I Have a Trillion Merits

: Promise you to be a Buddha

After the burning lamp below heard this, he still didn't know what he wanted to do. The meaning in the words was to let him go to the west with him.

But as the vice-master and primitive disciple of the interpretation, how could he betray the Taoist school and go to Western Buddhism?

At this point, the Taoist priest wanted to turn around and leave, but the following words from the saint quasi-mentioned below caused the raised foot of the lantern to slowly let it go.

Zhun Ti looked at the Taoist Taoist who was about to turn around and left, and said lightly: "Pan Tao can be affirmed, if Taoists don't enter Western Buddhism."

Having said this, Zhunti narrowed his eyes and continued: "Then this life will not be able to prove the Dao."

Hearing the words, the Taoist priest couldn't help but his expression changed. He turned to look at Zhun Ti next to him, and said angrily: "But where did you provoke the saint, your words are so vicious."

The hope of burning lanterns now is to break through the quasi-sage as soon as possible, but quasi-said these words.

But it is a vowed statement that if Landeng does not betray Taoism and enter his Buddhism, then it is impossible to enter the quasi-sage level in this life.

This can be said to be extremely vicious to the Taoist.

Zhun Ti shook his head and said: "What the poor Dao said, every sentence is true. If the Daoist doesn't believe it, he can leave by himself, and the poor Dao will never stop him."

Seeing the vowed and accurate mention, for a while, the Taoist Burning Lamp could not help but hesitate. He also understood the morality of the West, and naturally knew that he had something in common with the West.

This time, if it is a lie, it does not conform to his status as a saint, nor does it conform to Western teachings.

Therefore, the Taoist priest couldn't help but believe a little.

He looked up at Zhun Ti, and then remembered what Yuan had said to him before going down the mountain, and couldn't help but hesitate even more.

If he goes to the West, the West will definitely not let him get involved in the catastrophe. Compared to the primitive, letting him into the catastrophe itself is not paying attention to burning lanterns.

After all, the twelve golden immortals under the original sect, he had already given spells and let his disciples replace the robbery.

It can be said that in the interpretation and teaching, the status of the Taoist priest is not even as good as any of the twelve golden immortals.

Zhunti seemed to have seen the hesitation of the Taoist Burning Lantern, and continued to speak: "You should think more about yourself, after all, you are in the process of explaining..."

Zhun said he didn't finish his words, but he believed that the Taoist Burning Lantern knew what he was talking about.

After a while, the burning lantern slowed down and said: "If Pang Dao really has a relationship with the West, I will go to the West to ask the saint for the truth. Then I hope the saint will not refuse Pang Dao."

After thinking about everything, the Taoist Taoist had no other thoughts in his mind. Taoism and Buddhism were not important in his mind. He only cared about his own cultivation.

Since the opening of the land, after the first robbery of the dragon and the phoenix, Hongjun Daozu was born and preached in the Zixiao Palace, and then later in the battle of the Lich, even the Emperor Juntaiyi became a quasi-sage.

But for what reason he has never had the threshold of entry, and even failed to slay the corpse.

To this day, it is only a big Luo Jinxian, and the Taoist Taoist sighed slightly in his heart. If he can't even break through the quasi-sage, then what face is there to walk in this predicament.

If apostasy can make him break through the quasi-sage, then why should he care about his face?

Zhunti saw the shaking in the heart of the Taoist, and naturally knew that his words would definitely become a seed in the Taoist's heart, and it would take root in the future.

It is only a matter of time before the Taoist priest betrayed elucidation and entered Western Buddhism.

At this point, Zhunti smiled and said: "Well, if a fellow Taoist can come to my west, the poor Dao will surely open up the mountains to greet you, and promise fellow Taoists a Buddha honor."

The Taoist Burning Lamp was shocked when he heard the words, but he didn't expect this quasi-tipping saint to value himself so much.

He also promised the position of a Buddha. You must know that the position of the Buddha is equal to the position of the two holy sages in the West. This is much better than his position in the interpretation and teaching.

After all, in the interpretation and teaching, from the primitive to the twelve golden immortals, no one can afford him.

The West would mention the saint, and the promised benefits made him not know how to refuse.

After a while, the Taoist priest said: "Thank you for the saint's love, and Rong Landeng is thinking about it for a while."

The words of the Taoist Burning Lamp gradually calmed down, and this thought arose in his heart, and there was only one introduction.

If this original opportunity does not allow him to behead the corpse and become holy, then he will go directly to Western Buddhism, what about the Buddha?

Zhunti nodded when he heard the words, he naturally knew in his heart that this matter could not be forced too hard, and appropriate to slow down the rhythm, this burning lamp Taoist will definitely be his western bag.

Afterwards, Zhunti flipped his hand and took out a piece of jade talisman, and gave it to the Taoist priest, saying: "This is a secret treasure made by the poor Tao. If the Taoist friend wants it, you can pass this thing to the poor Taoist. communication."

With that, Zhunti turned into a silver light and disappeared into the western sky.

Ran Deng held the jade amulet submitted to him, not knowing what he was thinking.

After that, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, he put away the jade talisman in his hand, and directly lowered the head of the cloud, transformed into a mortal body, and walked around the world.

He began to look for what Yuanyuan had said before, the chance that belonged to the Taoist Burning Lamp.

Wait until Burning Lantern Dao Renhuafan enters the world.

In his original position, another figure suddenly appeared, which was Zhunti who had left before.

Zhunti Ephraim glanced around, as if looking for something.

But after a while, he stopped and whispered, "Could it be that my perception is wrong."

As he said, he disappeared in place.

In the void, Nu Wa's mood slowly calmed down.

It turned out that after she saw the thought of apostasy rise in the Taoist's heart, she accidentally revealed a touch of energy.

Although it was only a moment, it was once again hidden by Hongyun, but Na Zhunti still felt a little.

Only later when searching, after finding nothing, Zhunti turned around again and left.

After all, the purpose of his trip has been achieved.

When he was in Kunlun Mountain, he suddenly changed his face, and now he has paid some price.

After the Taoist of Burning Lantern enters the West, he can find ways to help him break through the quasi-sage. Then, he will have more quasi-jihad power in Western Buddhism.

What's more, he had a sense of secret before that, for the West, this Taoist priest is also one of the keys to great prosperity.

Zhunti's figure slowly faded, and after a while, it disappeared.

At this time, Nuwa let out a sigh of relief, but she didn't expect that Zhunti had such a hand, which surprised her a bit.

If the two of them were quasi-prompted and discovered because of the revealing of their vitality before, then the matter planned by the brother is likely to be empty, and then she will be a sinner.

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