Just when Shen Gongbao thought about it in his heart.

He heard Yuan Hong roar in front of him, and his figure suddenly expanded, directly revealing the real body of a hundred zhang ape.

The iron rod in his hand also grew bigger, like the Optimus Prime.

Was held in Yuan Hong's hands.

But even so, Yuan Hong, who had manifested Baizhang's real body, was still regressed several miles by this blow.

In midair.

Yuan Hong roared at Huanglong, slapped his chest with one hand, like an ancient giant.

But the real body of the ape, which is only a hundred feet long, looks extremely small in front of the thousands of feet Huanglong.

In midair.

Huang Long suddenly opened his mouth and ejected a black flame, turning into a flood dragon, wandering in the void, and rushed towards Yuan Hong suddenly.

Seeing this, the ape bulged slightly between his chest and abdomen, and majestic mana brewed in it.

As the black flood dragon was approaching, the iron rod in his hand suddenly swung out, and it directly collided with the black flood dragon, bursting out a bright and blazing light in an instant.

The two collided with the same potential.

Violent fluctuations broke out, directly shaking Shen Gongbao and others on both sides for dozens of miles.

Shen Gongbao looked at the great ape in the sky, fighting with Huanglong's real body.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

He never expected that this giant ape was so powerful that he could be able to play with such powerful teachers as Brother Huang Long.

It is terrifying!

Not only him, but even the other six brothers looked at the two shaking high in the sky with an expression of disbelief.

Zhu Zizhen murmured: "When did Big Brother become so strong?"

The others shook their heads in confusion, saying that they didn't know, and then looked at the dementia-like expression of the fighting in the sky.

The iron rod in Yuan Hong's hand exudes a strong light in the sky.

To meet the black dragon.

As soon as the two collided, they made a "chichi" sound.

Long Yan kept burning the iron rod.

But the next moment, the black dragon composed of dragon flames was shattered directly under the iron rod.

Yuan Hongli was breathing heavily in the void.

Huang Long narrowed his eyes to look at the hundred apes in front of him, and he couldn't help but pull a touch of joking at the corner of his mouth.


Huanglong narrowed his eyes, a dragon chant burst out in his mouth, and the water in the air continued to condense.

Slowly turned into ripples and spread in the void.

Like a spring breeze and rain, passing directly over Yuan Hong's body, everything seemed to be extremely calm.

But the next moment.

The body of Yuan Hong who was swept by the ripples broke out with cracks.

The blood in it, like a spider web, made up for Yuan Hong's real body.

The eyes of the six people below could not help showing a hint of worry.

Although his elder brother can temporarily resist Huang Long by manifesting his true body, the price is a bit high.

Chang Hao's eyes were cold and said, "If I can contact the teacher, how can I allow this old loach to run wild here."

Zhu Zi really heard the words and nodded repeatedly.

But what they don't know is that their teacher, Kong Xuan.

Now he was hiding in the void, watching the battle between Yuan Hong and that Huanglong.

Nodded from time to time.

I have to say that the disciple he accepted a few years ago did not shame him.

This level of strength is somewhat similar to the former six ears.

However, there is still a gap compared to the six ears. After all, the six ears are the disciples taught by the master himself, and now he can successfully break through the quasi-sage level with only one step.

High in the sky.

Looking at the changes in Yuan Hong's body, Huang Long couldn't help but smile and said, "How? Little guy, if this is the case, it would be fine if you wish you to worship me as a teacher."

If it weren't for his disciples died in the hands of these people.

In a short period of time, he could not find a word of when someone would answer for him.

He would never talk nonsense with these guys.

When Yuan Hong heard what Huang Long had said, he glanced at the corner of his mouth and said, "Old Loach, I think you are still dead!"

"My teacher is a sage Kong Xuan from Penglai."

"If you kill me here, I'm afraid it's not far from death."

When Huang Long heard the words, his eyes widened, and he said angrily: "If you speak wild words, you will die here today."

He didn't expect that these guys would still say that their teacher was Kong Xuan Zhunsheng from Penglai's line.

If it weren't for the fact that I had never heard of Kong Xuanzhun's saintly apprentices, I'm afraid that he would really throw a rat to avoid it.

The words fall.

He wanted to mobilize the Law of Da Luo to directly force the opponent, and then directly kill his soul.

But just when he just mobilized the Law of Da Luo.

In the void.

Kong Xuan was smiling, raised his hand and pointed slightly at Huang Long below.

A force of imprisonment came out faintly.

It directly enveloped Huang Long's Qianzhang real body, and forcibly suppressed Huang Long's Da Luo Daoze.

It directly imprisoned his mana.

Makes him unable to move.

Madam Huang Long felt the imprisoning power from his body, and his heart trembled. He wanted to open his mouth but found that he couldn't make any sound.

On the other side, Yuan Hong didn't mean to pause.

He rushed towards Huanglong directly, and the iron rod in his hand fell swiftly towards Huanglong.

A huge roar sounded.

The dragon horns on Huanglong's head were directly broken by Yuan Hong and fell towards the ground.

Huang Long became dizzy for a while.

Seeing this sudden change in the field, everyone in the field was a little dumbfounded.

Especially Shen Gongbao, looking at the incomplete dragon horn on the head of Huanglong, couldn't help but grow his mouth.

I faintly felt that something bad was about to happen.

But Zhu Zizhen and others shouted from the side: "Brother is mighty, kill this old loach."

Although Yuan Hong really didn't know why this happened, he keenly grasped this opportunity and came to Huang Long almost instantly.

The cold light was clearly visible above Huanglong's body.

Dragon scales are also extremely sharp.

Yuan Hong slammed Huang Long with an iron rod in his hand, and directly turned the opponent's body around.

With the other hand, Muranjian was no longer bigger, and directly greeted Huanglong who had turned his body. He held the dragon's tail Xu Xu in mid-air, with a cruel smile on his face.

Huang Long just woke up from the previous faint, and felt that his tail was held in the hands of Yuan Hong at this moment, and a lot of bad feelings suddenly rose in his heart.

Everyone saw Yuan Hong put away the iron rod in his hand, held the tail of the yellow dragon together with both hands, and waved it in the air, as if grasping a giant python.

In the mid-air, the wind and clouds changed, and Yuan Hong had disturbed the vision of the sky.

Shen Gongbao felt bad when he saw this, and hurriedly fled towards Kunlun Mountain.

In the horror of everyone in the field, none of them noticed Shen Gongbao who had escaped.

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