I Have a Trillion Merits

: Meishan Seven Monsters

Penglai Fairy Island.

In a side hall, Kong Xuan slowly opened his eyes, a little confused in his expression.

Just when he was just practicing.

Hong Yun's voice rang in his ears, telling him that it was time for his disciple to be born.

This made Kong Xuan feel surprised.

You know, he did accept a few disciples when he traveled through the land.

Yuan Hong, headed by him, is one of the four great monkeys.

Hong Yun had told him earlier that in the future, they would take the place of Penglai to enter the robbery.

Now I want to come, but the time has come.

Kong Xuan slowly got up, a figure suddenly appeared from behind him, dressed in a colorful robes, it was the good corpse that Kong Xuan had cut.

Kong Xuan smiled and said: "This time, I still have a fellow Daoist who walked for me."

The Taoist smiled and nodded.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Afterwards, the figure of the Taoist disappeared here, leaving Penglai Xian Island directly.

But for a moment.

He has come to the top of Meishan, standing in the void, looking down at the towering Meishan below.

Meishan today is no longer what it was before.

Spiritual energy, birds and beasts are all spiritual, and although rare and exotic treasures are not mentioned everywhere, there are many.

The disciples accepted by Kong Xuan are still practicing in their respective caves.

When the Taoist saw this, he appeared directly with Meishan.

Yuan Hong, who was cultivating in the cave mansion, seemed to sense something and opened his eyes directly.

While his body flickered, he left the cave where he was practicing.

After arriving outside the cave and seeing Kong Xuan's benevolent corpse, he quickly knelt down respectfully.

Gongsheng said: "The disciple pays respects to Master."

At the same time, he secretly told the other six brothers to leave the customs and come here to meet the master.

Although the six were just named disciples.

And it was also along with Yuan Hong who was raised on Meishan to practice, but he was really respectful to Master.

After all, if there is no Kong Xuan.

They had only given birth to wise monsters in their entire lives.

Not to mention the cultivation base reaching the current Taiyi Golden Immortal level, even if it is an exhausted life, it may not be able to transform.

The seven people all knelt in front of Kong Xuan, with an unusually respectful look.

After seeing the crowd, Kong Xuan nodded in satisfaction. He could transmit the voice directly to the crowd.

But since it was the disciple he accepted, there is no reason to put it here for thousands of years.

Since Hongyun Transmission had informed him earlier that he had let his seven disciples go down the mountain to help Jiang Ziya Yingjie together.

Then after they robbed them, they brought them back to Penglai to practice.

As for the Fengshen Bang...

At that time, I will have my master to handle it.

Kong Xuan slowly opened his mouth and said, "The time for you to practice cultivation is not short. It's time to go down the mountain and travel."

The seven people below heard the words, their faces were slightly startled.

Looking up at Kong Xuan above, he seemed to not understand Kong Xuan's meaning.

Yuan Hong took the lead and said: "Master said, but let me wait to go down the mountain."

Kong Xuan nodded and said, "That's right, now I have a disciple from Penglai, Ying Jie, you should go and help me."

Yuan Hong nodded and said, "I'll abide by the teacher's decree."

Kong Xuan nodded slightly, looked at the people on the ground, and continued to speak: "You wait for this time to descend, and then go to Xiqi."

"I found Jiang Ziya, I just told you to wait."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Hong and others nodded.


Kong Xuan couldn't help but frown slightly as he looked at the empty hands of several people.

These disciples of his were born in the mountains.

Naturally, there is no good net worth, not even a magic weapon that can be seen in the past.

One thought ends here.

Kong Xuan waved his hand slightly, and suddenly, several of the acquired top spirit treasures appeared in front of him.

These are some humble gadgets given by Hongyun when Kong Xuan traveled with Hongyun in the early years.

Speaking of it, it can be regarded as a magic weapon of the same level as the immortal ropes given by the grandson.

Now he can't use it anymore.

On the contrary, he can directly give these apprentices to his own apprentices, so that after they descend from the mountain, they can be regarded as having more means to save their lives.

Kong Xuan opened the mouth and said: "I don't have any spiritual treasures in my hands, so I will give you these things for good students to practice and practice."

Yuan Hong and others looked at the magic weapon floating in the air, exuding dim light.

The eyes are full of light.

I can't wait to jump straight into the sky, holding the magic weapon in my hand.

Yuan Hong and the others all started and said, "I wait to thank Master."

"Thank you, Master, for your mercy."

Kong Xuan nodded slightly, and said, "In that case, after you arrange things in this place well, go down the mountain."

After the words.

Kong Xuan's figure immediately disappeared in place.

Yuan Hong and the others reacted and bowed and bowed in the direction where Kong Xuan had left, and shouted in their mouths: "I will wait for the teacher to show off."

After a while.

The seven came back to their senses and looked at the magic weapon floating in the sky with golden light.

He jumped up directly.

Yuan Hong took the lead in getting his favorite baby, an acquired top golden stick.

Between waving, the vast momentum can almost shatter the void.

This magic weapon is placed in Yuan Hong's hands. If it is matched with the magical powers he possesses after manifesting his body, it can fight Da Luo Jinxian.

Yuan Hong's eyes flashed and said: "Really a good baby."

By his side, the six brothers naturally got the treasures they wanted, exactly seven pieces each.

The water buffalo is Jin Dasheng, holding a long-handled sword in his hand, with terrifying power.

Dai Li was holding a mace.

Zhu Zizhen has a nine-tooth rake in his hands, with unparalleled sharp teeth.

Both Wu Long and Yang Xian held a long spear.

Only Chang Hao's hand was a twin of the acquired spirit treasure level long sword.

Yuan Hong saw the excited look on his brothers' faces, but he still hadn't forgotten the previous master's instructions.

He opened his mouth and said, "Since the master wants me to wait for me to go down the mountain to help the same door, then I won't wait any longer, let's go down here!

After hearing this, Zhu Zi looked at Meishan with some nostalgia, and said, "I'm waiting for me to go down, what about Meishan."

The seven brothers lived here for thousands of years.

He had already regarded this place as his home in his heart, and if he left now, it would definitely be occupied by the other Demon King.

This is something they don't want to see.

Yuan Hong heard the words and said with a smile: "This matter is simple, I can lay a magic circle here."

The other six people smiled upon hearing the words.

Seven people suspended above Meishan.

Yuan Hong raised his hand to pinch the seal, and immediately placed a formation on Meishan, and those whose cultivation base was not as good as him could not break into Meishan.

After the formation was completed, the hearts of the seven were slightly settled.

Turn around and want to leave.

Just when they were about to leave, a shout suddenly came from behind.

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