I Have a Trillion Merits

: Jiang Ziya wants to kill Chonghou Tiger

Originally, he only thought that the establishment of the dojo here was just an ordinary fairy.

He did not expect that the immortal in front of him was actually the famous twelve golden immortals under the primordial sage.

Yang Tianying bowed down to the ground again, saying: "The disciple pays homage to the master."

Madam Taiyi slightly raised his hand with a smile, and a mana spread out from it, supporting Yang Tianying directly and standing on the spot.

After that, he took Yang Tianying directly back to Jinguangdong.

After Yang Tianying returned to the Golden Light Cave with Da Yi Taiyi, under the arrangement of Da Yi Tai Yi, he began to practice the Immortal Dharma.

This practice surprised the real Taiyi.

Originally, he thought that Yang Tianying had a good cultivation aptitude and was suitable for cultivation, but he should not be stronger than Nezha, which he valued before.

However, he did not expect that Yang Tianying was transformed by the power of merit and Hongyun, although he was a little weaker than Nezha, but his speed of cultivation was also amazing.

However, in just a few months, he has gone from being a mortal into a realm of heavenly immortals.

This really surprised Taiyi real person.


Madam Taiyi looked at Yang Tianying who had reached the realm of heavenly immortals, with a smile on his face.

He opened his mouth and said, "Since you have reached the realm of Heavenly Immortal now, then go down the mountain by yourself."

He still remembered that when Yang Tianying went up the mountain before, he said that he wanted to practice immortal law, serve the great businessmen, and go with the army to quell Xiqi cholera.

Now the catastrophe is approaching, and he also has a bit of self-preservation, so that he can go down the mountain instead of the catastrophe.

Yang Tianying heard the words, knelt down on the ground, and said: "When the disciple quells Xiqi cholera, he will definitely return to the mountain to serve the master."

Madam Taiyi smiled and nodded.

Then with a light wave of his hand, Yang Tianying instantly left the Golden Light Cave and arrived at the foot of Qianyuan Mountain.

Yang Tianying looked back at Qianyuan Mountain, then turned around and left.

After he had descended from the mountain before, Madam Taiyi gave him an Houtian Lingbao for him to defend himself.

After all, this son was taking the tribulation instead of himself. If the catastrophe did not occur, he would die on the road, which actually made the magical powers given by the original lose its effect.

After Yang Tianying got off Qianyuan Mountain, he kept rushing in the direction of Chaoge.

This Qianyuan Mountain is close to Xiqi and far away from Dashang. If it were not for the firmness of seeking Tao, he would not have been here all the time.

So after he left the vicinity of Qianyuan Mountain, he headed towards Chaoge, wanting to return to Chaoge in the shortest time.

In this way, they can also enter the army and contribute to the suppression of the Xiqi rebellion.

Just when Yang Tianying rushed to Chaoge.

On this day, Jiang Ziya, who was dealing with the court affairs in Xiqi, saw a special report, which came from the place where he was handed over with the big merchants, and it was from a person in the Chaoge.

When Jiang Ziya opened the report, he saw the fonts on it lay out, saying: The king of Shang Zhou has no way, all day long and in the harem, he loves Fei Zhong and You Hun.

He even forced the East Sea Pingling King before he came close, and now Taishi Wen has sent troops to fight against him.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but smiled, "This big business is really out of luck."

Now King Shang Zhou once again forced a vassal against him.

In this way, Taishi Wen could only lead his troops to kill the East Sea Pingling King. Although he was just a prince, he could still buy a lot of time for Xiqi.

In this way, Xiqi's conquest of Dashang gained another confidence out of thin air.

It has to be said that King Shang Zhou utterly lost the luck of Da Shang for hundreds of years.

Just when Jiang Ziya was happy about this, he heard an urgent report coming from outside: "Report! A secret report came from Chaoge."

Now Jiang Ziya is in a good mood and waved his big hand: "Submit."

As soon as the voice fell, a person came in from the outside room and put a secret letter intact before Jiang Ziya's case.

Jiang Ziya opened with a smile and watched carefully, but the next moment, he became angry and shouted: "Shameless thief, you dare to be like this."

I saw the secret report that read: "In the court, Chonghou Tiger bewitched the sage listener, and built civil engineering in the big business, framed Zhongliang, the people of the big business were miserable, and then they were even more involved with Fei Zhongyouhun. The two have an internal and external relationship, dominate the government, and are embarrassed."

Jiang Ziya's complexion turned red. Although he didn't care about Dashang, the fault was that Chonghouhu framed his loyal ministers and made the people miserable.

Jiang Ziya said coldly: "If this thief doesn't get rid of first, it will be a disaster!"

The next day, the morning goes up.

Zhou Wen Wang Jichang opened his mouth and said: "You guys have important things to play together."

Jiang Ziya said: "The minister has his own play."

King Zhou Wen looked at Jiang Ziya who was out of class, and couldn't help but think of the secret security guard that came from Chaoge yesterday.

Know in my heart, it is related to this matter.

Then he said: "The prime minister, please speak."

Jiang Ziya opened the mouth and said: "The minister received the side report yesterday, and in the court song, the treacherous servants made the loyal minister Bigan's heart gouge on the court, and now he is dead."

Upon hearing this, the hundreds of officials were shocked, and then sighed even more.

For Bigan, even though they are in Xiqi, they still hear about it, and they are rare good officials in the big business.

But even this kind of good official still can't escape bad luck.

The king of Shang Zhou was really faint.

King Zhou Wen sighed and said: "Earlier in Chaoge, I have also seen Lord Bigan, who is a righteous man, and a minister of the humerus of the Shang Dynasty. I did not expect to end up like this."

At this moment, Jiang Ziya spoke again: "In addition, there are still Chonghou Tigers in the Chao Song who are still in chaos in the government, bewitching the emperor, ruining Zhongliang, and making great efforts in civil engineering, making the people miserable."

"Now that the people are in dire straits, it is better to practice benevolence and righteousness in accordance with the ignorance of the ministers, and cut down on the chaotic officials and thieves first, and save the people in the fire and water."

After hearing this, the king of Zhou Wen was a little moved for a while, but he took into account Taishi's millions of soldiers, fearing that Xiqi would cause disaster.

After all, Xiqi has just established the dynasty now. If the tiger was attacked and killed by Taishi Wen, then Xiqi may not be able to hold it.

Jiang Ziya seemed to see the worries in King Zhou Wen's heart, and said: "King Qi, now the King of East Sea Pingling is rebelling, Taishi Wen is ordered to conquer."

"I can take this opportunity to challenge Chonghouhu, so as to weaken the strength of Dashang."

King Zhou Wen couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard Jiang Ziya's words.

If it is true as Jiang Ziya said, then this conquest of Chonghouhu is still feasible.

King Zhou Wen smiled and said: "Then, according to the prime minister's opinion, who can be the main general to attack the Chonghou tiger?"

Jiang Ziya thought for a moment, and said: "The minister is willing to do the work for the king, in order to serve the dog and horse."

Zhou Wenwang pondered for a moment, and said, "This matter is still subject to discretion."

Jiang Ziya is not far away in his heart. After all, Jiang Ziya is Xiqi's prime minister. If something happens in between, he will regret it.

When Jiang Ziya saw this, he said: "Then let Li Jing go with his son Nezha."

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