I Have a Trillion Merits

: The quasi-summary digs into the corner of teaching

When Nuwa heard this, she couldn't help but gave Hongyun a white look, but she watched it patiently.

Over the wild.

The Taoist Burning Lamp has been walking towards the territories of the human race, looking at the dense human city below, he can't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Could my chance be in the human race here?"

The Taoist Burning Lamp looked at the human race below the sea of ​​clouds, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Most of the mortals here are ordinary people, not to mention that they are powerful, even there are very few people in the practice, so what is his chance? Could it be that his own perception is wrong?

After thinking about it for a long time, the Taoist Burning Lantern decided to lower his cloud head to explore this human race.

After all, this is a matter of proving the quasi-sage of oneself, so how can one take a risk?

At this point, Burning Lantern Taoist was ready to lower the cloud head and enter the human race here to find out.

And at this moment.

Hong Yun Yu and Nu Wa hidden in the void, but their complexions changed slightly.

Hongyun smiled and said: "Here, the show is about to debut."

Nuwa turned her head and looked around, and saw a cloud of auspicious clouds flying from the west. It was the quasi-tide Taoist who had left Kunlun Mountain before.

She looked at the two of them and couldn't help but feel a little stunned. The two seemed to meet each other.

However, this Taoist priest was obviously brought here by Senior Brother Hongyun. Could it be that the good show that Senior Brother said should belong to both of them.

Nuwa turned her head and looked at the serious red cloud, and then continued to look at it.

It is said that since the Taoist priest came down from Kunlun Mountain, he felt a little frustrated and angry. Originally, who had sought the cooperation of the two, but now he changed his face for some reason.

This made Zhunzhen feel angry.

Just when he was about to return to the West, he suddenly felt a movement in his heart, an inexplicable sense of predestination, which made Zhun Ti a hint of curiosity.

Then he rushed all the way along the direction that the Fa Qi machine came from.

As a sage, Zhunti naturally had to first spot the Taoist priest in one step.

Zhunti looked at the Taoist Burning Lamp not far away, and couldn't help but move his heart slightly.

This burning lamp Taoist is the vice-master of the interpretation. He was originally a figure of the same period as him, but for the purpose of practicing and entering the state, he worshipped Yuan as his teacher.

He became the deputy leader of the interpretation, but for these tens of thousands of years, he has been stuck in the Daluo Jinxian Consummation, unable to enter the quasi-sage level.

Zhunti looked at the Taoist Taoist in front of him, and couldn't help but a thought arose in his heart, then smiled on his face and moved forward.

It's just that the Taoist man who burned the lamp had discovered Zhun Ti now. After all, Zhun Ti now didn't have the slightest idea of ​​concealing the Qi, so he drove away like this with a cloud of auspicious clouds.

The Taoist Burning Lamp knows the temperament of this quasi mention. As early as in the Zixiao Palace, he knew that this Western sage didn't want to be skinny.

After the Lich War that day, the two saints took away tens of millions of monster races together, and then occupied the five emperors of the human race. It can be said that everyone who is fancy has to stay in the west.

Now that Zhunti meets himself, if he is tied to the West, it would be really bad.

Thinking of this, the Taoist priest wanted to turn around and leave.

But Na Zhunti had already planned in his heart, how would the Taoist be willing to set the lamp to leave, only to hear Zhunti's voice: "Daoist Burning, please stay."

The poor Taoist Taoist was about to use his magical powers and left here quickly, but after hearing Zhunti's words, he had to stop and wait in place.

After Zhunti came to the front, the Taoist priest said: "It turned out to be the saint Zhunti, and the sage has seen the saint in the poor road. The saint has no boundaries."

Ran Deng didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly made a salute. Although Zhun raised his mouth and called him a Daoist friend, he was not allowed to make trouble.

After all, the respect of the saint can be ignored by him, the little big Luo Jinxian.

Zhunti came to the front, looking at the Taoist Taoist with a smile on his face, it can be said that the more I look at it, the more I like it.

In addition to the treatment he suffered on Kunlun Mountain before.

This made Zhunti feel more and more in his heart that the Taoist of Burning Lantern has a real affinity with him.

If this son did not go to the West, it would be a violent thing.

Zhunti smiled and said, "Where are you going, Fellow Dao Lan Deng?"

Ran Deng looked at Zhunti with a smile, and shuddered for no apparent reason.

His current performance made him feel a little frightened.

He didn't know that Zhunti had been to Kunlun Mountain before, so he was a little nervous and didn't understand what the other party wanted to do.

After a while, the Taoist Taoist sneered and said: "The teacher once said that the opportunity of the poor Tao is in the predicament, so the poor Tao came here to look for that opportunity."

"It's just that I didn't expect it to be a blessing to meet a saint here."

The Taoist Burning Lantern said insincerely, his expression did not change, it seemed very natural.

Zhunti heard the words, laughed twice, and then spoke to the Taoist priest:

"Haha... that's the case, in the rules of my Tao, why is my Buddha appearing? It contains the opportunity of Western prosperity! It turns out that it is because of the Taoist Fellow."

Zhunti laughed loudly, speaking words that the Taoist Taoist could not understand.

When the Taoist priest heard the words, his heart suddenly burst, and he couldn't help but say: "Uh... I don't know what the saint said, why the Western prosperity is related to me."

Zhunti laughed and didn't say a word. He just watched the burning lamp back and forth, and then said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, you are going to the wilderness to find opportunities, but you are heading west unconsciously."

"It can be seen that your chance is in the West. What's more, just under the impoverished whim, you have realized the secret of heaven, but you have a great fate with the West."

"In this way, the opportunity for the tour guide to become enlightened lies in my west.

In the void.

Nu Wa looked at Zhun Ti and Ran Deng below in amazement, with a look of surprise on their faces.

She didn't expect that the good thing that Hong Yun said was that this western quanti put down his body and came to dig into the corner of teaching, and he was still a notorious Taoist Taoist.

You know, this Taoist priest is the vice-master of the teachings, so it's impossible not to be afraid of primitive anger.

But then, Nuwa turned her head and glanced at Hong Yun. After seeing Hong Yun's interested eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

She could see that all of this was originally calculated by Hongyun.

And the good show Hongyun said before, if nothing unexpected happens, it is now.

It seems that the brother is really not afraid to offend the primitive.

However, it is also true that if Lao Tzu hadn't used the magical powers such as one gasification and three cleansing in the battle of the netherworld that day, then even the four sages would not be the opponent of the senior brother.

How could he care about a primitive anger.

Thinking of this, Nu Wa couldn't help but look down, looking forward to the next development.

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