I Have a Trillion Merits

: Yang Tianying lost

Now that he knew that he was following Xiqi's army, it was an immortal.

Li Jing was not so worried anymore.

After all, in the Xiqi army, there is Ne Zha, the deputy leader of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, how can I be afraid of a mere god.

It doesn't matter whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend.

Yang Tianying, who was in the air, didn't even know that the other party had spotted him at this moment.

Still driving auspicious clouds, looking down at the Xiqi army below from a high altitude.

Yang Tianying looked at the marching Xiqi army below and scanned the crowd with magic eyes, wanting to see if there was anyone with a higher cultivation level among the Xiqi army.

However, after careful investigation, it was discovered that among the Xiqi army, except for Li Jing, who was headed by him, was about to break through the gods.

Although there are other practitioners, most of them are not as good as Li Jing. They can only be regarded as having just embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

After all, most of this army are just mortals.

After investigating the strength of the crowd below, Yang Tianying finally let go of it.


He slowly lowered the auspicious clouds and showed him in front of the Xiqi army in the form of a fairy god.

When he landed, auspicious clouds gathered in the sky, and the sky filled the sky.

Of course, all of this was done deliberately by his mana, in order to leave a deep impression in front of the Xiqi army.

The Xiqi army that stopped moving forward was all staring dumbfounded at Yang Tianying, who was slowly landing in front of them/

Looking at the colorful clouds around Yang Tianying and the auspicious clouds all over the sky with their eyes widened, they were shocking.

Although there are cultivators among them, compared to Yang Tianying, they are just mortals who have just stepped into cultivation, and they are far from reaching the realm of heavenly immortals.

After seeing the scene where Yang Tianying came down at this moment, he was naturally a little lost.

On the contrary, it was Li Jing and Nezha who were before the Xiqi army.

Seeing Yang Tianying standing proudly in front of the Xiqi army, he couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

They didn't expect that people in this heavenly immortal realm would actually appear in this way, which made them feel a little speechless.

Yang Tianying floated in the air, looking at the dense Xiqi army in front of him, his eyes could not help but show a look of gaze, which became more and more apparent.

This look, like the Xiqi army in front of him, was a group of ants.

Especially when he saw the shock in the eyes of the soldiers, Yang Tianying became more and more proud.

Looking back at the beginning, he was such an ordinary person, but no one would have thought, but within a few months, he had already escaped from the mortal womb and reached the realm of heavenly immortals.

Before Xiqi's army, Yang Tianying proudly said: "You and other mortals are deceived by Xiqi before they rebel against Dashang. This time I will let you have a way of life. You will go back on your own. Have fun."

"After Taishi Wen quells the East China Sea rebellion, we will solve the Xiqi case."

Yang Taiying's voice continued to spread with the mana here, so that the entire Xiqi army could clearly hear Yang Tianying's words.

When the soldiers heard this, there was a flash of shock in their eyes.

You know, they were ordered by King Zhou Wen to conquer Chonghou Tiger. Now that the immortals came to the world, they came here to block their way.

This made everyone feel a little flustered, after all, Dashang had ruled for hundreds of years.

They are willing to follow Zhou Wenwang, but they are attracted by Zhou Wenwang's benevolence, and their home is in Xiqi.

Li Jing looked at Yang Tianying standing proudly in front of him, and shook his head helplessly.

It turns out that this person is really an enemy, not a friend.

Although he was about to reach the realm of Heavenly Immortal now, he hadn't really made a breakthrough at this moment, and Gu this could not be the opponent of this person in front of him.

So he turned his head and glanced at Nezha. Nezha understood him, and reprimanded: "Who are you? Why are you messing up my army?"

When Yang Tianying heard the words, he smiled proudly: "I am a disciple of three generations of interpreting and teaching, under the master of Da Luo Jinxian Taiyi, Yang Tianying is also.

Li Jing and Nezha heard the words and looked at each other, both of them saw the weirdness on the opposite side.

You know, when Nezha was just born, Majestic Taiyi went to the Li Mansion to accept his disciples, only to be thrown off by Hongyun Saint.

Now his disciple actually fell in front of Nezha, who was the disciple of the saint of Hongyun. It can be said that things are impermanent.

Li Jing whispered: "My son should be more careful. After all, being a father is a pedant who burns a lantern. The same is for explaining and teaching. Remember not to kill you."

Hearing this, Nezha nodded solemnly.

Yang Tianying looked at the two people in front of him, thinking that each other was frightened by his identity, and felt even more proud.

At the same time, looking at Li Jing's eyes, there was even a trace of contempt. He originally thought that the predecessor Chen Tangguan would be a man.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he stood in front of the Xiqi army to talk, and it turned out that the boy next to him was speaking, which was really ridiculous.

Yang Tianying smiled and said, "You kid should go back obediently and play with the teenagers. Don't take part in the battle and killing."

Hearing this, Nezha raised his brows and said with a smile: "You are not a high-level person, and your tone is not small, but it's just a mere god. It's really ridiculous to be presumptuous in front of me."

As he said, he raised his hand and the circle of universe on his body flew away instantly.

With lightning speed, he directly hit Yang Tianying in the midair not far away.

The speed of the Universe Circle is extremely fast, and it changes gradually in mid-air, rising against the wind, turning into a huge golden circle, and heading towards Yang Tianying not far away.

Just before Nezha was entrusted with the universe, the expression on Yang Tianying's face had changed, becoming a little horrified.

He didn't expect that the trace of mana fluctuation that Nezha revealed before would be even more tyrannical than him. You know, when he was in Qianyuan Mountain, Madam Taiyi did not praise his qualifications.

Yang Tianying gritted his teeth and quickly transported the treasure given by Majestic Taiyi, trying to block this universe.

But he was not in the realm of Heavenly Immortal, how could it be compared with Nezha in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

As soon as the two Lingbao came into contact, the Lingbao in Yang Tianying's hand collapsed completely, turning into fragments in the sky, blasting everywhere, exuding fierce power.

And the circle of universe also hit Yang Tianying's chest and knocked Yang Tianying away.

If it weren't for Nezha's sake, he didn't do anything, plus what Li Jing said before, so his subordinates had reserved.

Otherwise, just this blow would be enough to kill Yang Tianying. Nezha looked at Yang Tianying's embarrassed figure and couldn't help but smile: "If you want to stop my Xiqi army, I think you still need to go back to the mountain and continue to practice. It's only feasible for years."

Li Jing looked at Yang Tianying's fallen figure and couldn't help shook his head.

The three generations of interpreters are really getting worse.

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