I Have a Trillion Merits

: Yang Tianying goes down the mountain

In Chongcheng, Chong Yingbiao looked at the few remaining generals with a gloomy expression.

In this battle, Chongcheng lost several generals, nearly one-third of the city defense.

On the Xiqi side, they only lost a few thousand soldiers and horses, and the gap was obvious.

If it continues like this.

Chongcheng is in danger!

After a while, Chong Yingbiao looked around and said, "Did those who were sent to Chaoge for help successfully break through?"

Someone below said: "Returning to the general, they did not succeed in breaking through, but they were all stopped and killed by Xiqi Nangongshi."

Chong Yingbiao looked a little ugly.

He had sent people out of the city before, and wanted to rush to Chaoge to tell his father about the incident.

But I didn't expect it.

The defense of Xiqi was so tight that all the people who sent him out for help were stopped.

In this way.

If you want to wait until Chaoge comes to help, you can only wait until the incident occurs and pass into Chaoge.

Chaoge didn't know until then, and he would send troops to help.

However, the time difference between before and after this was a full half a month before Chaoge was able to know.

In other words, he had to hold Chongcheng for at least half a month.

After a long while.

Chong Yingbiao spoke slowly: "If this is the case, then I can only defend Chongcheng and wait until Chaoge comes to help."

The generals below are silent.

They know in their hearts, what does Chong Yingbiao mean by defending Chongcheng?

If you do not go out behind closed doors.

With Chongcheng's defense, it can indeed last for half a month, but where is the food?

Could it be that they let them fight on an empty stomach.

After that, a general spoke: "Report to the general, the food and grass in the city are only enough for me to use for seven days."

Chong Yingbiao's expression changed, and he roared, "Seven days, where is the monthly surplus?"

The person bit the bullet and said: "The grain and grass officials in the city took the rest of the city and sold them at high prices, and then collected food from the people's homes at low prices to fill the inventory."

"It's just that this situation is urgent. The Xiqi army came and the city gate was closed, but he could no longer buy food."

"Fill the inventory..."

Chong Yingbiao looked very ugly when he heard this, but he did not expect the quartermaster in this city to be so bold.

Dare to privately transport the food and grass in the city out of the rest of the city for sale.

Chong Yingbiao said coldly: "Give me the quartermaster to be executed for a short while, and the three clans sit in succession and stand at the entrance of the city."

The person answered: "Yes."

Chong Yingbiao looked at the generals around him, feeling a little aggrieved in his heart.

Since his father handed over the defense of Chongcheng to him, how did he endure such grievances?

The quartermaster in the city is doing things.

Xiqi has another army.

It can be said that good fortune is unparalleled, and misfortunes do not come singly. This time there is no food and grass in the city, so we must find another way.

Meditate for a moment.

Chong Yingbiao flashed a fierce color in his eyes and said, "From tomorrow, we will send people to gather food in the city."

One of the generals said, "Dare to ask the general, how should this food... be collected?"

Chong Yingbiao said: "The civilians in the city, let them hand over the food and grass at home, otherwise they will be punished for the crime of rebellion."

Hearing this, the generals in the field trembled suddenly.

You know, people in the city do not have much food in their homes, including the wealthy people in the city.

They are usually transported into the city by outsiders.

But now that Xiqi is besieging Chongcheng, food outside the city will naturally not be able to enter Chongcheng.

If they take away food from the people in the city.

Of course, the army can be supported for a period of time, but the civilians in the city will not last long.

One of the generals said: "General, if the days grow longer, the hungry civilians will rebel."

Upon hearing this, Chong Yingbiao glanced at him coldly and said, "Who dares to rebel and kill without mercy."

The generals in the field are in a rush.


Early the next morning.

In the city of Chong, the generals summoned their sergeants one after another to search for food and grass in the homes of the people in the city.

But it hasn't waited for them to move.

I heard someone shouting outside the city: "Chong Yingbiao, kid, dare to go out of the city to fight with Grandpa."

The sound spread.

It spread all over Chongcheng in an instant, and everyone in Chongcheng heard the provocation from the Xiqi army outside the city.

Standing at the head of the city, Chong Yingbiao looked at the generals where the horses were running freely at the city gate, his expression even more ugly.

Nowadays, there are fewer generals in Chongcheng, and Xiqi has a large army of 100,000. Even if the opponent provokes him, Chong Yingbiao cannot go out of the city to fight.

Otherwise, it is the way of Xiqi.

Now Xiqi, but wishing Chong Yingbiao out of the city angrily to fight.

So they can attack the city smoothly and take Chongcheng down.

Behind Chong Yingbiao, a general could not help showing an angry look. Xiqi insulted Chong Yingbiao, to a certain extent, insulting the defender in the city.

The man said angrily: "General, why don't we go out of the city and fight with them."

Chong Yingbiao scolded: "Stupid, wouldn't it mean that I went out of the city at this time and sent Chongcheng to Xiqi, idiot, big idiot."

When the man heard the words, his face was even more angry.

Chong Yingbiao looked at the Xiqi general who was calling in the battle below, and said coldly: "Don't pay attention, do what you should do."

The general heard this, and then turned and left.

at the same time.

Yang Tianying drove auspicious clouds and hurried towards Chongcheng.

He did not expect that he recovered and entered the territory so quickly.

Now he has broken through to the realm of Taiyi Golden Fairy.

Before coming, the real person Taiyi gave the Nine Heavens God Fire Cover and the Firetip Spear the two acquired spirit treasures.

With these two acquired spirit treasures, Yang Tianying was confident enough to kill the kid who had injured him before.

Just as he thought of this, on a spiritual mountain below him, two figures suddenly appeared, it was Hongyun and Nuwa.

Nu Wa looked at Yang Tianying, who was going away, she couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then she said, "Why is there a sense of merit in him?"

Just when Yang Tianying passed by here.

Nu Wa keenly sensed a trace of merit from Yang Tianying's body. If there is no such thing, if she is the supreme saint, she can't really feel it.

Hong Yun on the side looked at Yang Tianying, who was gradually going away, and couldn't help but stroked his nose in a daze.

He naturally knew that the power of merit in Yang Tianying was his own work.

But it's no wonder that Nuwa's mind was wondering, that Yang Tianying still had some karma in his body. If it weren't for his own action, it would be impossible for this person to possess the power of merit.

This is a method used by oneself to wash out the body with the power of merit, so that this person leaves traces of the power of merit.

Hong Yun looked at Nu Wa who was looking curious and couldn't help but smiled: "Since the junior sister is curious, then I will wait to follow up and see."

Nuwa nodded slightly when she heard the words.

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