Seeing that the expressions on everyone's faces changed, they all raised their thoughts about not wanting to buy.

This made the fish seller's complexion look quite ugly. Originally, the situation had become better, he did not expect.

The original good situation would be completely disturbed by this person's words.

The expressions of the people onlookers were very different.

The fish seller said angrily: "You are so unreasonable, why do you slander me so? Don't you know that cutting people's money is like killing a parent."

Real Jade Ding smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will not let you suffer."

As the top Daluo Jinxian in the prehistoric world, how could he contaminate the cause and effect with a mortal, he must make up for it at this time.

As he said, he raised his hand and stretched forward, a little golden light suddenly appeared in his hand, and everyone saw it, and their eyes showed surprise.

You know, this is not a folk trick, the distance is so close, the golden light almost flashed into everyone's eyes.

When everyone was surprised, they saw the golden light in Yuding Zhenren's hand suddenly changed, and instantly turned into a gold nugget.

Lying quietly in Yuding's hands.

Seeing the gold nugget in the palm of Yuding real person, everyone was amazed.

The fish seller was even more glaring. After all, this gold nugget was enough to cover the expenses of their family for several years.

If this person really treats this gold nugget as compensation.

Then he can make a lot of money.

Just as he thought of this in his heart, he saw the real man Yuding flicked his fingers, and the gold nugget flew out instantly and fell directly into the man's back basket.

The status quo of everyone in the field exclaimed.

At the same time, there was an envy look in his eyes.

They knew that even if this man sold all his catch, he would not be able to sell the value of this piece of gold!

The fish seller also smiled and said quickly: "Please wait a moment, please, I will fish out this carp for you."

Madam Yuding waved his hand slightly, and then raised his hand to the fish bowl with a gentle move.

The golden carp that had been lying quietly under the water flew up in the air, suspended in front of the real person Yuding, looking at everything around him with horror.

Zhen Yuding carefully looked at the golden carp floating in front of him, and he couldn't help but smile.

Before, he faintly felt that there were creatures in this city who had a relationship with him, but he never thought it was this carp.

The qualifications of this golden carp have far surpassed ordinary prehistoric creatures, if oneself is more enlightened, put in some effort.

It won't take long to be robbed.

Moreover, this calamity has no restriction on the cultivation level of the respondent itself, relying on the secret method given by the teacher.

It is hopeful to escape from the calamity.

True person Yuding ignored the surprised group leaders around and disappeared directly.

In the void.

The two of Hongyun, who were hiding from the side observing the things here, knew everything in their hearts.

Nu Wa said, "Brother, that golden carp has dragon blood, don't you have the heart to watch him fall into the hands of evangelism?"

Hong Yun felt something wrong in his heart when he heard the words, but quickly said: "That little guy has a trace of dragon blood, but it's not pure."

"Being enlightened by the interpreter is also a chance for him."

"What's more, the real Jade Ding obviously wants to accept that little guy as his apprentice, brother, how can I win the love of others."

Hong Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and he was the kind of guy who likes to grab apprentices.

When Nuwa heard the words, she couldn't help but curl her lips, and thought to herself: Since it doesn't take people's love, what explanation did Nezha and Yang Jian have before.

She wouldn't say that she has a hobby of seducing apprentices.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "If I guessed it right, then Madam Yuding will find a way to transfer his calamity to that little guy."

Nuwa nodded when she heard the words, but she had seen the method that Madam Taiyi left on Yang Tianying before.

Sure enough, Primordial had something extraordinary, and it was really clever to think of using this method to help his apprentice get out of the calamity.

Nu Wa sighed and said, "It's a pity that I was treated as something to be robbed by the creatures under the interpreter."

Upon hearing this, Hong Yun had a mysterious smile on his face.

Now that he had made up his mind to do a good job of calculating and teaching in the Conferred God, how could he let go of this opportunity.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "What is a pity?"

With that said, he took Nuwa and followed Zhenren Yuding back.

Nuwa couldn't help but follow Hongyun forward, and the interview was blushing.

A moment later, when he arrived at the Yuding Real Man Dojo, Hong Yun realized that he was still holding Nu Wa's hand, and for a while, he was a little bit mad.

Quickly let go, and said: "No offense, please forgive me."

Nu Wa's face was reddish, and said, "It's okay."

After that, she looked at the real Jade Ding Taoist dojo below, and she couldn't help but wonder: "Brother came here, but what do you want to do?"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Without him, I am just a little curious about the original secret method."

After all, the calamity of the Conferred God is a great calamity, and even Dao Zu Hongjun can't rule it out. Where did this primitive secret method get him out of trouble?

Just as Hong Yun thought of this, he saw the real Jade Ding below lift his finger and lightly.

Da Luo Jinxian's mana had already appeared instantly.

The golden carp that enveloped the mid-air is constantly blending into its body.

After a while, the golden carp gradually changed, and the thunder tribulation gradually formed in the sky, among which the thunder dragon shone and slowly condensed.

Upon seeing this, the real Jade Ding nodded slightly towards Lei Jie, and said: "The fairy can disperse by himself."

In the thunder tribulation, the person under the control of the heavenly court nodded slightly, seeing that the real person Yuding gave him face so much, he also dissipated directly from the thunder tribulation with the honorable person.

The catastrophe of creature transformation at this time was different from the disaster of the lich, and had already been controlled by the heavens.

Even if Haotian's control of the Heavenly Court is not comprehensive, but the real Jade Ding does not dare to make too much trouble, he still needs to show some face.

After Lei Jie dispersed, the golden carp in the air began to transform into a human form.

A boy wearing a golden robe landed slowly.

As soon as he landed, the boy had the cultivating talent of immortals, and he hurriedly bowed slightly at the real person of Yuding and said, "Tui'er thanks Master for his life-saving grace."

The real Yuding nodded slightly, watching the Jinpao Boy's complexion become more kind.

In the predicament, except for the human race, all creatures with some talents will have the cultivation base of immortals after passing through the calamity of transformation.

This golden-robed boy had this cultivation level as soon as he transformed, but it saved him a lot of energy.

At this point, the real Jade Ding made a slight move, using the secret method to directly intercept the essence of the qi from his luck, and turn it into a practice method directly into the mind of the Jinpao boy.

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