I Have a Trillion Merits

: The tangled sky

After Tongtian left Jin'ao Island, he went straight to the Shang Dynasty.

At the speed of his sage, he arrived in the sky above Chaoge King City in no time.

In the void, Tongtian scanned the entire Chaoge City with his magic eyes.

I saw it in the palace of Chaoge.

King Shang Zhou was in the harem, sensually stunned, surrounded by the harem concubine and playing in the spring water.

It is exactly the appearance of a faint monarch.

Seeing it all over the sky, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless, but he didn't expect that the monarch of this great merchant was actually like this.

It feels like a missed move.

I am afraid that even if this divine measure of calamity unfolds between the two dynasties, it will give birth to an accident.

From this point of view, even with the help of this great Shang dynasty, it would still be defeated.


Tong Tian stopped paying attention to King Shang Zhou, and began to look for the mortal who seemed to have the appearance of a flying bear.

Only for a moment.

He was in Chaoge, in a brilliant mansion, he saw Shen Gongbao.

Under Fa's eyes, he naturally saw that Shen Gongbao had a flying bear.

As the teacher said, the person who should be robbed is exactly the same.

Before this, he had also heard the Virgin of the Golden Spirit say.

This Shen Gongbao is an interpreter.

In this way, his efforts to teach his disciples for hundreds of years have all gone into nothing.

This person who should be robbed will actually be a teacher of interpretation.

At this moment, Tongtian couldn't help but feel a little irritated in his heart, and things now seemed a bit more than he had imagined.

He originally thought that he had many disciples under his school, and he even grasped the Dashang Dynasty.

According to the truth, if this person who should be robbed appears, he will definitely be discovered by his intercepted disciples and be admitted to the school.

This can also allow him to seize an opportunity in this time of enlightenment.

In addition, he would have had a good relationship with Hongyun, and Hongyun would be the title of the gods, and he would have someone who should be robbed.

Adding the two together will naturally gain a lot from this divine measure.

He can even grow stronger again during this calamity, and stabilize his position as the No. 1 Great Teacher.

But now these ideas have failed.

Thinking of this, Tong Tian's brows wrinkled slightly, and he thought to himself for a moment.

Then he turned and headed towards the East China Sea.


In a mortal city, Hong Yun suddenly turned his head and drove towards Penglai Immortal Island, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Secretly said: "Why did Tongtian come to my Penglai Fairy Island at this time? Could something be wrong in the middle?"

Just when Hong Yun was puzzled.

I saw that Tongtian had already come to the outskirts of Penglai Xiandao.

Seeing the big formation here, Tongtian nodded involuntarily.

When listening to the Dao in the Zixiao Palace, Penglai Xiandao's great formation could only resist the Quasi-Holy Stage.

But I didn't expect that at this time, he could actually resist the saint level.

It's really surprising.

Just as Tongtian thought about this, he heard a burst of hearty laughter from the island:

"Friend Tongtian, this visit. Let Penglai, the fairy island of Penglai, shine for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the large formation outside Penglai Xiandao suddenly opened.

Tongtian saw a Taoist in red walking slowly out of it. It was the Taoist of the Five Elements who remained on the island.

Hongyun's good corpse.

At this time, Hongyun was still playing in the mortal world with Nuwa.

On the island, those who can come out to meet the sky are the Five Elements Taoist and the evil Taoist.

But wicked people have been in retreat on the island for a long time, and they have always kept out of the world.

In this way, only the Five Elements Taoist can come to meet him.

When Tongtian saw the Five Elements Taoist, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

He didn't expect that it was Hongyun's good corpse who came to meet him.

At the moment when he was puzzled, the Five Elements Taoist said: "Father Hongyun has been traveling for a long time, but he has disappointed fellow Taoists."

Tongtian couldn't help but smiled and said: "Why fellow Taoists said this? I came here to discuss some matters with my seniors."

"It doesn't matter if it is a fellow Taoist or a senior fellow here!"

The Five Elements Taoist smiled upon hearing this, and welcomed Tongtian in.

Tongtian's words are correct, the Five Elements Taoist and Hongyun are one body, and at this time, Tongtian is also aware of what the Five Elements Taoist said.

After the two entered the island, they went straight to the main hall of the Fire Cloud Palace.

Jiner Yiner offered two cups of tea below, and then stepped back again.

The Five Elements Taoist smiled and said, "The Taoist fellow came here this time, and I don't know what happened. You can tell me what the Dao brother Hongyun naturally knows."

Hearing this, Tongtian smiled, and said: "I have discussed with the senior brother before that I and the Conferred God will join forces."

"At that time, he will hold the list of the gods. I have someone who should be robbed, and I will definitely gain something."

"But Tongtian came here to tell the brother a bad news."

The Five Elements Taoist whispered: "Oh, what a bad news, I actually let Brother Dao come to my Penglai Fairy Island in person."

When Tongtian heard this, he couldn't help but laughed bitterly, and said, "Brother Dao knows, that the person who should be robbed really has news?"

"But the person who should be robbed is not in my interception, but in the original Nas' interpretation and teaching."

"It's Tongtian disappointed Senior Brother."

After hearing what Tongtian said, the Five Elements Taoist looked a little weird.

Who should be robbed?

Could it be that what Tongtian said at this time was Shen Gongbao who was sent into Kunlun by himself under Dao brother's plan at that time.

Thinking of this, the face of the Five Elements Taoist became even more weird.

This makes Tongtian on the side depressed.

I thought that I had disappointed Senior Brother Hongyun, after all, at that time, I had promised to find the person who should be robbed.

Now he tells Senior Brother Hongyun that the person who should be robbed is not in his hands.

Really have a fever!

Although Tongtian didn't know Hongyun's plan, the Five Elements Taoist knew clearly in his heart.

All this was expected by the celebrities.

It's just that Tongtian doesn't know that there are two people who should be robbed.

So after Tongtian knew that the person who should be robbed was in the hands of the educator, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

So he wanted to tell Hongyun this news so that he could make preparations early.

The Five Elements Taoist looked at Tongtian's slightly dark complexion, and wondered whether he wanted to tell Tongtian about it.

Just when he hesitated in his heart, he heard Hongyun's voice transmission:

"This matter can be kept confidential for the time being, and you can tell him so that he can rest assured that he can restrain his disciples with peace of mind and try to keep them from interfering with mundane matters, so that's it."

After hearing Hongyun's transmission, the Five Elements Taoist nodded slightly, and smiled at the slightly frowning Tongtian:

"Why Daoists need to be like this, they are just people who should be catastrophic, just relax."

"Brother Dao once said, let fellow Daoists feel at ease to restrain his followers and try not to mix mortal knowledge."

"In my opinion, the Daoist should call all the disciples of the Dashang dynasty."

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