I Have a Trillion Merits

: Huanglong Real Man's Fury

Looking at Shen Gongbao Yiqi Juechen's back, and the speed that was not in line with his cultivation.

The seven Yuan Hong were stunned for a while.

Immediately, Chang Hao looked at Zhu Zizhen, who was holding a nine-tooth nail rake, with a weird smile; "Okay, fourth Zhu, how come you haven't practiced seriously for such a long time, so that someone whose cultivation level is not as good as you can escape."

Zhu Zizhen heard Chang Hao's yin and yang weird words, his face couldn't help but become red.

Although he did not practice seriously, it was related to the laziness in his body.

Besides, it was not what he thought that this person could escape.

If it wasn't for this person who didn't know what method he used before, he directly surpassed the previous speed by a lot and escaped from his men, otherwise he would be given tea time and he would definitely be captured.

Zhu Zizhen retorted: "You don't need to worry if you wait for more and fight less. How do I know that this person still has no use for secret methods."

A group of people looked at him and just smiled.

After a while.

Chang Hao said here: "Brother, when this person ran away, he shouted brother, could it be that the real Huanglong was here."

Upon hearing the words, Yuan Hong showed a solemn expression on his face.

Then he said: "I think this person's cultivation level is only equal to the three generations of Chanjiao disciples. I think he is a disciple under the Twelve Golden Immortals. The brother in his mouth is the other 12 Golden Immortal disciples at that time."

Hearing this, Chang Hao smiled on his face and said, "Then brother, how about I can't wait to kill them all, so as to clear the obstacles for my brothers in Penglai?"

Zhu Zizhen also wanted to regain the previously lost face, so he said in conformity: "Brother, this snake is very reasonable. I will catch him and kill him later."

The others also looked at Yuan Hong expectantly.

Yuan Hong thought for a moment, thinking that even if there were other three generations of disciples beside that person, their brothers would not be weaker than each other, and even nodded.

A group of people instantly chased in the direction of Shen Gongbao's escape.

In the distant human race city.

Hong Yun, who seemed to be aware of this, said to Kong Propaganda who was hiding behind the crowd: "You disciple, you are brave and brave and have some ideas."

When Kong Xuan heard his master's voice transmission, he couldn't help but rubbed his nose.

Originally, he had never left here. After all, he had already noticed each other when Shen Gongbao came, and he knew in his heart that it was the person who should be robbed of this calamity.

I was worried that my disciples would behead them by mistake, so they stayed in the void here.

After all, the amount of the robbery has just begun, if there is no such person and Jiang Ziya, then the Conferred God List must be dissatisfied, and the twelve golden immortals will not fall into the list as the master thought.

It's just that he didn't expect that although Gongbao Shen had already escaped here, he fled towards the place where the real Huanglong was.

But these disciples of his own obviously did not want to let go of each other's thoughts.

It was so hard to catch up.

Kong Xuan said with a smile: "Master don't want to make fun of them. If they know that there is a real Huanglong in front of them, I am afraid that retreat has already arisen in their hearts.

Hongyun smiled and said, "If that's the case, you just follow."

When Kong Xuan heard the words, he inevitably hesitated in his heart, and said, "What if the real Huanglong starts his hands?"

Hongyun smiled and said, "I have the same line of Penglai, and I never suffer."

"Furthermore, this time the ranking of the gods has fallen into the hands of Jiang Ziya, the second generation disciple of the interpretation and teaching, there should be one person on the list."

Kong Xuan couldn't help but shine upon hearing this.

As early as the first battle in the underworld, he was a bit uncomfortable with this interpretation.

After all, it was the Battle of All Saints, but he was not qualified to play.

Just when Kong Xuan was slightly happy, he heard Hong Yun continue to speak: "After the matter is over, you will return to the island and practice with one heart."

Although this amount of calamity is of great importance, Hong Yun is confident that anyone who stays on Penglai Xian Island will not be disturbed by the amount of robbery.

Kong Xuan heard the words and respectfully said: "Yes, I must follow the decree of the master."

After he finished speaking, he continued to hide in the void, heading in the direction where everyone left.


Nu Wa was standing next to Hong Yun. The fluctuation of Hong Yun's voice transmission hadn't been hidden before, but it made her hear clearly.

Hong Yun's words surprised her a little.

Nu Wa said: "If the real Huanglong really died out, I'm afraid that the original will be so angry."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "The person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell. Since the amount of calamity is caused by the interpretation and teaching of the twelve golden immortals, they can only end it."

When Nuwa heard the words, she shook her head with a smile, and did not continue to speak.


Daze edge.

Shen Gongbao rode the panther under his seat and fled all the way to the edge of Daze here.

He did not expect that he had just left here a few days ago.

Today he fled back in embarrassment.

The seven practitioners who claimed to be under the sage of Kong Xuan, were they true or not, why did they directly try to kill them?

Shen Gongbao was suspicious, and he didn't understand.

Coming to the edge of Daze, Shen Gongbao breathed a sigh of relief and looked into the Dragon Palace below.

Today's True Person Huanglong should still be practicing in the Dragon Palace.

One thought ends here.

Shen Gongbao dived directly into Daze and headed straight towards the Dragon Palace.

He shouted: "Brother, help me!"

In the Dragon Palace.

Madam Huanglong heard Shen Gongbao's shout, slowly opened his eyes and looked outside the Dragon Palace.

At a glance, she saw that Shen Gongbao was coming here in embarrassment.

The real figure of Huang Long moved slightly, he left the Dragon Palace directly, and came to Shen Gongbao in the blink of an eye.

When she saw that Shen Gongbao had only one person, she had doubts in her eyes.

"Junior Brother, why come here in such a panic, and why my disciple didn't stand with you."

Shen Gongbao sighed when he heard Huang Long's question.

Then he slowly said, "Return to senior brother, my poor senior nephew, just half a day ago was killed by someone."

Real Huanglong heard this.

He originally planned to let his disciple take his place in the robbery, but he never expected that he would have died on the road after leaving the Dragon Palace in such a short time.

Real Huang Long said angrily: "Who is it? I dare to hurt my disciple."

Shen Gongbao took a breath and whispered, "Those who claim to be disciples of Saint Kong Xuan's disciples are quite disdainful of our disciples."

Real Huang Long pondered for a moment, and then became even more angry: "When did Kong Xuan accept his disciple, how come I don't know."

"Someone must pretend to be under the sage, really **** it/"

Indeed, the affairs of the Meishan Seven Monsters under Kong Xuan are extremely secretive, except for those in Penglai's line, outsiders know nothing about it.

Real Huanglong's eyes are almost venting fire.

Although his disciple had to accept the catastrophe, but he died here before he was robbed. Wouldn't it be that he wanted to send him Huanglong to the list of gods.

This person should be punished!

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