I Have a Trillion Merits

: Meet in Chongcheng

Immediately, the two immediately disappeared in place, followed Yang Tianying, and headed towards Chongcheng.

At this moment in Chongcheng, among the Xiqi army, Li Jing looked at the general under Chongcheng who had been cursing for such a long time, then looked at Chongcheng, who was silent, and couldn't help frowning.

From this point of view, Na Chong Yingbiao should have been frightened by yesterday's battle, letting General Xiqi yell at him and he did not want to leave the city.

This is troublesome, everything is just as they discussed in the camp yesterday. Chong Yingbiao wanted to make up his mind to stay in the city and wait for Chaoge's help.

In this way, Nezha can only make a move.

Li Jing looked at the closed gate, raised his head slightly, summoned Nezha, and said, "Are you sure to break the gate?"

Nezha looked at the gate of Chongcheng not far away, smiled and said: "Father can rest assured, it is not easy to break through the gate here."

Li Jing nodded and said, "If this is the case, then you will break through the city gate. Remember, you must never hurt the people in the city."

Nezha nodded and said, "Yes, General."

As soon as the voice fell, Nezha rose into the sky, floating in the air, looking at the city wall of Chongcheng, and said coldly: "You open the city gate at a constant speed and surrender, otherwise you will not blame me for being polite."

At the head of the city, Chong Yingbiao frowned slightly looking at Nezha floating in the air.

He is also a person with a cultivation base, naturally he can see that Nezha is unusual, and he can even see that Nezha has long surpassed the realm of heavenly immortals.

Chong Yingbiao gritted his teeth and said: "This Xiqi actually has such characters, really **** it."

If this person made the move, Chong Yingbiao naturally knew that the gate of the city would inevitably be broken. When the Xiqi army entered the city, this Chongcheng would also exist in name only.

Just as he was worried, he heard Ne Zha continue to say: "Since you can't wait to open the gates, you can blame me for being polite."

With that said, Nezha's universe spun out of itself, exuding a dazzling golden light in the air, rising against the wind, and it instantly expanded dozens of times.

When Chong Yingbiao saw this, his eyes were splitting, and his heart was frightened, but there was nothing he could do.

I saw Nezha's mana surging around him, and a little pouring into the universe.

For a time.

The sharp golden light shot from above the universe and went straight to the closed gate of Chongcheng.

Chong Yingbiao gritted his teeth, and wanted to use his magic weapon to resist the circle of universe attacking the city gate.

After all, if the city gate breaks open, Xiqi's army will drive straight in. At that time, given the reputation of being introduced into Xiqi, it can almost be said to be mortal.

Now he still has a chance to try to keep the city gate.

Just when the circle of universe was about to reach the city gate of Chongcheng, I saw a pagoda exuding a raging flame descending from the sky, directly covering the city gate.

There was endless flames outside, burning the void to the degree of distortion.

But Chong Yingbiao and the others, who looked sluggish inside, did not feel the slightest discomfort, and looked at what suddenly appeared in front of them with a surprised expression.

The universe circle collided with the pagoda burning with raging flames.

A huge roar erupted, and the strong sound spread around, making all soldiers' ears temporarily deaf.

Flames burst out from the sky, and went straight to the Xiqi army.

The expressions of Xiqi generals changed. If these flames fall into the army, I don't know how many soldiers will die in this flame.

Just when those scattered flames were about to fall into the Xiqi army.

The universe circle on Nezha's body was flying all over the sky, directly dispelling all the scattered flames, turning into sparks in the sky, and finally dissipating in the air.

Nezha looked into the high-altitude clouds and said angrily: "He Fang Xiaoxiao."

As soon as the voice fell, he heard a wild laugh from above, Yang Tianying lowered the cloud head and floated above the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, looking calmly at Nezha not far away.

In the emptiness above Chongcheng, Nuwa and Hongyun concealed their figures, watching everything below.

Nu Wa looked at Hongyun with a weird expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

Hong Yun smiled wryly, and said, "Junior sister, just look at it."

Nu Wa nodded and said softly, "But the real Taiyi is willing to pay for it. In such a short period of time, he introduced a person to replace him."

Hong Yun couldn't help but nodded. With that real Taiyi's net worth, he could pile up a Taiyi Golden Immortal in such a short time.

In addition, he gave two pieces of acquired spirit treasures, which was decisive.


He looked down at the two people facing each other below, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Everything is just a wedding dress for others!

The moment Yang Tianying appeared, Chong Yingbiao was happy, although he didn't know how sacred Yang Tianying was.

But at the moment he appeared in Chongcheng, and helped them withstand a disaster.

Even if you think about it on your knees, this is not the enemy.

Chong Yingbiao bowed to Yang Tianying above and said, "Thank you for your help."

Yang Tianying nodded slightly.

I heard Chong Yingbiao continue: "This fairy, I am the guard here, and I also ask the fairy to help me put down the rebellion."

Yang Tianying nodded and said: "Wait and rest assured, since I am here, I want to put down the disaster here."

Hearing this, Nezha couldn't help but smile: "Only you, the defeated generals dare to say such a big thing, but I don't know if your spirit treasure is stronger this time."

At that time, when Yang Tianying first descended the mountain, he wanted to stop Xiqi's army with his own strength.

But I never thought that Nezha would be seriously injured.

Back in the Qianyuan Mountain, he was able to recover after taking the elixir given by the real Taiyi, and then he accumulated his cultivation base in a short time.

Now the real Taiyi gifted two acquired spirit treasures to let him come and kill Nezha.

Although I don't know why my teacher named Nezha by name.

But he just obeyed.

Moreover, if he behaved decently this time around the Nine Heavens Divine Fire Cover and Fire Point Spear, True Person Taiyi would completely bestow it on him.

At this point, Yang Tianying felt more courageous, and looked at Nezha on the opposite side with a sneer: "Before my cultivation level was not in the Celestial Immortal realm, and my spiritual treasure was not as good as you, now I wait for my cultivation to be similar, the spiritual treasure rank is the same, what do you take I compare?"

As he said, Yang Tianying raised his hand and called, and the Nine Heavens God's fire cover that originally covered the city gate of Chongcheng turned into a small tower and fell directly into his hands.

Then, between turning his hands, in his right hand, a spear shaped like a blazing flame instantly appeared, surrounded by the way of fire, which was unparalleled in power.

At the moment the flaming spear appeared, Nezha's eyes lit up, and the look in Yang Tianying's eyes changed.

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