I Have a Trillion Merits

: Burn a lantern into Buddhism

In the void.

Hongyun looked at Nu Wa with a weird expression, not knowing what to say.

When I first found the Taoist Burning Lamp in the West, Nuwa looked like this. If it wasn't because of her action too quickly, she might have been discovered by that day.

This is not the case now. The two sages of the West are all here, and the incident happened suddenly, even if it was fast, it would be difficult to cover everything.

Nu Wa looked at Hongyun with some embarrassment.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, and then the two appeared in front of the three of them together.

He opened his mouth and said: "I have seen you fellow Taoists."

Nuwa also followed up and said, "I have seen you fellow Taoists."

The moment the Taoist Burning Lamp saw the two appearing, he couldn't help but feel a little confused. Then he didn't know what he thought of, and his expression changed.

Seeing Hongyun and Nuwa, they said, "I have seen two saints."

He looked at Hongyun, and then thought of the snakes and eagles that appeared inexplicably in the desert.

The appearance of these two is too unusual.

Now that I thought about it carefully, the two appeared only to help him become holy.

The Taoist Burning Lantern took a deep look at Hongyun, but his eyes were unclear.

Just when Hong Yun wanted to say something, there was another soft drink in the void: "It's really lively here!"

Everyone looked up, only to see the primitive descending from the void with an angry face.

The two holy faces of the West are slightly embarrassed.

They didn't know why this primitive appeared here, which really surprised them.

After all, their trip can be said to be digging the corner of the interpretation, but now they are caught by the interpretation.

After the primitive fell, looking at the Taoist Taoist who has now become a Buddha, an ancestor and a quasi-sage, his eyes are almost flaming.

Originally, he flicked the Taoist priest to go down the mountain and respond to the robbery, in order to increase the possibility of victory for the interpretation.

Now that the calamity has not passed, the Taoist priest of Burning Lantern has been fooled into Buddhism by the two men of the West, and has even become a Buddha.

It is really hateful to make this Buddhism the second religion with quasi-jihad power besides the Penglai fairy island.

Originally, this can be regarded as stealing the chicken without losing the rice.

Primitive looked at Zhun Ti and said angrily: "Your Excellency is really a good calculation! I actually abducted my vice-master of interpretation into Buddhism and became the Lord of Buddha. Could your Excellency really deceive me into interpretation?"

Zhun Ti chuckled and said, "Brother misunderstood. It is really my opportunity to burn the lamp to Buddhism, a natural Buddha."

Xiuyin also said to the side, "Yes! Brother, don't misunderstand."

The two of them sang a harmony. The original sound of listening was burning with anger, but now that the tree has become a boat, the Taoist people who burned the lantern...No, it can be said that the ancient Buddha of the burning lantern has completely understood the principles of Buddhism and has become a Buddhist.

Even if the original is unwilling, it can only be so.

After all, he hasn't been allowed to mention and lead the two so unkindly, he can actually put down his body to fool the junior.

Hongyun and Nuwa stood in the field, feeling the more dignified atmosphere around them and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Especially Hong Yun, almost burst into laughter when he saw the primitive violent but helpless look.

Yuan Yuan turned his head to look at Hongyun and Nuwa, and said coldly: "What? Brother is here to see if I can explain the joke?"

Hong Yun waved his hand and said, "How could this be? I just happened to be here. Junior brother, don't have to misunderstand."

Nu Wa smiled silently.

Yuan Yuan turned his head and looked at Landeng Ancient Buddhist Dao: "Do you really want to join him in Buddhism and betray Taoism?"

Hearing the words, the two of Suyin and Zhunti took a step forward on their faces, stood in front of the ancient Buddha, and looked at the primitive in front of them vigilantly.

Zhun said: "Brother, I will wait for the agreement first, but don't want to break the friendship between each other for this little thing."

Then he said: "Yes! Brother is cautious!"

Both of them knew in their hearts that the opportunity for Buddhism to flourish was in the ancient Buddha, and how could the primitive succeed.

Since this burning lamp ancient Buddha has ascended to the position of Lord Buddha, he must go to the West.

The two of them may not be the original opponents alone, but both are here, with full confidence that they can take away the lantern.

On the side, Hongyun and Nuwa both took a step back quietly, looking at the few people in front of them with good eyes.

They also want to know in their hearts that this primitive has been bullied and came to the door, what choice he will make.

Primitive took a deep look at Ran Lan, and then at the lead and Zhun Ti standing in front of Ran Lan, his brows frowned.

He knows his strength very well.

Knowing that he had no way to suppress the Four Saints by his own power like Hongyun.

Even the two saints are a bit difficult.

Now that Randeng had entered Buddhism, he had no choice but to let the other party be taken away by the two holy ones.

Primitive took a deep look at Ran Lan and said, "In that case, I hope you won't regret it in the future."

Burning lantern ancient Buddha nodded and said, "Naturally not."

Afterwards, he turned around and bowed to Hongyun, and said, "But for this, I still have to thank Saint Hongyun."

"If there is no saint, how can I understand the true meaning of the Buddha so quickly, and I will not comprehend the principle of compassion, and behead the corpse to become a holy. Thank you Hongyun saint for your accomplishment."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the saints in the field changed, and then the eyes of Hongyun were filled with strange looks.

Jioyin and Zhunti nodded slightly at Hongyun and bowed.

Before that, they had also wondered why the breakthrough of the burning lamp was so smooth. It turned out that Hongyun was behind the scenes. This result was really surprising to the two of them.

After all, they had torn their faces in the previous battle in the underworld, but now Hongyun has helped them get a quasi-sage in Buddhism.

Fate is really wonderful.

Although these two sages had such thoughts in their hearts, there was a sage in the field that almost had his lungs blown.

That person is primitive.

He was originally the second sage of the West. In addition, this burning lamp is indeed very suitable for the true meaning of the Buddhist school, which made the burning lamp fall into the hands of Buddhism.

Now that Ran Deng spoke, he directly transferred the hatred of Chan Jiao to Hong Yun.

Hong Yun took a deep look at Randeng, and he didn't expect that Randeng had just learned Buddhism and had already learned about Buddhism.

Then he laughed: "Little thing, don't worry about it like this."

Zhunti and the introduction also smiled and said, "Thank you, brother, if that's the case, then I will return to the West later, and see you later."

After speaking, he took the burning lantern and headed towards the west.

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