When Zhou Wen Wang heard the words, his eyes lit up.

I have to say that this time Jiang Ziya's proposal is a good candidate.

This Li Jingnai was appointed as the General Soldier of Chen Tangguan after being selected and selected. If it weren't for Nezha Yu Jiang Ziya, he would not have come to Xiqi.

Naturally, its ability to command troops is beyond doubt.

Next is Nezha, who possesses the combat power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, the magic weapon bestowed by the saint, and the treasure of Chentang Pass. The combat power can be said to be the strongest among Xiqi today.

It can be said that he assisted Li Jing in conquering the Chonghou Tiger, which is a perfect strategy.

King Zhou Wen nodded slightly and said: "If this is the case, then according to the Prime Minister's words, this time to conquer Chonghouhu, Li Jing and his son Nezha will lead one hundred thousand horses to conquer Chongcheng."

Jiang Ziya heard the words and said, "Yes."

Immediately after the next dynasty, Jiang Ziya summoned Li Jing and Nezha to tell the matter, and ordered Li Jing to conquer Chonghouhu's general.

Nezha Zuozhi, led one hundred thousand soldiers, conquered Chongcheng.

Li Jing happily agreed, and then, in just a few days, he built a starting point and sent out Bai Yan and Huang Yue, and raised one hundred thousand people to choose auspicious days to sacrifice the treasure banners.

With Li Jing as the main general and Nezha as the lieutenant general, he led one hundred thousand soldiers and horses to Chongcheng.

The news spread throughout Xiqi within a short time.

After all, this is the first time that Xiqi has set up the dynasty, and the object of the conquest is still a character who is shouting and beating.

The people naturally cheered.

This news has been passed on, even to the surrounding areas of Dashang.

Yang Tianying, who had just left Qianyuan Mountain, heard that Xiqi had sent an army of 100,000 to conquer Chongcheng. The first time he thought about going to Chongcheng for rescue.

After all, he is now an immortal, and he originally wanted to help the big businessmen and put down the Xiqi rebellion.

At this time, hearing that Xiqi wanted to conquer Chonghou Tiger, he was naturally furious. He asked around and gathered all the rumors among the people.

Then I knew who Xiqi was leading this time.

After knowing Li Jing's name, Yang Tianying couldn't help but "spit" and cursed: "Damn the traitor, everyone really gets to blame."

He knew that Li Jing was originally the chief soldier of Dashang Chentangguan, but he never thought that the other party turned against Dashang and went to Xiqi.

Now he has become the general of the leader of the Xiqi rebellion.

Yang Tianying meditated secretly in her heart, and some of the fairy techniques she learned from Qianyuan Mountain belonged to the disciples of Taiyi True Man.

However, this Li Jing is a disciple of the Taoist Taoist, and he is also considered to be in the same school.

And before that, he also had some understanding of Li Jing. In his impression, it seemed that Li Jing had not yet achieved the realm of heavenly immortals.

If I go this time and stop him in Xiqi, so that the 100,000 army cannot leave Xiqi.

Then, does this war end there?

Thinking of this, Yang Tianying felt that she was becoming more and more correct, and her mind became a little excited for a while.

Although he may not be able to block the 100,000 army alone, but at least he can stop the two of Li Jing and Sang Nezha, that's enough!

Stop the two of them, and the 100,000 Xiqi army will be no one to lead them, and let them go to conquer Chonghouhu.

And with this kind of credit, his idea of ​​entering the merchant army can be implemented more smoothly.

Thinking of this, Yang Taiying's mouth couldn't help but a smile appeared.

Then he turned and rushed in the direction of Xiqi.

He wants to stop the Xiqi army before it leaves Xiqi.

As a result, Yang Tianying carried auspicious clouds all the way and galloped towards Xiqi.

After a full half day, he stood on the head of the cloud, bowed his head and saw the mighty Xiqi army marching towards Chongcheng.

Flags were waving in the air, the sound of horses' hoofs shook the sky, and the ground was full of smoke and dust. On the mighty earth, like a long gray dragon, it went straight toward Chongcheng.

Right in front of Xiqi's army, Yang Tianying saw Li Jing, a general, sitting on the tall horse.

He is a burly figure with a long sword slung around his waist, and a pair of tiger eyes look straight ahead.

Beside him, a teenager about eleven or twelve years old is also sitting upright on a tall horse that does not fit his body.

Between his chest and abdomen, there was a Jin Huanghuang baby with red silk flying around his body, two soaring wands on his head, and two small feet bare under his feet.

Now he was looking around curiously, as if he was very curious about the scene here.

If nothing else, that person would be Li Jing's third son Nezha.

Yang Tianying nodded, since the two are together, it's much easier to deal with.

Originally, he was thinking about whether the lieutenant would postpone his move.

Now it seems that Xiqi has the confidence to win this battle against Chongcheng.

That being the case, he doesn't worry that Nezha is ignorant of current affairs.

At this moment, Yang Tianying felt that the burden on her body was a lot heavier, and her heart was full of the pride of resisting the 100,000 army.


Below, before the army.

Li Jing looked at some dishonest Nezha beside him, could not help coughing lightly, and said, "Being upright, this is the first order the Prime Minister gave after I entered Xiqi."

"I need to finish it with my heart, try my best, and remember not to have any accidents."

Hearing this, Nezha also nodded and said: "Father, please rest assured, now that the child has reached the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, father does not need to worry, everything is up to the child."

Li Jing nodded when he heard the words. He naturally knew Nezha's cultivation base, so he was not worried about the prime minister's request that Nezha be his lieutenant.

On the contrary, he thought this was a great opportunity to train Nezha, after all, the previous Nezha was so smooth sailing.

He was still faintly worried that Nezha's foundation would be a little unstable.

But when I thought of Nezha's teacher, Hongyun saint.

I was relieved a lot.

And since his family has come to the boundary of Xiqi, Xiqi has now established a court, so in the future, he must confront Dashang.

Fighting between the two armies is so simple for children to play.

It was so tragic that even Li Jing couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Moreover, this time is a battle of siege, Chongcheng is succumbed to the city, and Xiqi siege is made.

Nezha, the Taiyi Golden Immortal, is here, and it can be considered to have some protection.

Suddenly, Nezha's voice transmission Li Jing said: "Father, the boy found that someone was waiting with me."

Upon hearing this, Li Jing's expression changed slightly and said, "What kind of cultivation is that person."

Nezha scratched his head and said, "A little god."

Hearing this, Li Jing couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. Originally, he thought he was a fairy from Chaoge, he came to stop them when he heard the news.

Now it seems that it is not important whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Li Jing smiled and said, "Since he wants to follow, let him follow."

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