I Have a Trillion Merits

: Taiyi real person accepts disciples

After the shot from a distance, Hong Yun showed a smile on his face after seeing Madam Taiyi leaving the Golden Light Cave.

He originally thought that what he was doing in Chentangguan would leave a shadow on his little nephew?

This time I saw that I was willing to go out of Jinguangdong, and I was relieved a lot.

After all, in order to find such a disciple for my little teacher nephew, I spent a lot of effort and even paid a little bit of merit.

Although he has a lot of merits, it was not caused by the wind after all!

By her side, Nuwa saw the smirk drawn at the corner of Hong Yun's mouth, and knew that something bad would happen again, but she didn't know who would happen to it.

After a long time, Hong Yun and Nu Wa, who had recovered their senses, slowly disappeared in place.


Qianyuan Mountain, halfway up the mountain.

Madam Taiyi looked at Yang Tianying below, and couldn't help showing a touch of joy on his face.

With his eyesight, it is natural to see the qualifications of the mortal below.

It can be said that he was born to cultivate the Tao.

Although he didn't know why this mortal had such aptitude, he knew in his heart that he had found a candidate to enter the calamity of the calamity instead of himself.

Such qualifications, if they were hired under his sect, it wouldn't take long to think about it before they could be trained.

At the time of introduction, you can enter the Conferred God Volume Tribulation.

Instead of adding to the list of gods.

Thinking of this, the brilliance in Madam Taiyi's eyes became more intense. Originally because of the incident at Chen Tangguan, he almost had to give up this idea.

But the appearance of Yang Tianying at this moment gave him hope again.

Although I am afraid it will be difficult to become holy in the future.

But in comparison, it is still important to keep your own life.

After all, the primitive saint had told the twelve golden immortals before that if this amount of calamity were on the list, they would definitely enter the heavenly court and be governed by Haotian.

At that time, no matter what their chances are, it will be impossible to break through the quasi-sage.

As long as he doesn't make the list now, he still has a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, Madam Taiyi couldn't help but looked around, and even glanced around with his eyes, as if he wanted to find something.

But in this Qianyuan mountain realm, apart from their master and apprentice, there was only the mortal kid in front of him, and there was no trace of the others.

Master Taiyi retracted his magic eye, coughed lightly, and directly lowered the head of the cloud to show Yang Tianying in front of him with the help of the gods.

Yang Tianying stared blankly at the real Taiyi floating in the air.

For a time, my mind was shocked.

Originally, he had visited the famous mountain for a long time, but after all he could not find the immortal, he was even a little desperate in his heart.

But I did not expect to be in this mountain now.

He actually saw the real god, looking at the childlike face of Taiyi Real Person, and the scenery of immortals built around him.

Yang Tianying even knelt down and yelled: "The commonplace Yang Tianying has seen this fairy."

Madam Taiyi nodded slightly, his posture was exceptionally good.

Said: "You mortal, why come to my Qianyuan Mountain?"

When Yang Tianying heard the words, he knew in his heart that this was the dojo of this god.

Unexpectedly, under the accidental collision, he would actually come to the dojo of the real gods. I was really lucky.

In this way, he learned the immortal law and returned to Chaoge to enter the army to put down the rebellion for Da Shang.

At this point, Yang Tianying hurriedly replied: "Return to the immortal, the common customs came here because they wanted to worship the immortal's school and learn the immortal method."

Madam Taiyi was not surprised when he heard this.

Although the tide of mortal practice at this time is far less than that of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, there are also many mundane people who want to live forever.

I searched around Lingshan, wanting to learn the magic.

It seems that the ordinary people who came to Qianyuan Mountain are just trying to find the immortal law for longevity.

Master Taiyi said indifferently: "Why do you want to find a fairy?"

Yang Tianying solemnly said: "The purpose of finding immortal law underneath is to serve the big businessmen and calm down the wolf's ambition Xiqi army."

Although Xiqi at this time had already established the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But Yang Tianying did not recognize the existence of Da Zhou in his heart, and still regarded him as Xiqi, a large army of the rebellion.

Master Taiyi frowned upon hearing this.

Although it was also a robbery, he was still more optimistic about Xiqi than Dashang.

After all, Dashang offended, but Nuwa Saint.

Dashang’s luck passed and the dynasty was destroyed, it was a foregone conclusion, there was no other possibility.

In addition.

There is also a crucial point, that is, today's Dashang is almost in the hands of Jijiao.

So at this moment, I heard Yang Tianying said that he would pacify Xiqi for the Shang Dynasty.

This made him feel a little unhappy.

Just as he was dissatisfied, he heard Yang Tianying continue to speak:

"Now that Taishi Wen and Guoshi Shen Gongbao, even if they do their best, they can hardly resist Xiqi."

"In Xiqi today, there are Jiang Ziya and the rebel Li Jing family, as well as a three-eyed monster."

"When the big business is in danger, I will definitely make a contribution."

Listening to Yang Tianying's words from the bottom of his heart, Madam Taiyi couldn't help but his eyes shone slightly.

Shen Gongbao's national teacher?

Isn't that the mortal with the appearance of a flying bear under the teacher some time ago?

In this way, he is also his junior.

Moreover, Shen Gongbao is still a man who should be robbed, if he is in Dashang.

There can be no turn for the better.

And now it seemed to say that Li Jing's family seemed to have betrayed Dashang and turned to Xiqi.

Madam Taiyi narrowed his eyes and said in secret: "It's good, the fight between the juniors, if you want to come, the saint of Red Cloud won't want to take a shot."

He heard that after Hongyun Saint accepted Nezha as his disciple.

Just let one of them stay in Chentangguan.

It really caused misfortune, let Hongyun saint come forward to solve it himself.

Such a poor disciple.

"Ha ha."

Master Taiyi sneered, and he nodded in his heart.

"Near your Dao heart and pious, this time you will worship under my Qianyuan Mountain gate."

"Would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

Real Taiyi spoke slowly.

Although the tone was asked from time to time in the words, he didn't think this mortal would reject him.


After Master Taiyi finished saying this, Yang Tianying showed an ecstatic expression on her face.

Some could not believe it looked at the real Taiyi.

He didn't expect that worshipping under this fairy's door would be so simple, it surpassed his imagination.

So he hurriedly kowtowed: "Disciple Yang Tianying, pay homage to Master..."

Madam Taiyi smiled and said, "I am Madam Taiyi. I am one of the disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun. Please remember it."

Yang Tianying looked a little sluggish when he heard the words.

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