I Have a Trillion Merits

: Cut meat to feed the eagle

When Nuwa heard this, she couldn't help but give Hongyun a white look.

After hearing Hongyun's words, she always felt something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't say it.

Afterwards, she looked at some eager Hongyun, and couldn't help but say: "If the brother's action is known to the original, he is afraid that he will be dissatisfied."

"After all, there is no quasi-sage under his seat now, and Da Luo Jinxian is the mainstay of elucidation and teaching."

"Brother's move is equivalent to the Daluo Jinxian who explained his teachings and abducted him to Buddhism as a quasi-sage. If the original knows, I am afraid that he will turn his face with the senior."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but stand tall and said: "Why did the younger sister say this? Since I am a big disciple under the teacher's seat, this burning lamp can also be regarded as my nephew, my nephew has a difficult breakthrough, and I, as an uncle, make a move. Why don't you help?"

He said, ignoring Nu Wa's eyes, and between turning his hands, a peculiar magical light shot out from it.

Falling into the desert of thousands of miles, it turned into a small snake, and followed closely behind the Taoist.

The little snake wandered above the desert, making a sizzling noise.

The Taoist priest who was walking in the front was suddenly startled, and then turned around and looked at the little snake.

This little snake was formed by the red cloud condensed according to the law of saints. He, a big Luo Jinxian who has not broken through, naturally can't see any abnormalities. In his eyes, this is an ordinary little snake.

In the pair of cold snake eyes, there is endless tyranny hidden, and the snake letter beats loudly in the air.

The Taoist Burning Lamp saw the bloodthirsty desire in the eyes of the snake. He raised his head and looked at the desert in the distance, frowning slightly.

Buddha saves sentient beings.

This thought in his heart grew stronger, and he moved lightly towards the little snake on the ground.

The little snake was frightened by this move of the Taoist Burning Lantern and backed away again and again.

It seemed to be very afraid of the Taoist Burning Lamp, and while backing away, it kept a certain safe distance from the Taoist Burning Lamp, without the slightest idea of ​​getting close.

Upon seeing this, the Taoist Burning Lantern showed a smile on his face, and immediately raised his hand.

The little snake flew up in the air and fell directly into his palm, hovering in it.

The little snake felt the warmth under her body, and there was a touch of panic in her eyes, as if she wanted to escape from the palm of the Taoist Burning Lamp, but after walking in it for a long time, she could not escape.

Taoist Burning Lantern smiled and said, "You little fellow, now I'm scared."

As he said, he flicked his finger, and immediately a splash of blood flew from his fingertips, flying up and down on top of the snake's head, floating in the air.

Exudes a weak holy breath.

Today's Taoist Taoist is only one step away from breaking through the quasi-saint, and there is naturally a saint's law in his blood.

The little snake looked at the blood floating in the air, and naturally there was a greedy look in his eyes, as if he wanted to swallow it in his belly.

However, he was afraid that the Taoist Burning Lamp would slap him to death, but he refused to move.

After a long time, it seemed that he saw the Taoist Burning Lantern and did not move at all.

The little snake hesitated slightly and flew directly into the air, swallowing the blood floating in the air into its abdomen.

Just after the little snake swallowed the blood of the Buddha-natured Taoist priest into his abdomen, a faint gleam suddenly appeared on the snake's body, and a Buddha-nature aura slowly appeared.

The tyranny in Xiao Snake's eyes began to slowly disappear, showing a touch of spirituality more than before.

When the Taoist Burning Lamp saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

Just when he wanted to release it from life, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the air.

It was an eagle with open wings, and a pair of sharp eagle eyes stared at the little snake in the hands of the Taoist Burning Lamp.

Hovering in mid-air, refused to leave for a long time.

Even though this little snake swallowed a touch of blood from the Taoist Burning Lamp, it did not produce other changes after all. For the eagle flying in the sky, it naturally felt fear from the bottom of my heart.

In the void.

Nuwa glanced at Hongyun beside her, wondering what the other party was doing, and why she suddenly made some small movements.

Hong Yun stared at the Taoist Burning Lantern closely, wanting to know what he would do next.

This can also be regarded as the help Hongyun has given him.

If there is no red cloud, by relying on the burning lamp Taoist to go on like this, at least after the confinement of the gods is over, it is possible to break through the quasi-sage.

But now Hongyun gave the opponent a chance to break through.

As long as they pass this level steadily, the opponent can naturally break through to the Quasi-Sage stage.

It just depends on what choice the other party makes.


The Taoist Burning Lantern looked at the eagle who hovered in the sky for a long time and refused to leave. He naturally knew in his heart that the other party was staring at the little snake in his hand and wanted to treat it as something to eat.

However, Western Buddhism emphasizes the equality of all beings, but it does not consider the existence of natural laws at all.

One of the precepts is to remember to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Even the ordinary laws of nature violate the precepts in the eyes of Buddhism.

The Taoist Burning Lantern looked at the eagle in the sky and the little snake in his hand, with a touch of sadness on his face.

In the high altitude, the eagle screamed constantly, loudly, and became more and more rushing.

The eagle stared into the eyes of the Taoist Burning Lamp, and it became more and more unkind.

But from the bottom of my heart, the eagle did not dare to provoke the Taoist people, after all, the biological instinct to seek advantages and avoid harm is still there.

Therefore, he can only hover in the air and wait.

The Taoist priest below heard the eagle's call, and seemed to have figured out something, his brows slowly unfolded.

Later, I saw him insert his right hand on his chest, abruptly squeezing out a touch of blood and blood, but his expression on his face remained unchanged.

Between raising his hands, he threw the flesh and blood in his hands towards the sky.

The eagle that smelled the blood in the air had been hungry for a long time, but now he couldn't bear it anymore, and swallowed the flesh and blood into his abdomen in a single dive.

The eagle who had swallowed the flesh and blood of the burning lamp was not satisfied.

Still staring at the Taoist Burning Lamp in the air, his eyes were full of greed.

The Taoist Burning Lamp did not change his face, and he took a piece of flesh from his chest and continued to feed.

The eagle swallowed it again.

This continued for nine times before the tyrannical air in the eyes of the eagle slowly disappeared, slowly descending, landing on the ground, and lowering his head deeply towards the Taoist priest.

A smile appeared on the human face of Burning Lantern Road, and he waved his hand. For a while, the little snake in his hand and the eagle in front of him disappeared.

The Buddha's light on the Taoist Burning Lamp is getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, it turned into a sky full of auspicious clouds, spreading tens of thousands of miles, and the Buddha's light shined all over the sky, and it evolved into a sky full of auspiciousness.

A blue light slowly appeared behind it.

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