I Have a Trillion Merits

: King Shang Zhou is angry

The hundreds of civil and military officials in the court, listening to the roar of King Shang Zhou, their heads lowered a bit deeper.

Now Xiqi has captured Chongcheng.

With the land of Chongcheng, they can accumulate troops and gradually grow and expand.

In the future, you can point to Chaoge.

Moreover, Xiqi nowadays, they did not know as well as they used to, but there were many more unknown fighters.

For example, Li Jing, who was the general soldier at Chentangguan before.

Who would have thought that an inconspicuous little general soldier in the past would be the first to breach the gate of Chongcheng.

The civil and military officials bowed their heads and said nothing.

King Shang Zhou's complexion was even more gloomy and his eyes were fierce. In the past, this group of officials who had made trouble in the court.

At this moment, after hearing about Chongcheng, one by one was like a tortoise with its head shrinking.

Really ridiculous!

Below, Huang Feihu looked down at the surrounding ministers, frowning slightly, but thinking in his heart.

Now Xiqi occupies the land of Chongcheng.

If you want to take it back, in addition to facing the geographical advantage of Chongcheng, you have to face the 100,000 army of Xiqi.

If Mr. Wen Taishi returned to the court, he still had some chance of winning.

But only with the sergeant in Chaoge now, even he could not be sure to take Chongcheng back.

Just as he hesitated in his heart.

I only heard King Shang Zhou from above, saying: "General Huang Da, what do you think?"

Huang Feihu looked up, just seeing the gloomy face of King Shang Zhou, and said in a deep voice: "The minister believes that this matter should be discussed in the long term."

When the king of Shang Zhou heard this, he turned angrily and laughed: "From a long-term perspective, do you want this king to make the fat body raised by the Xiqi rebels strong, and then use the sword to point at the song?"

Huang Feihu bit his scalp and said: "King Qi, now Xiqi has already occupied Chongcheng, occupying the right time and place."

"If I wait for a rash attack, with today's forces, even a victory is a miserable victory."

"As far as I can see, it would be better to wait until Wen Taishi's class returns to the court and gather forces to recover Chongcheng."

When the king of Shang Zhou heard this, his expression was a little slow.

Now there are only 130,000 troops in Chaoge, if you want to regain Chongcheng, it is really difficult to do.

After all, Chongcheng is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The reason that Xiqi captured Chongcheng was because the grain officials were embezzled and used public grain for personal gain.

If this is not the case, even if it is Xiqi siege, they can at least stick to Chaoge's aid.

As for the little general Nezha, who has been passed down by the people to the gods.

King Shang Chong thought it was nothing more than folk rumours, and if he encountered Huang Feihu, he would break.

After thinking for a moment.

Just as King Shang Zhou wanted to postpone this time, he heard a guard coming from outside the main hall.

Chonghou Tiger met.

The king of Shang Zhou frowned slightly. This Chonghou Tiger came to Chaoge a few days ago, but he offered many beauties.

Won his favor.

During this period of time, I was in the Chaoge, secretly searching for him to see if there were any beauties.

So he was granted the privilege of not going to court.

Now that Chonghou Tiger came to the center of the court, could it be that the news of Chongcheng's fall had already spread.

It's not just him.

Even the hundreds of civil and military officials below were shaking, and they only felt that something bad was about to happen.

They knew that Chong Yingbiao was cut off by Li Jing and sent to Xiqi.

At this time, the arrival of Chong Yingbiao, I am afraid that the rehabilitative heart that was finally settled by King Shang Zhou will rise again.

Shang Zhou Wang waved his hand slightly: "Announce him to come in."

The guard below shouted: "Xuan Chong Houhu came to meet him."

The voice just fell.

I saw a sturdy man crawling into the hall, screaming.

Weeping: "Majesty, the minister heard an emergency report from Chongcheng, saying that Chongcheng was destroyed, but this is true."

Chonghou Tiger's eyes were red, looking at King Shang Zhou above.

In fact, as early as when the emergency report entered the Chaoge, he already knew it, but he didn't move.

He knew in his heart that the civil and military officials above the court would definitely prevent King Shang Zhou from regaining Chongcheng.

After all, now that Master Wen is conquering, the Chaoge also needs troops to guard it, and if there are fewer people, it will just die in vain.

But what about his son who guards Chongcheng?

How can you die for nothing?

So Chonghou Tiger chose to enter the palace when Shang Zhou had just recovered.

Incited King Shang Zhou to send troops.

Looking at the sad Chonghou Tiger below, King Shang Zhou nodded helplessly.

Chongcheng is an important city of Dashang.

Now Chongcheng's failure is equivalent to opening the door to Chaoge for Xiqi, even if there are several cities in the middle.

But how can those cities block the footsteps of the Xiqi army?

Intrigue with each other.

It's not a big deal.

Above the court, after seeing King Shang Zhou nodding from Chonghouhu, he couldn't help but said angrily:

"Then the Xiqi rebels attacked Chongcheng while they were seeing the king, which is really damning."

As he said, he continued: "Please also ask the king to assign some men and horses to the ministers, and the micro ministers will go to recover Chongcheng and destroy the 100,000 army of Xiqi."

The king of Shang Zhou said: "Naughty, then Xiqi occupies the land of Chongcheng, and there are a hundred thousand army, what use is it for you to go."

"This king knows in his heart that Chongcheng fell and his children died tragically, and you have resentment in your heart."

"But everything has to be discussed after Master Wen returns."

Chonghouhu said with grief: "Majesty, now Taishi Wen has just arrived in the land of the East China Sea. It will take some time to put down the rebellion."

"Although we can wait, how can the Xiqi rebels give me time to wait."

"When Wen Taishi's class returns to the court, I am afraid that Xiqi has already pointed at the song."

Chonghouhu's words were full of grief, anger, and shouted hoarsely above the court.

As if the next moment.

The Xiqi army will attack again and come directly to Chaoge.

The anger that had subsided in King Shang Zhou's heart rose again, even more intense than before.

Daxiang Shangrong opened the mouth and said: "My lord, the minister thinks that he should still follow what General Huang said before. Everything will be discussed after Wen Taishi's class returns to the court."

"After all, these days, the Xiqi army hasn't moved."

Chonghouhu said angrily: "We have to wait for Wen Taishi's class to return to the court, and when the Taishi returns to the court, I am afraid that we can only see this Chaoge City, full of Xiqi banners."

"Does this great business have to become the Naxi Zhou."

This remark immediately aroused the anger in the heart of King Shang Zhou.

Before the establishment of the Western Zhou Dynasty in Xiqi, King Shang Zhou wanted to attack Xiqi with troops so that Xi Bohou would know.

This great business is the world of his Shang King.

However, a group of ministers tried their best to stop, and now Chongcheng was broken, these ministers still tried their best to stop.

King Shang Zhou almost burst into flames in his eyes.

He scanned the hundreds of civil and military officials below, with a sneer on his face.

He opened his mouth and said, "This great merchant... is the king's great merchant."

Afterwards, he looked at Huang Feihu below, and said: "This king has appointed you as the main general, Chonghouhu as the lieutenant general, leading the tiger talisman, and the Chaoge leading thirty thousand soldiers."

"Continue to mobilize troops along the way and destroy Xiqi for this king."

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