After Zhun Ti disappeared, the two of them showed their bodies.

Looking at the place where Zhunti disappeared, Hong Yun couldn't help narrowing his eyes, but he didn't expect that Zhunti would be so steady in doing things.

Originally, he thought that the other party would take this opportunity to bring the Taoist priest back to the west.

But he didn't expect that the other party actually left the Taoist Burning Lamp with room to consider, and did not press too tightly, which surprised him a bit.

But this can be regarded as half of his calculations.

After all, he originally wanted to use merit to evolve opportunities to disrupt the secrets and attract the two together.

Let Zhunti, the cheeky saint, bring him back to the West.

But it's good now, since Zhunti has planted seeds in the hearts of Taoist Burning Lights, sooner or later this kind of seed will germinate.

At that time, I just didn't know what the old man's face was.

The vice-master of his own interpretation was quasi-professed and abducted to the West, which might make him angry.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

But then, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Jin'ao Island, and now most of the disciples of the three generations or later in the sect.

Many of them stayed in Chaoge, but he knew Chaoge's future fate. If the disciples of the sect had stayed in Chaoge, he might not be able to escape on the list of gods.

It seems that I have to think of a way to write to help a bunch of people teach.

Nu Wa on the side looked at Hong Yun's contemplative face, but did not speak, but stood quietly and waited.

After a long time, Hong Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, and when he raised his head to look at Shouyang Mountain, he already had cares in his heart.

Since the original has been handed over to the twelve golden immortals under the sect, how can he do what he wants.

Besides, this killing and robbery was originally caused by the twelve golden immortals. If they hadn't made it to the list of conferred gods, many people would be disappointed.

Now that Nezha and Yang Jian are in the Xiqi army, they can be used as bait to attract the people of the interpretation.

After all, these two disciples, the real Taiyi and the real Yuding had previously planned to earn them under their command as the people who should take the robbery for themselves.

Now being under Hongyun's hands, if they hadn't expected Hongyun in their hearts, they would have been furious.

Now that these two people have joined the world, they can make calculations based on this.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help but raise his hand to point to the void, the power of a law suddenly gushing out, directly into the heavenly path.

After the power of the law entered the heavenly path, it was directly swallowed by a brilliance, but the slightest wave did not rise, and everything dissipated like a mirror flower.

Hong Yun narrowed his eyes and said in secret: "That thing again."

This time even Nuwa discovered the brilliance that had swallowed Dao Ze before, and she was startled for a while.

Although the rule was weak, it was Hongyun's action after all, and it could still affect the secrets in a small area, but it was directly swallowed by an unknown brilliance.

What exactly is Guanghua?

Nu Wa asked, "Senior brother, you can see the brilliance before, what is it?"

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, and said, "The speed of Guanghua is so fast, even I can't see the essence."

Nuwa was shocked when she heard this, can she not even see the brother?

After that, Hong Yun continued: "However, since that thing exists and the way of heaven, then when the Conferred God Volume Tribulation enters the critical moment, the way of heaven will be in chaos."

"At this time, this thing will inevitably appear in the world, and then I will know what that Guanghua is."

Nu Wa nodded when she heard the words, but now there is only this way.

After all, they would not ask Hongjun because of such trivial matters.

After a while, Hong Yun looked at the direction of Qianyuan Mountain in the distance and couldn't help but smile.

Then, between raising his hands, a weak force of merit shot out.

Going directly through the void, in just an instant, he came to the vicinity of Qianyuan Mountain.

Hovering continuously in the air, after a while, he fell directly into the body of a young man below.

The moment when merit enters the body.

The young man shook his whole body abruptly. For a while, all the veins in his body were opened, and the degree of fusion between the body and the aura in the air instantly expanded.

It can be said that this power of merit directly reshaped this young body into a genius suitable for monasticism.

The young man's name is Yang Tianying, who belongs to Chaogeren.

He is a scholar, so his thinking is pedantic.

After hearing about Xiqi’s establishment, he was filled with indignation and wanted to join the army to conquer Xiqi.

But his fame is in his body and his body is weak.

So he was directly rejected by the recruiting office, and Yang Tianying, angrily, prepared to visit famous mountains and worship immortals as his teacher.

After finding the Immortal Dharma and successfully practicing, go down the mountain to quell the rebellion.

So he came here to the Qianyuan Mountain Boundary.

Yang Tianying looked around in a daze, his previous physical abnormality made him feel a little frightened.

This was the first time he encountered this situation.

However, after that strange feeling passed, Yang Tianying felt as if his body had changed.

At least he is much better than before.

The whole person became energetic, and his expression became clearer for a while.

So he wanted to go to Qianyuan Mountain.

Just after that power of merit improved Yang Tianying's body, Taiyi Madam was annoyed.

It was because of Hongyun's punishment that he cared until now.

He didn't even go to the precipice during this period of time, looking for someone to rob for himself.

After all, his great future was completely destroyed by Hongyun.

This is a great enmity that hinders his enlightenment. If he does not have any resentment in his heart, how can it be possible?

In some days, he even wanted to send his close disciple Jin Xia Tong'er into the calamity.

But this Jinxia Tonger has followed him for a long time, and if he is really sent into the calamity, he would be a little bit reluctant.

On this day, when the real Taiyi was hesitating, he suddenly felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart, just as he felt that Nezha was born now.

The kind of fate that comes from being a master and apprentice.

Madam Taiyi couldn't help but feel a throbbing, but he hesitated with the lessons learned.

After thinking for a moment.

Madam Taiyi still decided to go down the mountain to take a look, after all, this was the boundary of his Qianyuan Mountain, and he felt a little more courageous in his heart.

After all, he couldn't really send Jinxia Tong'er out and enter the calamity.

At this point, the real Taiyi left the Jinguangdong directly and leaped towards the bottom of the mountain.

The real Taiyi who left the Jinguangdong, only walked halfway up the mountain, and saw a mortal who was continuously climbing.

After seeing the mortal, the real Taiyi couldn't help but suddenly shine.

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