Upon seeing this, Shen Gongbao felt a little horrified in his heart, and repeatedly drove the panther under his seat back toward the rear.

The black leopard saw the mound rushing toward him quickly, and he was a little confused, and he kept roaring in a low voice, as if he wanted to scare him away.

The mound was constantly wandering on the ground, and the target was Shen Gongbao, but when the mound was about to come to the black panther, it suddenly disappeared.

Shen Gongbao felt it with supernatural powers, but he didn't notice the slightest.

Just when he was surprised.

Behind the black panther, a short figure suddenly broke out of the ground and fell behind the black panther.

The strange cry grabbed the black panther's tail and threw it directly to the ground.

The panther screamed and was overturned by the short figure, and fell on the ground with a huge roar.

For a while, smoke and dust were everywhere, directly filling the surrounding area.

The rich soil properties spread away.

When the black panther was about to be overthrown by the short figure, Shen Gongbao jumped up and floated in the air, watching the suddenly appearing figure vigilantly.

When the smoke dissipated, the person's original appearance was revealed.

It turned out to be a villain less than 1.5 meters tall, holding a steel rod in his hand, and now laughing at the aggrieved panther.

When Shen Gongbao saw this, he suddenly thought of something, and slowly fell to the ground.

I only heard the little man say loudly: "Who are you? Why did you appear in Feiyun Cave of Jialong Mountain in me."

When Shen Gongbao heard the words, he was even more convinced that this was the place where he was afraid of leaving his grandson brother.

So he said with a smile on his face: "Senior nephew, I am Shen Gongbao. I am a named disciple under the Yuanshi Tianzun seat. According to reason, you should respect me as an uncle."

Tuxing Sun heard this, with eyes as big as copper bells waiting for Shen Gongbao, it seemed that he couldn't believe it.

After all, he has practiced in this Longshan since he remembered.

Except for his own master and several uncles who often come here, almost no other people exist.

Now that someone suddenly appeared and said it was his uncle, Tu Xingsun naturally couldn't believe it.

Moreover, in his opinion, this uncle's cultivation base is still so low.

Just like himself, for the Taiyi Golden Immortal's mid-term cultivation base, this made him even more unbelievable.

Dang Even holding the iron rod in his hand, looked at Shen Gongbao vigilantly.

Angrily shouted: "Why do you utter arrogant words? Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation base dare to lie and claim that it is my uncle. It is really bold and arrogant."

When Shen Gongbao heard the words, his face was a little bit ridiculous, but his cultivation base was a bit low.

After all, he hadn't cultivated in Kunlun Mountain for too long, so he did not reach the level of cultivation of the other twelve golden immortals.

Now it is still at the level of elucidating and teaching three generations of disciples.

Just when Shen Gongbao wanted to speak out, he only heard the voice of fear of Liu Sun in the dojo:

"Enough, Tu'er is not fooling around, come in with your brother."

After Tuxingsun heard what his master said, he still couldn't believe that this guy with such a low cultivation level was his master uncle.

But he was still restrained, and took Shen Gongbao to the dojo together.

As for the panther that was overturned by him before, naturally he stayed outside and waited quietly.

Come to the hall.

Shen Gongbao saw the fearful grandson sitting in the upper seat and looked at him with a smile.

Fearing to leave his grandson raised his hand, motioned Shen Gongbao to sit down.

Tu Xingsun quickly walked to his master and stood beside him, quietly waiting for his master to speak.

Shen Gongbao took the lead and said: "Brother, this time I accidentally broke into the senior brother's dojo. It's the senior brother's fault. Please forgive me!"

Fearing to leave the Sun, he smiled disapprovingly.

He and the rest of his fellow apprentices knew in their hearts that the Primordial Acceptance of Shen Gongbao was for the purpose of convincing the gods.

It is also for their brothers and sisters.

Therefore, as far as Shen Gongbao is concerned, their brothers don't have much fellowship behind him.

Moreover, his master had said before that if Shen Gongbao needed their help in something, he should also do his best.

Fear of the grandson smiled: "You and I are brothers, so what do you say about these scenes."

Shen Gongbao smiled at the words.

Afterwards, Fearing Sun smiled and said: "The brother came to Jialong Mountain this time, but there is something for the brother to help."

After hearing this, Shen Gongbao immediately opened his mouth and said: "Brother, forgive me. This time, the brother was a little worried about the business, but he didn't discover the dojo of the brother he came to."

Fear of staying with grandchildren: "Senior brothers should try their best to help each other if you have any difficulties."

When Shen Gongbao heard the words, he immediately said: "Brother Mingjian, Junior Brother does have some things to take action."

He thought in his heart that since none of these three generations of disciples could kill that Nezha, only the second generation disciples who asked for help would help.

I don't know if there is a teacher behind Na Zha to help.

Fearing to stay in Sun, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he said: "In this case, Junior Brother just said it."

Shen Gongbao said: "Senior brother should know that I went down the mountain under the decree of the teacher to find King Ming for help, but recently I have encountered some troubles."

"To the west of Dashang is Xiqi. Before Xibohou was dying, he established the Western Zhou Dynasty as the dynasty in order to overthrow Dashang and establish himself as orthodox."

Shen Gongbao spoke in detail.

Fear of leaving the grandson and listening carefully.


"But who knows where Xiqi finds such a strong general, brothers Yuding and brother Taiyi have died in his hands, but we have no way to solve it."

Speaking of this, Shen Gongbao's face was full of grief and tears.

Fear of leaving Sun, there was no expression on his face.

He naturally knew that the disciples under the seat of his two senior brothers were the ones they chose to rob.

Therefore, there is not the slightest wave in my heart regarding the fate of the two.

On the contrary, it was the native grandson on the side, perhaps because of the fellowship, he was a little angry.

He opened his mouth and said: "What? Then Nezha is really so arrogant, deceiving me to explain that there is no one under him."

When Shen Gongbao heard the words, he nodded and said: "Now, I don't know what the outline is."

Tu Xingsun saw that his "weak" uncle was so helpless, he felt a little sympathy.

Then he turned to his master, Fearful Liusun, and said: "Master, let me go with Master Uncle and kill Nazha?"

After hearing this, Shen Gongbao felt a little entangled in his heart. After all, the three generations of disciples had already died in Nezha's hands. He didn't quite believe that the native grandson would be Nezha's opponent.

So he opened his mouth and said: "Nephew, you really don't know anything. Not only does Nezha have a cultivation base similar to yours, but the magic weapon in your hand is much stronger. Maybe you are not his opponent!"

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