I Have a Trillion Merits

: Huanglong is dead

In midair.

Yuan Hong held the tail of Huanglong's true body in his hands, treating Qianzhang Huanglong as a yellow snake.

Waving constantly in the high altitude.

Huang Long felt the weightlessness from his body and the oppressive force on his body, and his heart was aggrieved.

Since breaking through Da Luo Jinxian, he has never had such an aggrieved moment.

He was actually treated as a plaything by a younger monk of the Taiyi Golden Immortal level, so teasing him.


Everyone looked at Yuan Hong's great power there, and was a little dazzled for a while.

Suddenly, Chang Hao opened his mouth and said, "Well, where did the Taoist man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek go?"

At this time, everyone realized that the Taoist with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek had disappeared at this moment.

Leaving Huang Long held by Yuan Hong, he escaped alone.

Zhu Zi really hesitated and said, "That person won't go and invite the other golden immortals to come here!"

Chang Hao's expression changed slightly, and he said, "It shouldn't be! I heard about the dojo between their senior brothers, but the distance is very long."

The rest of the people were hesitant and hesitant.

After a while.

Zhu Zizhen shouted at Yuan Hong who was in the sky: "Brother, that person has escaped, I will leave as soon as possible."

High in the sky.

Real man Huang Long heard Zhu Zizhen's call at this moment, and immediately became furious.

This Shen Gongbao is really a broom star!

Among the three generations of disciples who have been looking for explanations and teachings, none of them has survived a year or a half.

Basically, they fell directly on Xiqi.

This is even more true for my own disciple now, only a few days away, he was beaten to death.

And he is still being held in his hands.

trouble marker!

True person Huang Long cursed secretly in his heart, if he had known so long ago, he would have said nothing.

Poor now he still has that inexplicable suppressing power.

If you want to go, you can only be slaughtered.


Yuan Hong, who was waving Huanglong's real body, did not show the slightest expression on his face when he heard his brother's call.

It's just that the scarlet in his eyes has become more and more intense.

As one of the four great monkeys, Yuan Hong was born with the magical powers of holding the sun and the moon, shrinking the mountains, distinguishing the blame, and the world.

Normally, the real body is not manifested, but once the real body is manifested, the unique animal nature of the body also emerges.

Today, Yuan Hong is almost temporarily obscured by tyranny.

In addition, he knew in his heart that the real Huanglong wanted to kill the seven brothers.

Anger surged for a while.

He directly threw away the Qianzhang Huanglong body in his hand.

The poor real Huanglong only felt that his figure was constantly rising, and the things he looked at had become smaller and smaller.

My heart is even more fearful.

I don't know what the monkey wants to do.

Just after that Huanglong rose to a very high position.

Yuan Hong raised his eyes to look at Huanglong's true body, then jumped up and went straight to Huanglong's true body above his head.

The remaining six people below did not know what Yuan Hong wanted to do.

Just looked at it with horror.

After Yuan Hong rushed straight into the sky, Huang Long saw the hideous color on Yuan Hong's face almost face to face.

A cold in my heart for no reason.

Only after seeing Yuan Hong showing a sharp, cold smile at Huang Long.

He directly grabbed the incomplete dragon horn on the top of Huang Long's head.

The other hand turned into a knife and pierced directly into the back of Real Huanglong, tearing the hard scale armor and flesh and blood.

Real Huanglong only felt a pain that could tear his soul from his back.

Then something seemed to be forcibly taken away.

The whole person's consciousness began to disappear gradually.

High in the sky.

In Yuan Hong's hand, Muran had an extra dragon tendon that was thousands of feet long, and it also contained a strong Law of Da Luo.

It feels shocking.

Afterwards, Yuan Hong raised his hand and called, all the scales on Huanglong's body flew out and fell into his hands.

In the void.

Kong Xuan couldn't help grinning when he saw Huang Long's tragedy.

He sighed slightly in his heart.

The dignified Twelve Golden Immortals were actually in the hands of a junior of Taiyi Golden Immortal. The dragon's tendons were pulled out and the scales were pulled out.

Really pitiful!

But having said that, my disciple is very competitive.

Previously, with his own magical powers, he could actually block the Huanglong for so long.

It's pretty good.

In this way, he could return to Penglai Fairy Island to continue his practice.

Thought of this.

Kong Xuan nodded in relief, and then drove directly towards Penglai Xiandao.

And Yuan Hong, who held the dragon tendons and scale armor in his hands, was also awake now, standing pale in the sky.

Watching Huang Long's body fall into the Daze below.

The body of Huanglong dripping with dragon blood fell into Daze, causing Daze's water surface to boil.

Although the remaining Longwei made the aquatic creatures dare not approach.

However, as the water continued to spread, the dragon blood containing the smaller dragon might have become the object of their competition.

For a time.

In the Daze, the cruel laws of survival of the natural selection of the fittest in the biological world are vividly displayed.

After seeing Yuan Hong's recovery, the other six people also flew in one after another and gathered around Yuan Hong to discuss with excitement.

Only Yuan Hong hasn't been relieved yet.

After he calmed down, he also knew in his heart that if the other party was imprisoned by a mysterious existence, he was afraid that he would not escape death.

Thinking of this, Yuan Hong immediately thought of his teacher Kong Xuan.

You know, they haven't been separated from Kong Xuan for a long time. It is most likely that Kong Xuan secretly helped.

Otherwise, relying on his strength, it would be impossible to kill the real Huanglong even if he revealed his body.

And it's still hanging.

Yuan Hong looked at the dragon tendons and scales in his hands, turned and knelt down in the air in the direction of Penglai Immortal Island.

Respectfully opened his mouth and said: "Thank you teacher for your help."

When the rest of the people saw Yuan Hong look like this, they more or less guessed that some of them were secretly shot by their own teachers.

So he bowed down like Yuan Hong.


Just when Yuan Hong and others bowed in the direction of Penglai Xiandao.

Shen Gongbao, who had escaped, was now less than a thousand miles away from Kunlun Mountain under the secret magic bonus left by the original.

He had just entered the Kunlun Mountains within a thousand miles.

He was seen by the cultivating primitive in the main hall, and he saw it clearly, including the panic on Shen Gongbao's face.

When the original saw Shen Gongbao rushing towards this place, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

He remembered that he let Shen Gongbao go down the mountain to look for Mingjun's assistant, so he should be able to explain certain benefits.

But now that the calamity has not passed, why Shen Gongbao wants to return to Kunlun Mountain.

Could it be that something went wrong...

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