I Have a Trillion Merits

: Tongtian Islands

Although he went down the mountain halfway back then and entered the business as an official.

But like the person in front of him, it was really disappointing in his heart to be beaten out without resisting.

At this moment, Li Jing couldn't help but worry about the future of interpretation.

If the three generations of interpreters are all of this kind, how do they compare with the cut ones?

What a pity.

Not far away, Yang Tianying, who was lying in the distance, was severely injured by Nezha's attack earlier, and now he heard Nezha's words.

He couldn't help but squirted out a bit of blood, his face was like gold paper, he raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at Nezha, saying: "You..."

Nezha didn't even look at him, but he withdrew from the universe circle and nodded at Li Jing.

Li Jing waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Go on."

Afterwards, the 100,000 Xiqi army didn't even look at Yang Tianying, and went straight to Chongcheng.

Yang Tianying looked ugly and struggled to stand up from the ground.

Just then Nezha's blow directly smashed his mana away, and now his body mana has not been condensed for a long time.

I am afraid that the physical injury cannot be healed.

Yang Tianying looked very ugly, turned around and hurried towards Qianyuan Mountain.

Now his state is obviously unable to continue to Chongcheng.

He didn't expect that an inconspicuous young man would have such a cultivation level, which is really incredible.

With the current plan, he can only return to Qianyuan Mountain first, recover his internal injuries, and then ask the master to give a stronger spirit treasure, and then go to Chongcheng.

This time his face is lost

After learning the fairy law, the energetic person went directly to Qianyuan Mountain, preparing to go to the Shang Dynasty to join the army and conquer the Xiqi rebels.

However, after only a few days of going down the mountain, he was severely injured by the Xiqi rebels. If it weren't for the other side's inadvertent injury, I am afraid that he would be dead now.

Yang Tianying's expression was unusually ugly, and after sensing that the mana in his body had been condensed, he drove directly to Qianyuan Mountain in the cloud.


Just when Yang Tianying rushed to Qianyuan Mountain.

Hong Yun, who was paying attention to this matter, couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

Today, the disciple of the real Taiyi, was eaten in Nezha's hands, and even the Lingbao was directly destroyed by Nezha.

If you want to come to the real Taiyi, you must not let it go.

As a result, his plan was half-successful, and he was afraid that he would be unable to sit still.

Thinking of this, Hongyun smiled even more.

After seeing the smile on Hong Yun's face, Nuwa couldn't help but wonder: "What's the matter. Brother has such a strange expression on his face?"

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but froze.

Then he touched his cheek, is his smile really weird?

After seeing Hongyun's movements.

Nu Wa laughed out of "pusher", then turned around embarrassedly, not daring to look at Hongyun.

Then turned and left.

Upon seeing this, Hongyun smiled more deeply, and hurriedly chased after him.



In Jinao Island.

In the main hall, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit looked at the heavenly saint above, her face became more respectful.

Before the big business matter.

It is the tone set by the sages of the sky, otherwise with their guts, they would not dare to over-mix mundane matters.

It's just that it's been so long now, but they haven't been able to find news of the person who should be robbed.

On the other hand, Wen Zhong completely controlled Dashang.


The face of Our Lady of Jin Ling changed slightly, and her face showed an unbelievable look.

The Heavenly Sage looked at the change of expression on the face of the Golden Spirit Mother.

Think about it slightly.

Today, he wanted to call Our Lady of the Golden Spirit to ask about mortal matters, but now it seems that something has changed.

He remembered that the Golden Spirit Mother had said before.

Dashang has been completely controlled by interpretation.

At this moment, there was such an expression. Could it be that something unexpected happened in it.

Tongtian's complexion sinks slightly.

I saw Our Lady Jinling step forward and said: "Master Qi, there is news from Dashang that there is a mortal with the appearance of a flying bear."

When Tongtian heard this, his expression on his face was slightly surprised, and he said in his heart: "This should be good news."

But the expression on the face of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit made him a little worried.


Just after these words were said, the Virgin of Jin Ling said with an ugly face: "It's just that the person is a man of interpretation."

As soon as this statement was made, the atmosphere in the court instantly became a bit cold.

Tongtian whispered: "Explain and teach, it's really fast to start!"

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit looked at the ugly face of the sky, and her heart was a little nervous.

After all, before Chan Sect had sent people to the mortal world, they began to control the human dynasty.

It can even be said that in the human dynasty today.

The power of interception is the greatest.

This also made them even stronger, and they were very happy during that time.

But these hundreds of years have passed.

The news that the commander of the human dynasty did not find the appearance of the flying bear, but was found by the powerless interpretation of the human world.

This made the face of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit dull, and even more so.

After a while.

Our Lady of Jin Ling boldly said, "Master Qi Qi, it is just a suspicion that my disciple has not yet reached the Da Luo Jinxian, so I am a little uncertain."

"Why don't you let the disciple go to the human dynasty, or make sure it is clear."

Now that Wen Zhong hasn't reached the Daluo Jinxian, it is naturally impossible to determine whether Shen Gongbao is the person that Master is looking for.

After all, this person who should be robbed is the love of heaven, so how can he be seen through at will.

The voice of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit just fell.

I saw Tongtian waved his hand slightly and said, "It doesn't need to be like this, I will go there in person."

The Mother of God Jin Ling was stunned when she heard the words: "Master..."

She wanted to say why she had to go to the big business in person as a master, but she hadn't finished her words yet.

It feels like the surrounding scene changes.

While the world was spinning around, the Mother of God Jin Ling found that she had left Jin'ao Island.

After a long time.

Our Lady Jin Ling sighed, and walked directly towards her dojo.

This act, I was afraid that I would disappoint Master. I originally thought it would take the lead, but it was the interpretation and teaching that took the lead.

You know, it was because of their disciples that Tongtian broke up with the original.

Eventually triggered the matter of three cleansing families.

Until now, Tongtian still has a grudge in his heart, and even has a bad relationship with the original.

Even Lao Tzu is half a stranger.

As soon as she thought of this, she couldn't help but blame herself.

After Our Lady of the Golden Spirit left here.

Tong Tian, ​​sitting in the hall, glanced in the direction of Da Shang, thinking slightly in his heart.

After a while,

The figure disappeared in the hall.

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