I Have a Trillion Merits

: Red Cloud Computing

That technique penetrated into the Jinpao boy's mind, turned into a thread of Qi luck, directly wound in his life soul.

The real Jade Ding nodded slightly, and said, "The technique has been taught to you. You will be practicing in the mountains during this period. When the time is right, you can go down the mountain."

Upon hearing this, the Jinpao boy respectfully said: "The disciple obeys his orders."

After that, he left directly and went to the place prepared by Zhenren Yuding to start practicing.

In the void.

Hong Yun raised his hand and held it imaginarily, and an invisible force spread across the entire mountain, making it completely shielded by it and no one could see it.

Afterwards, he raised his hand a little, and the face of the boy in Jinpao who was about to rest with concentration changed, and the whole person involuntarily ascended to the sky.

The body is completely uncontrollable, and I can only watch myself rising higher and higher.

In the blink of an eye, he was already submerged in nothingness and came to Hong Yun.

The boy in the golden robe could only see two vague silhouettes, completely unable to see through, and could only perceive the trembling horrible aura around him.

Hong Yun looked at the thread of luck in the Jinpao boy's body that was entwined in his fate, and he couldn't help showing a touch of thought.

Then he took it out with a means, and took it closer and examined it carefully.

After a while, Hong Yun couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said, "That's it."

When Yang Tianying discovered this thread of Qi Luck before, although he knew the truth, he didn't know enough about it.

After witnessing all this time, including the understanding of the air movement in the Jinpao boy.

He actually figured out a way.

Since you originally wanted to use this method to rescue the twelve golden immortals under your seat from the robbery, how can I do as you wish.

Hong Yun smiled with the power of merit, mixed with this thread of luck, and put it back into the life of the Jinpao boy.

With the integration of the power of this kind of merit, the original idea of ​​the Jade Ding Zhenren using the secret method to fuse the luck to escape the calamity was completely lost.

Although this secret method is still in the body of the Jinpao Boy, the effect of its grafting on the tribulation has disappeared, but the real Jade Ding does not know it.

After Hong Yun had done all this, he modified the Jinpao Boy's memory and sent it back to the mountain below.

Nu Wa looked at what Hong Yun had done, and she had some faint thoughts in her heart. She knew that the brother wanted to pit the primitive, she was a little expectant.

Hongyun searched the entire wilderness with the spirit of a saint, found the location of the twelve golden immortals, and even saw their disciples.

I saw that these disciples had traces of primitive secret methods in their bodies.

Hong Yun smiled slightly, and between raising his hands, countless strengths of merit scattered across the world, silently pouring directly into the bodies of those disciples.

Directly eliminate the power of grafting.

After finishing all this, Hong Yun just stopped and looked at it with satisfaction.

Nu Wa smiled and said, "Senior brother does this, so I am not afraid that the original knowledge will come to you and settle accounts with you."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Even if that primitive knows what?"

"This calamity was originally caused by the twelve golden immortals under his seat, so there is no reason to get out of it."

What's more, how could he be afraid of that primitive.

When Nuwa heard the words, she couldn't help but smiled, and then she stopped talking.


And in Xiqi at this moment.

Above Chaotang.

A good news from Chongcheng, rushed all the way to the court.

Wen Wang Kaifeng, after seeing the content of the book in the good news, he couldn't help clapping his hands in applause.

"Well, Chongcheng has been broken by our army, and Chong Yingbiao, the son of Chonghou Tiger, was also beheaded by Li Jing to show the public. He is now sent to Xiqi."

As soon as Wen Wang said this, the hundreds of officials in the courtroom all smiled.

This expedition to Chongcheng was the first step for Xiqi to attack the tyrannical merchants. In the future, he will naturally be close to Chaoge, so this first battle is crucial.

Now that the first battle is successful, whether it is Wenwang and Jiang Ziya, or the civil and military officials, they are all excited.

King Wen looked at Jiang Ziya and said, "The prime minister's words are indeed accurate. The two of Li Jing and his son can actually capture Chongcheng so easily."

Jiang Ziya smiled and said: "The King Wen didn't know something. I went out of the same school as Nezha. I naturally knew a thing or two about his ability, otherwise I wouldn't let him be a young boy and attack the city with the army."

Wang Wen was surprised: "Oh? Then Nezha actually went out of the same door with the Prime Minister, which really surprised the king."

"I don't know where the prime minister is going out?"

Before that, he only counted that Jiang Ziya had a relationship with Xiqi, and he did have some abilities, but he couldn't figure out where Jiang Ziya went from.

After hearing the question from King Wen, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but smiled, and said, "This is not enough to tell His Royal Highness."

Wang Wen smiled and shook his head, and said, "Since the prime minister is unwilling to speak, then the king will not ask."


Wang Wen laughed and said, "The two of Li Jing are not bad. Before the grain and grass arrived, they broke through Chongcheng, but they were caught off guard by Chaoge."

"But I think they will be able to react soon, and they will definitely take back Chongcheng."

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya smiled and said, "Wang Wen is not more worried. Although Chaoge is very likely to retake Chongcheng, but now Wen Taishi is out of war, they only have one Huang Feihu to use."

"But although Huang Feihu is brave and good at fighting, my two juniors are far ahead of him, so Xiqi doesn't have to worry about this."

After Wang Wen heard what Jiang Ziya said, he couldn't help but nodded.

Although he didn't know much about Li Jing and Yang Jian and others, he believed that his hexagrams were naturally impossible to make mistakes.

Of course, Jiang Ziya intervened behind the Bukit incident, so it should not be confused.

Just when Xiqi won because of Chongcheng, he was cheering for joy.

In the Chaoge Chaotang at this time.

King Shang Zhou couldn't help feeling a little angry listening to the report of the soldiers below.

"Asshole thing, you wait to tell this king, that Xiqi has eaten the guts of the bear heart and the leopard, so he dares to oppose my big business. I really don't know how to write dead words."

The hundreds of civil and military officials below listened to King Shang Zhou's angry words, and bowed their heads, afraid to say a word.

However, in their hearts, it was very clear that if it were not for Shang Zhou Wang, who would kill Bo Yi indiscriminately, he would make it into meat soup for Xi Bohou to eat.

How could Xi Bohou be so angry that he directly led Xiqi to rebel.

Speaking of it, if it were not for Fei Zhong and You Hun, after a drink, they said it while drunk, and it spread to everyone's ears, saying that they are still kept in the dark.

Such a bad behavior, who can bear this Shang Zhou king.

But why is that Chonghou Tiger not above the court today? All the civil and military officials wanted to see, that Chonghou Tiger's expression after hearing Chongcheng broke.

King Shang Zhou looked at the silent civil and military officials below, and said angrily: "You are eloquent one by one on weekdays, how come you have become dumb at this time."

"The widow asks you, who can lead the army to regain Chongcheng and rebel against Xiqi."

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