I Have a Trillion Merits

: Hongyun gave a list of deities

Looking at the robbery qi in the void, Hong Yun first put away the Conferred God List floating in the air.

Then raised his hand and lightly tapped into the void.

He just intercepted a trace of the power of the origin from the full sky and strong Qi of the Tribulation, and carefully observed it in his hand.

He was still quite curious about the calamity in this predicament.

After all, he knew that apart from the Conferred God and the Quantum Tribulation, there was no other Quantum Tribulation that could sweep the entire prehistoric land.

No matter how deep the cultivation base is, it is possible to sweep it.

After carefully observing the amount of calamity in his hand, Hong Yun put it away.

Nu Wa smiled and said, "What? Brother is interested in this calamity?"

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, everything in the world is a predestined method, and it seems to me that this calamity is the same."

"As everyone knows, maybe someone can kill Daluo with one word."

Nuwa couldn't help but give Hongyun a white look. For these saints, not to mention killing the Golden Immortal Daluo with a single word, even just looking at it can kill several Golden Immortal Daluo.

But how could Hongyun say such a situation.

After Hong Yun finished speaking this sentence, he turned his head and looked in the direction where Shen Gongbao is now.

After that, he raised his hand and waved lightly, and the Fengshen Bang flew out from between his sleeves.

Turned into a golden glow, directly hidden in the void, tearing the space apart, completely disappearing.

Upon seeing this, Nuwa couldn't help but say: "Brother, did you give the Conferred God List?"

Hong Yun nodded, since the name had already appeared on the Conferred God List at this moment.

Then it proves that the time here has arrived and it is time to hand it over to Jiang Ziya.

As for whether this title list is handed over to Jiang Ziya, will anyone else want to grab it?

Hong Yun doesn't have to worry about this.

After all, only a few people knew the Conferred God List, and it was impossible for those who knew to **** the Conferred God List from Jiang Ziya.

As for those who don't know, why should we grab them?

Just as the Conferred God List sank into the void, a moment later, it disappeared directly into the void.

Came directly to the sky over Chongcheng.

In Chongcheng, Jiang Ziya was traveling through the city with Ji Fa who came from behind.

It is natural to be safer for the prince of this trip to levy himself.

Li Jing and others have cleared Chongcheng several times inside and outside, and there will be no more threats in this Chongcheng.

Just when Jiang Ziya introduced Chongcheng to Ji Fa.

In the midair, a golden light suddenly appeared, tearing the void in this place directly.

Sprinkle the golden light.

Suddenly the attention of everyone in the city was attracted to the past, and they looked up at the sky.

After seeing the light, I saw a roll of rankings flying out of it.

Then fell slowly.

Floating directly in front of Jiang Ziya, the golden light completely covered Jiang Ziya's body.

After the light dissipated.

Jiang Ziya was blessed, and he immediately understood what was going on.

So he put the Fengshen Bang directly away.

Then he bowed deeply in the direction where Hongyun was, and said respectfully: "The disciple, thank you teacher."

For a time, everyone in the field was shocked.


After Hongyun gave Jiang Ziya the Conferred God List, he stopped paying too much attention to the matter of Xiqi.

Now that the time has come, he has also given the Conferred God List.

So Xiqi's layout is almost the same, and now only the teaching aspects are left.

Buddhism is now in a corner of the West, and naturally it is honestly doing the tortoise.

Although Na Xiyin and Zhunti had calculated Nuwa in the early stage, and later turned Randeng into Buddhism, in general, it has little to do with this calamity.

It can even be said that their Buddhism has now completely withdrawn.

Hong Yun frowned slightly. He seemed to remember that in addition to burning lanterns, there seemed to be people who had been involved in Buddhism.

Hey! I don't know if I will jump up with anger after I first know this in the future.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the red cloud.


On that day, the red clouds spread around with the tribulation energy, behind the 12 golden immortals.

The robbery qi in the sky disappeared directly.

at the same time.

After Shen Gongbao told Yuding Zhenren that his disciples had been sent to Dashang, Yuding didn't show any dissatisfaction on his face, but he seemed to be in a good mood.

Even after the Jinpao boy died, it remained the same.

At that time, even Shen Gongbao had a little embarrassment on his face, but the real person Yuding laughed with his palm.

Shen Gongbao watched his senior behave like this, and couldn't help but silently mourn the golden robe boy.

However, he has not forgotten what he was doing down the mountain on this trip.

When the teacher asked him to go down the mountain, his original intention was to assist Mingjun to consolidate the world, although King Shang Zhou was not a Mingjun.

But compared to many rebellious states, he is orthodox.

Now the Dashang Dynasty is in distress, but Shen Gongbao believes that as long as he helps Dashang consolidate, he will naturally complete the task of the teacher.

At that time, you can return to the mountains again and continue to practice.

Shen Gongbao looked at the real Jade Ding with a smile on his side, and couldn't help but say, "Brother, since there is nothing wrong here, then I will leave first."

Real Jade Ding said with a smile, "Junior brother, please."

Just before Shen Gongbao left, Zhenyu Ding said here: "Junior brothers, remember, if you encounter any difficulties, just look for the brothers."

Shen Gongbao smiled and nodded, and then left the place straight away.

Came to the foot of the mountain, got on his mount, the Panther, and started to drive the clouds in the distance.

Originally, he thought that Yuding’s disciples would take action, and he would naturally put down the Xiqi rebels.

But he didn't expect that the boy in the golden robe would also die in the hands of the young general Nezha, and that even Master Wen would be defeated directly, which was a bit unexpected to him.

It seems that the cultivation level of these disciples is still not enough!

Shen Gongbao frowned and thought.

Today, two of his twelve disciples under the seat of senior brothers have died, and most of the other disciples are cultivated in this way.

And Wen Zhong, who explained the teachings, seemed to be the late Taiyi Golden Immortal, so he was not Na Zha's opponent.

This point made Shen Gongbao a little puzzled. If Nezha was really so good, he would have to look for stronger talents.

Shen Gongbao frowned, and suddenly noticed that the surrounding scene changed. It was a scene of immortal family, immortal birds and beasts, everywhere, immortal spirits were permeated, like a cave in Kunlun.

When Shen Gongbao was horrified, he rushed in and came here.

While observing around him, a mound of mound suddenly bulged on the floor of the toilet, rushing towards him.

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