I Have a Trillion Merits

: Burning lantern into the quasi saint

West, Lingshan.

Jiuyin and Zhunti looked at the aura in the distance, and the light and auspiciousness of Buddha in the sky.

There was a smile on his face.

Leading the way: "Now that the Taoist Burning Lamp has reached the quasi-sage, I should go and take him back to Lingshan."

Zhunti nodded slightly.

Before, he didn't agree to bring the Taoist Burning Lantern back to Lingshan because he was afraid of disturbing the chance of Taoist Burning Lantern.

If it was because of them, that the Taoist priest could not break through the quasi-sage.

Then they will regret it.

Now that it's alright, the Taoist priest has already broken through the quasi-sage level, and when they go this time, they can actually welcome a Buddha back to Lingshan.

The two met each other and smiled.

This Taoist priest is the most important opportunity for Buddhism that they speculate.

Although there are other opportunities, but compared to burning lamps.

It's not even close.

Just when the two sages of the West set off for the East.

On the Kunlun Mountain at this moment, the primitive clearly felt that his luck in elucidating and teaching was one point less.

This inexplicable flow of luck made him feel a little angry.

After all, these fortunes were accumulated after tens of thousands of years after he established the interpretation and teaching.

Now I am inexplicably less lucky.

This made the original heart have to wonder whether there are other saints secretly calculating and teaching.

Suddenly, the original thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly he thought of the great Buddhist light that appeared in the world before, and he knew in his heart that someone had achieved the quasi-sage here.

But I don't know who it is.

The original heart secretly said: Could it be this Buddhist man who affected the luck of elucidation and teaching?

Looking at the vast Buddha light in the distance.

Primitive eyes narrowed slightly, and he left Kunlun Mountain directly, heading straight for the birthplace of the Buddha's light.

Except them.

The sky-reaching sky of Jin'ao Island was also surprised when he looked at the birthplace of Buddha's light in the distance, slightly surprised.

He didn't expect it.

At this juncture, there will be people in Buddhism who break through and become quasi saints.

You know, under the seat of all the saints today, except for the two saints under the seat of Brother Hongyun.

There is no saint under the rest of All Saints.

Originally, he thought that the first breakthrough under the seat of these saints would be Xuandu, the disciple of Lao Tzu.

After all, Xuan has great luck in his body.

Moreover, Lao Tzu's careful cultivation, coupled with his being a human talent, was born with Dao Bone.

According to reason.

The first to be sanctified under the Sect of All Saints should be Xuandu, how could it be a Buddhist man.

A hint of surprise flashed in Tongtian's eyes.

But then I stopped thinking about it. After all, among the deities, only Buddhism had little to do with it.

He doesn't need to care.

Ever since he knew that there was another prisoner with the appearance of a flying bear in Xiqi, he knew that it was Hong Yun's backhand.

There are even some possibilities that the people who interpret and teach are in his calculations.

In this way, in addition to the great artifact of the Conferred God List, Hong Yun also has the existence of people who should be robbed. In common sense, Hong Yun is already invincible.

Tongtian naturally does not have to worry.

He looked at the direction in which the Taoist priest was beheaded and sanctified in the distance, and he couldn't help but smile. Now it should be his second brother who is anxious.

After all, the primitive is thinking of making the interpretation of education become the original orthodoxy and enjoy the fortune of the ancients.

These saints can now be said to have stood on the top of the pyramid, and there is no longer any way to go on. The plan is to inherit the religion.

On the Shouyang Mountain.

The Lao Tzu who was preaching to Xuan Du couldn't help but pause for a moment, turned his head and looked in the direction where the Taoist Burning Lantern was, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Xuan Du woke up from the sudden stop of Dao Fa, looked at his teacher, and couldn't help showing a trace of doubt in his eyes, and said, "Teacher, what happened?"

Hearing this, Laozi slowed down and looked at the mysterious capital in front of him that had reached the late Golden Immortal Daluo, his eyes closed slightly and shook his head.

Then he resumed preaching.

It's just that this time I'm talking about some of the Dao rules and conditions about the quasi-sage, and some things that need attention.

Xuan Du heard what Lao Tzu was preaching and couldn't help but quickly gather his mind and listen carefully.


In the desert.

The blue light behind the Taoist priest appeared, exuding a dazzling light, and the flame among them was beating, the green and dark but weirdly full of Buddha nature.

In a trance.

The quasi-sage's Tao continued to spread here, spreading tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, even beyond the scope of the great desert.

In the place where the human race on the edge of the desert is located, everyone is directly suppressed by this sudden majesty of the holy way, and each body is trembling and kneeling on the ground.

The lamp-burning Taoist floating in the air suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be Buddha appearing behind him. If you look closely, the Buddha that appeared behind him was exactly like him.

In the mid-air, the three flowers on the top of the Taoist Taoist were in full bloom, and the blue lantern lightly swept across the three flowers.

The cyan flame is like a long knife, splitting the nothingness.

Three flowers closed instantly.

After that, there was a violent shaking, and the expression on the human face of Burning Lamp Road became tense.

He has been waiting for this opportunity for tens of thousands of years.

Even if the great powers of the same period had not become true saints like Sanqing, most of them had already become quasi saints.

People like Zhen Yuanzi are now the existence of the two corpse quasi-sages.

The hand is even more in control of the Book of the Earth, if Hongyun and others do not take action, then Zhen Yuanzi is invincible among the quasi-sages.

Every time I thought of this, the Taoist priest would hate him, why he struggled for tens of thousands of years, but finally failed to become a holy.

Now that this opportunity has come, the Taoist Burning Lamp looked at his top Sanhua and couldn't help being a little dazzled.

Sanhua suddenly opened after a violent tremor.

A golden figure jumped out from it, where the benevolent corpse of Taoist Burning Lamp was.

When the benevolent corpse appeared, spiritual rain fell.

This makes this desert of thousands of miles directly turned into an oasis.

With a compassionate face, the corpse nodded slightly at the Taoist priest, "The poor monk has seen a fellow Taoist."

Taoist Burning Lamp said with a smile: "I have seen fellow Taoists."


He continued to speak: "You and I are one, you don't have to be so polite."

Just after the Taoist Taoist had said this, he heard a mighty Buddha's name coming from a distance in the void.

I saw the two Western saints, the lead and Zhunti, come here together, and smiled at the Taoist priest: "I've seen fellow Taoists."

When the Taoist Burning Lantern saw the two, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was silent.

Unexpectedly, I still entered Buddhism after all.

The Taoist Randeng said: "Randeng has seen two saints."

This sentence confirmed the result of entering Buddhism.

After seeing the scene here, Nuwa, who was originally hidden in the void, couldn't help revealing an aura in surprise.

Jiuyin and Zhunti turned their heads to look at the void at the same time.

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