenly Dao in the dark.

In the void.

Under the means of Hongyun, the two were hidden, even if the other saints came here, they would not be aware of them.

It's possible for Lao Tzu.

Nuwa looked at the Taoist Taoist galloping in the wild, and she couldn't help showing a look of doubt in her beautiful eyes.

Said: "Isn't this the vice-master of Interpretation, the Taoist of Burning Lamp?"

She had some impression of the Taoist Burning Lamp, and she had seen this person when she heard the Tao in the Zixiao Palace that day.

At that time, the Taoist priest of Burning Lantern was in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian.

And he was still listening to the Dao in Zixiao Palace, but he didn't expect that such a long time would pass.

This person is just a great Luo Jinxian.

It is really incredible.

Nu Wa said, "Is this the person the brother said?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Junior sister, just look at it, wait a moment, and you will know the difference."

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