I Have a Trillion Merits

: Seeing his breakthrough is a bit difficult, let's help him out!

At this time, Huang Feibao, with a guard assigned by Huang Feihu, rushed to the back to meet the Huang family.

Just when Huang Feibao met everyone in the Huang family.

In Xiqi, Jiang Ziya came to Chongcheng alone and met Nezha and Li Jing who were guarding in Chongcheng.

In the main hall, Li Jing arched his hands and said: "I'll see the prime minister."

Jiang Ziya waved his hand slightly and said, "It's been a fortunate thing for General Li during this period of time. With such a great achievement, the victory in the first battle has greatly increased my morale in Xiqi."

Li Jing smiled and said: "The prime minister is too acclaimed. I don't know if the prime minister is here, but I have something to explain."

Jiang Ziya nodded slightly and said: "I'm here this time to inform you that I need to enter the five levels next time, and the king will be here soon and personally go into battle."

Today's great king is Ji Fa. Since ascending to the throne, he has been dealing with political affairs in Xiqi.

But he didn't expect that this new king was so courageous that he wanted to personally lead his troops and conquer mercenaries.

Li Jing respectfully said: "When I know it, I will definitely try my best to keep the new Wang safe. Please rest assured, the Prime Minister."

Jiang Ziya nodded slightly.

After the two talked, they left separately, Jiang Ziya dressed up and entered the five gates, seemingly looking for something.

at the same time.

In a human city, Hong Yun and Nu Wa looked at the tattered monk in front of them, their expressions a little weird.

This person who looked like a monk was the Taoist priest they saw some time ago.

But for some reason, the hair on the head of this lamp-burning Taoist disappeared, and his body was ragged, and he looked like a beggar.

Nu Wa said in a low voice, "Brother, what is the madness of the Taoist man who burns the lamp, he has changed into this way."

Hong Yun looked at the Taoist Taoist in front of him, feeling a little weird, not knowing what to say.

But in his opinion, the change of the Taoist Burning Lamp at this time is inseparable from the Western quasi-ti.

After all, in order to break through the stage of the most saint, with the spirit of the Taoist Taoist, he may really apostasy, and then it will be great fun.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Junior sister, judging by his appearance now, is it not so different from Western Buddhism."

When Nuwa heard the words, she immediately turned her head and continued to look at Zhunti, only to find that it was just like what Hongyun had said.

It's really becoming more and more like people in West Buddha Buddhism.

Could it be that what Zhunti said at the time has become true now.

The Hong Yun on the side looked at Zhunti's appearance now, and couldn't help smiling, not knowing what he was thinking.

I saw the Taoist Burning Lamp with compassion on his face, walking with the world, but turning a deaf ear to things around him, as if he was the only one in this world.

And the mortals around, it was as if they couldn't see him, they looked weird.

The Taoist Burning Lamp traveled all the way to the west, constantly walking through the human city. After a period of time, the compassion on his body became more and more concentrated, and the Buddha nature became deeper and deeper.

Hongyun secretly said: This person's current state is afraid that he will abandon the Tao and become a Buddha.

Although he knew in his heart that the Taoist priests would betray Taoism and switch to Western Buddhism.

But now I am a little surprised to see such a scene.

This burning lamp Taoist is really a born Buddha, and now he is a monk on the way, but his cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds.

No wonder that Zhunti called him the opportunity for the rise of West Buddha.

The two of Hongyun concealed their figures, and kept following behind the Taoist Burning Lamp, constantly watching the Buddha-nature of the Taoist Burning Lamp getting stronger and stronger.

Countless golden Buddha light that mortals can't see, enveloped him.

Spread tens of thousands of miles.

West Buddha Buddhism.

The expressions of Jiuyin and Zhunti looking at this place couldn't help but change, and their expressions of joy became stronger.

They are naturally aware of the changes happening here.

Seeing that the Taoist priests are about to abandon the Tao to become a Buddha, it is impossible to say that they are unhappy in their hearts.

Both of them are sages, and they are most sensitive to the laws of heaven and earth.

In the same way, they are also the deepest group of people who have explored the secrets of heaven, otherwise they would not decisively betray Taoism.

If it weren't for Hongjun, who was already fit for the heavens, he would kill them if he could not be angry.

This is also the reason why they did not invite people to see them after they were sanctified.

Then he looked at the looming light of the Buddha in the distance, and said with joy: "It's time for me to add another saint in Buddhism."

Zhunti smiled and nodded. It was he who went to pick up the Taoist Burning Lamp that day, so he knew more about the potential of the Taoist Burning Lamp than he did.

This time, the Taoist of Burning Lanterns has achieved the position of quasi-sage at most, but this is also good.

The quasi saint is also pretty good.

After all, in this great calamity of heaven and earth, any extra saint who comes out may cause great changes.

On the contrary, it is a quasi-sage, and the influence is not deep.

Suyin smiled and said, "Why don't you let me come and guide this fellow Taoist, how about coming to my Lingshan?"

Zhunti waved his hand and said: "No right now. He has not yet succeeded in breaking through. If I wait rashly, maybe it will affect this person's chances. Don't be reckless."

Sui Yin smiled and said, "Also, I am a little worried. After all, I am in front of my western prosperity."

After hearing what was said in the introduction, even a smile appeared on Zhuan's face.

During this calamity, he originally thought it would be the elaboration or interception of teaching that would benefit the most, but he did not expect that this calamity would be of great benefit to Buddhism.

It is really an unexpected joy.

In a desert.

The Taoist Burning Lamp still walked forward on his own, completely unaware that he had already reached the desert.

In the void, Hong Yun squinted slightly, looking at the Taoist Taoist who was in the critical period of transformation, a thought suddenly came up in his heart, and a smile could not be seen from the corner of his mouth.

Beside him, Nuwa looked at the smile at the corner of Hong Yun's mouth, and suddenly knew that something would happen next.

After all, she and Hongyun have paraded in the world for many years, but they are used to seeing Hongyun's performance.

I knew in my heart that every time Hong Yun showed this expression on his face, strange things would happen next.

Now it's not surprising.

But even so, Nu Wa was still a little curious in her heart and couldn't help but ask, "What do you want to do, brother?"

At this moment, Hongyun was looking at the Taoist Taoist who was constantly walking in front of him, looking at the growing Buddha light on his body, and he was in a state of surprise.

At this moment, hearing Nuwa's questioning beside her suddenly, the expression on her face was suddenly startled.

Then he came back to his senses and sneered: "Without him, the brother just saw his breakthrough a little bit difficult, he wants to help him!"

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