I Have a Trillion Merits

: Zhou Wenwang Tuogu

She didn't expect that Tongtian would actually say such words, which made her a little startled for a while.

Tongtiandao: "Do you understand?"

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit nodded again and again after hearing the words: "The disciple knows that Ding Dong will inform Wen Zhong according to the master's request."

Hearing this, Tongtian nodded in satisfaction, and then waved his hand: "If this is the case, then you go back!"

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit replied respectfully, then turned and left.

In the main hall, only Tongtian was left, looking at the direction of Penglai Xiandao and smiling lightly: "Brother, you and me must have done enough in this scene."

After the voice fell, Tongtian chuckled and disappeared directly into the hall.


Just after Tongtian ordered the Virgin of the Golden Spirit.

Taishi Wen Zhongwen, who was far away in the East China Sea, got the voice of his master.

After receiving the master's voice transmission, Master Wen Tai looked a little strange.

He couldn't understand why the master wanted to do it himself.

But since I can't figure it out, I don't want to continue thinking about it.

So he focused on quickly solving this rebellion.

It's also good to return to Korea as soon as possible.

In recent days, bad news came from Chaoge, saying that the king ordered Huang Feihu to lead his troops to put down the Xiqi rebellion.

This is nothing short of mischief in Wen Zhong's eyes, and if it weren't for the king of Shang Zhou to force each other everywhere, Xiqi would not end there.

This time, Huang Feihu led his troops to put down Xiqi, even if he could regain Chongcheng, it would be nothing more than a tragic victory, and Dashang would still suffer.

Thinking of this, Wen Zhong couldn't help sighing deeply.

He didn't expect that the king of Shang Zhou, who grew up, would become such an appearance, making him feel a little strange.

Just when Wen Zhongwei was sad for the current king of Shang Zhou.

In Xiqi at this time, King Zhou Wen was lying on his side on the bed, his face was pale, his posture was weak, he felt drowsy, and his state was very poor.

Beside him, Ji Chang anxiously watched the imperial doctor give his father's pulse.

But there is no way, I can only wait.

Since the news came from Chongcheng that day, Li Jing sent people to bring Chong Yingbiao's head back, and Zhou Wenwang was a little unsure.

It is also since then that Zhou Wenwang's body has been worsening every day.

From then on, King Zhou Wen stopped going to court, leaving everything to his second son Ji Chang and Jiang Shang.

The civil and military officials also knew the state of Zhou Wenwang at this time, and they were also worried, and they sought news from the palace, wanting to know the situation of Zhou Wenwang at this time.

Since Zhou Wenwang fell ill, he rarely roads and is taken care of by imperial physicians.

But even after taking the medicine for a long time, it still doesn't get better.

Ji Chang looked sad and said, "Father, how about letting the prime minister come and see?"

Both of them, father and son, knew that Jiang Ziya had a special background, and it was an immortal who came to Xiqi. If there is no cure in the world, then only he can do it.

Zhou Wenwang said in a weak voice: "Birth, old age, sickness and death, this is the reincarnation of the heavens..."

It took a long time.

King Zhou Wen looked into the distance before continuing to speak: "Besides, since I learned of your brother's death that day, I've known my life soon!"

"No need for the Prime Minister to take action."

Ji Chang looked at his father in a difficult state when speaking, and felt sorrowful in his heart.

After a long time, Zhou Wenwang felt chest tightness for a while, so he fell on the bed and took a nap. The imperial physician and Ji Chang beside him couldn't help feeling a little worried, and stood by and waited.

When the sunset came to the west, King Zhou Wen woke up, and he looked at Ji Chang who was standing aside.

Slowly spoke: "Prime Minister Xuan enters the palace."

Ji Chang responded quickly: "Yes, father."

With that, he quickly ordered someone to invite the Prime Minister into the palace, but in a moment, Jiang Ziya entered the inner hall.

Slowly before he came to the dragon couch, he respectfully said: "The old minister Jiang Shang enters the palace by decree, is the king okay?"

Zhou Wenwang smiled and said, "Nothing."

Immediately, he continued: "This king calls you into the palace today, it is no different, but he wants to explain to you."

The imperial physician and Ji Chang on the side heard Zhou Wenwang's words like a last word.

They covered their faces and wept.

Jiang Ziya lowered his head and said, "The minister is very good at listening."

King Zhou Wen smiled and said: "There is no way for big business, and King Shang Zhou is tyrannical. I waited to comply with public opinion and raised troops to overthrow the tyranny. Now that we have won the first battle, this king's body is somewhat unable to hold it."

"It's a pity!"

"After the king's death, you need to help my son with all your strength, overthrow the tyranny, and return the people of the world to a prosperous life in peace and contentment."

When the voice fell, Ji Chang and others had already burst into tears.

King Zhou Wen looked at Jiang Ziya in front of him with piercing eyes, waiting for the reply from the other party.

Jiang Ziya bowed and said: "Chen He is favored, in the aspect, you should do your best and die!"

Zhou Wenwang laughed and said, "Good, good."

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Ji Chang standing aside, and said, "My son, I have a few words for my father to explain to you."

When Ji Chang heard the words, he knelt down and said, "I'll listen."

King Zhou Wen said: "After I die, my son should be inherited as his father's will and return to the people of the world in a prosperous age."

Ji Chang nodded and said, "My boy follows the order."

King Zhou Wen said again: "You are still young and you are new to the throne. Remember to listen to the words of good officials and maintain the virtue of the emperor."

"From today, the prime minister will be your subfather. If you act in the future, you need to listen more to the prime minister."

Jiang Ziya felt a little sad for a while.

Ji Chang nodded and said: "My child obeyed."

King Zhou Wen looked at the two people in front of him and nodded slightly. The next moment he felt the interaction between heaven and man, his eyes were slightly closed, and he fell directly on the bed.

In the inner palace, there was a cry of crying.

A generation of virtuous kings passed away at the age of ninety-six, and later became Zhou Wenwang.

After the death of King Zhou Wen, the whole country was in mourning. In the mortal world, the people were all dressed in white to see King Wen off.

The remains of Zhou Wenwang stopped in the White Tiger Hall, and a hundred officials discussed the throne.

With Jiang Ziya in danger, Ji Chang successfully ascended to the throne with the edict of the first king.

At this moment, the news of the death of King Zhou Wen gradually spread.

After receiving the news, Han Rong, the military officer of the nearby Baoshuiguan, immediately sent the memorial to the song.

However, when the memorial had just arrived at Chaoge, it was cut off by Fei Zhong and You Hun.

After the two learned of their hearts, they were overjoyed and hurriedly went to the palace to see King Shang Zhou.

When the two came to the palace, they went all the way under the leadership of their entourage.

Until now, the place where the King of Shang Zhou was located, the Tower of Stars.

Fei Zhong and You Hun had to go to the Zhaixing Building and came to see King Shang Zhou, wanting to inform Xiqi about matters.

When they arrived at the Star Picking Tower, the two saw the singing and dancing upstairs rising.

Brightly lit.

King Shang Zhou lay in the meat forest in the wine pond, watching the beauties dancing around him, very happy.

The two came to the front and said respectfully: "The lower official has seen the king."

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