I Have a Trillion Merits

: Chongcheng defeated

At the head of Chongcheng, Chong Yingbiao was furious after seeing Huang Yuanji's death.

He did not expect that the Xiqi expedition was so far. It should have been a time when people were exhausted, and the first battle should be very smooth to win.

But the facts were the opposite. Not only did he lose the victory in Chongcheng, he also broke a flying tiger general here, and the morale of the army was at its lowest in an instant.

On the battlefield, after Nangong Shi got Shengli, he beat the drums and returned to the camp. When he came to the middle account, he saw Li Jing and repaid the beheaded Huang Yuanji.

Li Jing smiled and nodded, although he knew in his heart that this battle would be won, but when the facts fell, his heart was even more cheerful.

A sergeant below reported back to Chong Yingbiao, saying: "General Huang Yuanji has been slashed by the enemy."

Chong Yingbiao said angrily: "Shut up! I am not blind, but I can see."

The sergeant was trembling with fear by the angry Chong Yingbiao.


Chong Yingbiao said: "Good, you all the chaos and thief! Rebelling against the big business, but also killing my love general, if you don't kill this thief and Huang Yuanji for revenge, you will not return to the army!"

All the generals below said: "General, let me wait to fight!"

Chong Yingbiao looked at the many soldiers below, his complexion changed slightly, and then said: "Passing the order, tomorrow the brigade will be sent out of the city, and the Xiqi army will fight it out!"

When the generals heard the words, they were all murderous and Ling Ran said, "I'll wait to comply!"

In Xiqi, Li Jing didn't respond when seeing Chongcheng at the moment, and his heart became even more disdainful.

Chonghou Tiger has not come out in this battle, and he must no longer be in Chongcheng.

He knew that the current Chonghou Tiger won the emperor's heart, and it would not be impossible if he followed the court.

There is no movement in Chongcheng now, and tomorrow is the time for a decisive battle.

Just as Li Jing thought.

After one night.

In the early morning, the rising sun rose in the east, three cannons rang out from within Chongcheng, and the city gate opened wide. A large number of people rushed out and went straight to the opposite Xiqi army.

And the goal was the same, and went straight to the middle account, the goal was Li Jing as the commander in chief.

Li Jing walked out slowly and saw the Chongcheng army on the opposite side. He couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He raised his hand, and the soldiers beside him waved their flags and changed their formation.

I saw that the battle formation originally laid by the Xiqi army suddenly changed.

Chong Yingbiao, who led his army to this place, saw that the gate of the formation flag on the opposite side suddenly opened, and he saw a man riding on a horse. It was Li Jing, the commander-in-chief.

Li Jing drove his horse to the front and looked at Chong Yingbiao in front of him and said, "Why don't you see Chonghou Tiger here, but you, a yellow-mouthed kid, lead the soldiers?"

Although Li Jing knew in his heart that Chonghou Tiger was very likely to follow the court, but if he didn't say something mocking before the battle, he was afraid it would be against the rules of the two armies fighting.

Sure enough, as soon as this statement came out, Chong Yingbiao was immediately furious: "My father is a celebrity in front of the king, a great merchant and an important minister, how can you be a rebel general who sees you as you please?"

At this moment, Chong Yingbiao has a pan-headed crown, a flying phoenix knot, and a scarlet robe, with a gold armor set on the outside, and a heart-protecting mirror hanging over the moon.

There is a white jade box with mutton fat tied around his waist, and Jiu holds a zhangba snake spear in his hand.

At this moment, Li Jingzheng, who looked at the opposite side, glared with anger. His father Chonghouhu was a favorite of the court, and he was the true hero in Chongcheng. When did he suffer such humiliation.

Li Jing smiled upon hearing the words: "A yellow-mouthed child is a yellow-mouthed child. How can I be an enemy if I have never been on the battlefield."

Chong Yingbiao's anger was even greater when he heard the words: "You, the general of the rebel army, betrayed the orthodox of Dashang, and took refuge in Xiqi. You really are an unrighteous person. How can you talk about his general?"

Li Jing narrowed his eyes and said: "I am the commander-in-chief Li Jing of the King Wen of Zhou. Your father and son have done evil like a sea of ​​abyss, and the people lamented. Today, we are ordered by the King of Wen to set up a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, and eliminate cruelty to the earth."

"If you live up to the emperor's festival, you have to conquer, and you can prepare for death."

Chong Yingbiao heard this and shouted: "General of the rebel army, dare to deceive me!"

Immediately, he shouted from left and right: "Who caught this rebel for me?"

As soon as the voice fell, a general rushed out and ran towards Li Jing.

Li Jing's expression remained unchanged, and a general rushed out after he got up and went straight to the people who came.

The scene was about to break out, and the two armies fought together instantly.

The roar shook the sky, the blades slammed, and the roar was endless. From time to time, soldiers died, blood was thrown, and the **** atmosphere instantly filled the entire battlefield.

Chong Yingbiao saw that the general and General Xiqi couldn't fight for a long time, so he ordered his own Jincheng and Dmitry to help out.

Seeing this, Li Jing ordered Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, Zhao Gongshi, Lu Gongwang, Xin Mian, and Nangong Shi six generals to rush out together, and immediately turned the Chongcheng army to the killer.

There were corpses all over the field, mostly Sergeant Chongcheng. Seeing his own defeat, Chong Yingbiao shouted angrily and rushed into the siege.

The spear in his hand stabbed out one after another, taking the lives of Xiqi soldiers again and again.

For a time, the generals in the field slaughtered the Quartet and killed ordinary sergeants.

The generals collided, the roar was endless, the shouts were endless, and the drum horns rang in unison.

The generals in the field fought for a long time, but saw Lu Gongwang suddenly violently shoot a shot directly Chongcheng defender Medyu stabbed under the horse.

On the other side, Xin Mian split the gold with the axe in his hand.

Chongbing was defeated in an instant, Chong Yingbiao, upon seeing this, quickly abandoned the fight, fleeing into the city with his life, and closed the gate.

Li Jing smiled slightly, and directly sent Ling Mingjin to retreat.

After the generals won, they straightened up the army and returned to the camp.

Li Jing summoned the generals and said: "Although the two fathers and sons of Chonghouhu have done a lot of evil, the people in the city are innocent. I wait for this attack, but I must not interfere with the people in the city and do things that hurt the nature and the truth."

The generals said in unison: "Yes."

But after a while, Nangong said: "General Qi, if this is the case, then how can I invade the city?"

This Chongcheng is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you do ordinary methods, you will not be able to break into the city. If you do the siege method, although the food and grass in the city will not last long.

However, Chong Yingbiao will inevitably order the plundering of the people's homes, and the people will suffer.

And it will be supported by big businessmen, which is probably not suitable.

Li Jing couldn't help frowning when he heard this. Obviously, there is no good way right now.

Nezha on the side said: "Why don't you let me use the means to break this city gate."

When the generals heard this, a trace of sadness flashed in their eyes.

Now Xiqi sent a large army to conquer it, but in the end it was the immortal who came forward, which was a shame to them.

After a while.

Li Jing nodded a little when he heard the words, and said, "If this is the case, it can only be this way."

"If the child Chong Yingbiao does not leave the city tomorrow, Nezha will break through the city gate and break into the city directly, remember not to hurt the innocent people."

Upon hearing this, the generals responded: "Yes."

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