I Have a Trillion Merits

: The Change of Star Tower

After seeing the two of them, King Shang Zhou smiled and said, "Aiqing is here just right. Come, give a seat."

As soon as the voice fell, someone came with a stool and placed them behind them.

When the two were about to speak, they heard someone shout loudly outside: "The King Qi, the wife of Wu Cheng Huang Feihu, the wife of Yuan Pei, enter the palace to congratulate him."

When the king of Shang Zhou heard this, his expression was quite dissatisfied, although the wife of King Wu Cheng would go to the palace every year to meet the aunt Huang Concubine of the West Palace.

But in the eyes of King Shang Zhou, the Jia family clearly supported the Huang Fei.

To warn him with the power of King Wucheng.

Fei Zhong and You Hun on the side saw that King Shang Zhou's expression was a bit wrong, and they were very witty and did not speak.

King Shang Zhou narrowed his eyes and said, "Xuanhuang and Jia are here to pick up the star building."

When the voice fell, there was a response from outside.

Fei Zhong and You Hun's expressions changed, and they quickly said: "The king, you don't see his courtier's wife. This is a ritual."

King Shang Zhou frowned and said, "The law of etiquette? This king is the law of etiquette of this great merchant."

Upon hearing this, Fei Zhong and You Hun dared not continue speaking.

In the harem.

Huang Fei and Jia's face changed when they heard the palace call.

Concubine Huang said, "Why is this the king today, who is so vain of human relations and does not respect etiquette!"

She said angrily: "Go back and report to the king. You don't see his wife. This is a ritual. My sister-in-law returned to the mansion today. I can't win the star."

As soon as Concubine Huang finished speaking, she heard a sweet smile from outside.

"Sister, this is to disobey the king's order and fail."

When the words fell, a beautiful shadow walked in slowly from outside, looking at Huang Fei with a smile.

This man was the concubine of Shang Zhou Wang Xinna, and he was very much loved.

Now he was sent by King Shang Zhou to accompany Huang Fei and two to the Star Picking Tower.

When Concubine Huang saw Concubine Li coming, she added a trace of anger on her face, just about to speak.

He was pulled by Jia Shi.

Jia's whispered: "It's not easy for you to be in the palace, but it's not convenient to offend people. What if the two of me go with them."

When Huang Fei heard this, she wanted to say something, but was stopped by Jia.

The two had no choice but to win the star building together.

Get the stars upstairs.

Na Jia came upstairs with Huang Fei, and when he reached a nine-curved railing, he inadvertently lowered his head and looked down.

I saw under the railing, but a huge basin, in which densely scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, and endless skeletons and bones.

The piles of piles are really frightening.

Upon seeing this, Jia's only felt a panic, and he was very frightened by the sight.

Concubine Huang stroked Jia's hand comfortingly, and whispered, "Be careful."

Jia's nodded repeatedly.

Upon seeing this, the Huang concubine couldn't help but sneered, and then hurriedly rushed to the **** King Shang Zhou.

King Shang Zhou smiled and hugged him into his arms, and then he looked at the Jia family who was walking slowly. Speaking of which, it was the first time he saw Jia family.

The sister-in-law of Huang Feihu, the wife of Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu.

After all, in Dashang etiquette, if you don't see his wife, how can he see Jia family?

Had it not been for the depression in King Shang Zhou's heart today, he would not have been so, disregarding human relations and etiquette, let Jia Clan come to the Tower of Stars.

After seeing Jia's this time, King Shang Zhou's eyes lit up.

This Jia's appearance is really good, but he was born very upright, with a long face, and a smile with a smile.

This made King Shang Zhou feel a little itchy.

Dang even said: "Come on, give me a seat."

Immediately below, a waiter came with a chair in his hand and placed it behind Jia's.

Upon seeing this, Jia hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the concubines and concubines here cannot take their seats. It is against the law of etiquette."

King Shang Zhou smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about it. Here, this king is the ritual and law. If this king lets you sit, you sit."

The Huang Fei on the side saw this and couldn't help pulling Raja's sleeves.

After all, Concubine Huang has been with King Shang Zhou for a long time, so she naturally knows the other party's rascal temperament, and can't disobey her, otherwise there will be disaster.

Concubine Li, who was in the arms of King Shang Zhou, seemed to perceive the careful thought of King Shang Zhou, and she couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied, and immediately looked at Jia's eyes with something wrong.

She pulled the sleeves of Shang Zhou Wang and said, "This Jia family clearly doesn't give the great king face. Could it be that this great Shang's etiquette can restrict the great king?"

Shang Zhou Wang heard this, his heart moved slightly.

I saw Jia hurriedly knelt down on the ground, saying: "This time the court concubine enters the palace to congratulate him, it is a respectful visit to meet his sisters. What's more, since ancient times, the rites have said: "You don’t see the court’s wife," Li also.'"

"The king's summoning of his concubines this time is an insult to courtesy, so I hope the king Haihan!"

King Shang Zhou frowned slightly when he heard the words, and a look of dissatisfaction appeared on Jia's face in front of him.

Then he said, "Since the emperor doesn't want to be seated, the king will serve a cup, how about?"

After hearing such frivolous words from King Shang Zhou, Concubine Huang's expression changed, and she looked at King Shang Zhou in disbelief.

I was shocked in my heart, why this Shang Zhou Wang would say such frivolous words.

Actually let his courtiers drink in public.

This is an insult to the courtier.

Jia's complexion flushed with shame for a while, but she never expected that the Shang Zhou Wang would actually say such words.

What a man her husband is!

Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng, has been upright and loyal all her life.

Just as Jia was angry, he saw King Shang Zhou holding a glass of wine in his hand, and he came to Jia with a smile.

Jia's retreat was irresistible, and he was furious, grabbing the cup with his hand, and hitting the king of Shang Zhou head and face.

Still yelling in his mouth: "You foolish lord! My husband guarded the country for you, put down the rebellion, experienced many battles, and made so many contributions, but you insulted the minister's wife here."

"Dare to humiliate me, really is an out-and-out stunner."

Concubine Huang hurriedly grabbed Jia's family, trying to make him shut up, so as not to anger King Shang Zhou.

But it was too late. King Shang Zhou was furious and said, "Come here, take this person!"

Immediately, right and left came forward, wanting to capture Jia's family, Huang Fei stood in front of Jia's family begging bitterly, wanting Shang Zhou Wang to let go of his sister-in-law, but Shang Zhou Wang still did not feel soft.

The attendants were not soft, they wanted to take Jia from Huang Fei's hand, but who would have thought that, inadvertently, Huang Fei's pushing was staggering, causing the other party to fall off the railing.

It fell directly into the pile of poison below, and in an instant, it turned into a pile of bones.

Everyone in the field was immediately frightened, and even King Shang Zhou couldn't help being stunned.

Upon seeing this, Jia Shi looked at the bones in the poison below, and couldn't help crying loudly.

After that, she walked straight into the railings of the Xingxing Building and said loudly: "Husband! King Shang has no way to intimidate his concubine. Today, the concubine's body and you are in full name! Only pity my three children, and will be left unattended in future!

As he said, Jia's jumped, jumped directly off the star picking building and hit the sky, crushing his body and soul.

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