I Have a Trillion Merits

: Brother, save me!

"Friends of Taoism, please stay!" A voice came, as if it contained a unique aura.

Hearing the words, the seven had a pause before turning around and looking at the place where the sound came from.

Behind the seven of them, Shen Gongbao and Jin Snake Lingjun riding a black panther were rushing.

The seven looked at the two Shen Gongbao who came to the front, with a little puzzled expression.

They had never seen these two before.

Yuan Hong took the lead and said, "This fellow Taoist, is he calling me to wait?"

Shen Gongbao nodded and said, "Exactly."

Beside him, Jin Snake Lingjun looked at his uncle, and then at the few people in front of him, with a clear expression on his face.

He naturally saw some of his uncle's thoughts in his heart.

If nothing goes wrong, Shen Gongbao's heart is to draw these people into the camp of Dashang.

as expected.

At the next moment, Shen Gongbao said: ‘My fellow Taoists, where do you want to go? ’

Yuan Hong looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "I have been waiting to practice in this mountain for a long time, this time I will travel to the world for a few days."

He was a little confused about what the two of them wanted to do.

Therefore, the purpose of the trip was not stated.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what Yuan Hong said, Shen Gongbao was a little surprised and said: "If there is nothing wrong with the Daoist, how about coming to me for a business talk?"

"I can sit back and talk, and take a look at Dashang's customs."

Big business?

When Yuan Hong and others heard Dashang's eyes, their hearts moved slightly.

Although they have lived in the mountains for a long time, they also learned some information from the people who often ran into Meishan by mistake.

For example, the dynasty between heaven and earth is Dashang.

For another example, the Xiqi mentioned by their master is Dashang's nemesis.

Yuan Hong secretly transmitted his own brothers not to speak, and listened to him to confuse the Taoist.

Yuan Hong looked at Shen Gongbao and smiled: "Oh? I don't know what Daoist fellow did in that human dynasty?"

Shen Gongbao laughed and said: "The Daoists don't know that this human dynasty is the Shang Dynasty, and it occupies 80% of the human luck. I wait to practice in the Da Shang, so I can occupy some human dynasties."

Yuan Hong's heart moved slightly, and said: "This is fortune..."

It was the first time he heard such a statement. Since Kong Xuan accepted them as disciples, they have been stocking them in Meishan.

In addition to teaching exercises and principles.

It can be said that they have slowly cultivated to this point on their own.

It's just that Shen Gongbao didn't understand the luck in his mouth.

Shen Gongbao looked at Yuan Hong's "unintelligible" appearance, and his heart was already 80% settled.

He is sure to bring this not-so-smart fellow to Dashang.

Shen Gongbao smiled and said: "The Taoists don't know that the orthodox world today is the Dashang Dynasty. Its luck is extremely strong, and it can be the best of the human race, but this class of human race still has some problems."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Hong said curiously: "What's the problem?"

Shen Gongbao shook his head and sighed: "Under the prosperous age, troubled times will grow for a long time. Nowadays, there is a Xiqi rebellion on the edge of Dashang, intending to subvert Dashang's rule.

Yuan Hong pretended to be relaxed and said, "What does this human matter have to do with me?"

Shen Gongbao smiled and said: "The Daoists don't know something. This dynasty battle is the orthodox human luck battle in this prehistoric human race."

"I am a cultivator who is like a duckweed without roots. It is not as good as those of the saints who have great teachings in the world. If I want to go further, I will definitely need this human luck."

Yuan Hong moved slightly in his heart and said, "The words of fellow Taoists mean that the luck of the human dynasty can make me wait for my cultivation to go further?"

Shen Gongbao smiled proudly: "Exactly, so I saw you all of the previous actions of sealing the mountain, and I thought that fellow daoists wanted to enter the world to practice. If the daoists are willing, you can follow me to the big business."

Yuan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the Shen Gongbao in front of him and said, "Then I don't know who Dao Fellow is?"

By his side, when the other six people heard Yuan Hong's questioning, they slowly dispersed quietly.

Shen Gongbao didn't seem to be aware of it, and he said: "I'm not talented, it's the Great Merchant Guoshi, so is Shen Gongbao!"

"Specially invited fellow daoists to follow me to Dashang and share the luck of Dashang."

Yuan Hong squinted his eyes and said with a sneer: "It turns out that Er et al are running dogs of Dashang. Previously, the teacher said that if you encounter a fairy of Dashang, you can kill it."

"Brothers, do it directly."

When the other six people heard what Yuan Hong said, they showed their magic weapons and surrounded Shen Gongbao and Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao's complexion changed drastically when he saw the Golden Snake Lingjun.

Hurriedly said: "Friends, are there any misunderstandings while I wait?"

Yuan Hong sneered and said: "No need to say more, do it."

The six people beside him rushed towards Shen Gongbao and the other two, with a sneer on their lips.

Jin Snake Lingjun said angrily: "You know, my teacher is the undergraduate of the sage, Huanglong."

Both of them could see the cultivation level of Yuan Hong.

I know it all in my heart.

If they really moved their hands, they would not be the opponents of these six at all.

So Jin Snake Lingjun wanted to use his teacher's name to try to scare these people away.

At least it makes them scrupulous.

Hearing the words, the seven couldn't help laughing.

They naturally knew who Huanglong was, and they all knew the name of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

But when it comes to background, they have never been afraid of anyone.

Just listen to Yuan Hong laughed and said: "My teacher is Penglai Xiandao, under the sage of Hongyun, so is the quasi-sage Kong Xuan!"

When Shen Gongbao heard this, their hearts trembled.

The seven people worked together, and in the high altitude, various mana appeared, and the roar was endless.

Jin Snake Lingjun resisted six people alone, including Yuan Hong.

With his cultivation base, how could it be possible?

However, after supporting it for a while, he was beaten to death under Yuan Hong's brothers.

And Zhu Zizhen, who had been fighting with Shen Gongbao, saw that his brothers had already ended, he couldn't help but rushed to some dull face, roaring, his hand waving the nine-tooth nail rake.

The wind was so loud, and the sound of breaking through the air continued to sound.

Shen Gongbao reluctantly resisted, seeing that behind Zhu Zizhen, the other people began to gather around slowly, and his expression changed.

He never thought that his words would cause such a big trouble to him.

The nephew who had been wooed by him directly died tragically.

Even he himself is trapped, and if he doesn't want to break out of the siege, he is afraid he will die here.

In a daze, Shen Gongbao hurriedly used the secret method left by the original.

He slapped the panther down.

He broke through the encirclement in an instant and rushed towards Daze where the real Huanglong was.

He shouted: "Brother, help me!"

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