I Have a Trillion Merits

: Lead the snake out of the hole

Kong Xuan's smooth breakthrough has greatly increased the strength of Penglai Xiandao, and the previous battle with the primitive completely shocked the entire prehistoric land.

Now the prestige of Penglai's line has spread throughout the prehistoric land.

Mysterious, powerful...

After Kong Xuan succeeded in breaking through, Hong Yun withdrew his mind and turned around and smiled at Nu Wa.

Nu Wa nodded slightly, with a strange look in her eyes.

As if he felt something, when Hong Yun was about to speak, he suddenly turned his head and looked far away, with a light flashing in his eyes.

Nuwa followed Hongyun's sight and just saw a Taoist in Xuanyi driving towards the east on the cloud.

Nu Wa frowned and said, "When did he leave the Wa Palace?"

That person was at the time of the previous Lich War, when Emperor Jun, the lord of the monster clan, entrusted his Prince of the monster clan Lu Ya.

Before that, Nu Wa deliberately left Lu Ya in the Wa Palace in order to preserve the last trace of the blood of the demon clan's royal family. After all, the nine sons of Emperor Jun were shot and killed by Hou Yi during the Lich War.

Only Lu Ya left to escape, and Emperor Jun deliberately entrusted Lu Ya to the Wa Palace in order to prevent failure.

But Nuwa took into account that trace of demon clan friendship, and in order to prevent Lu Ya from getting involved in the calamity, she stayed in the Wa Palace, but she didn't know how Lu Ya came out.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "That is the son of Emperor Jun, Lu Ya?"

Nu Wa frowned slightly, and said: "It is the son of Emperor Jun. I originally left him in the Wa Palace, but why did he come out at this time? If he is involved in the calamity, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with it."

Knowing in his heart that Nuwa had taken care of that trace of demon clan friendship, Hong Yun said directly: "If the junior sister is scrupulous, then I will capture this person and send it to the Wa Palace?"

Nu Wa shook her head and said, "That's not enough. Since that has already been in the calamity, let him go!"

Hong Yun nodded and said, "That's good. I think this person has extraordinary talents, but he hasn't insulted Dijun's bloodline. Now that this person has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, he also has the power to protect himself in the predicament."

Nuwa nodded slightly after hearing this, and also agreed with Hongyun's statement.

Since she had already taken in this Lu Ya at the beginning, and had taken more care of the monster clan, she had already done her best.

Since Lu Ya wanted to enter the calamity, she stopped taking care of it.

Hong Yun looked at Lu Ya, who was gradually going away, and his heart moved, but he remembered how Lu Ya was very dazzling when he was consecrating the gods.

Just when Hong Yun thought of this in his heart, he saw that Lu Ya turned back on the cloud, and at the same time, the air of calamity that filled the entire wilderness began to surge.

Amidst the sky full of calamity, a gray-black light flashed by, making these calamities even more restless.

It began to spread towards the wild land below.

Almost in the predicament, above the thousands of creatures, there is more or less a trace of calamity.

Looking at the gray-black light that flashed by, Hong Yun couldn't help but a little thought in his heart.

Could it be that this thing caused the riots in the great disaster.

According to common sense, this great calamity should continue to run smoothly until the end of the tribulation of the gods.

But every time this mysterious treasure flashed past, it was the moment of riots in the Qi tribulation.

From this point of view, the riot of this measure is inseparable from that thing.

Hong Yun's face was solemn, as he watched Lu Ya who had returned home with a small amount of calamity.

Looking up at the sky above the land, the tribulation gas that was originally stable and motionless has now begun to riot, and the endless amount of tribulation gas has turned into a huge vortex.

Just like what Hong Yun had imagined before, in this predicament, all the creatures were entangled by the aura of calamity, even Hong Yun and Nu Wa were inevitable.

The calamity in the two of them is very little, it can even be said to be pitiful.

But they are the bodies of saints, and now the air of calamity pervading the entire wilderness can actually be contaminated with them, and the horror is evident.

If it is said that there is anyone who has not been invaded by the robbery, then the other two saints have not been entangled.

It was Lao Tzu who made alchemy on Shouyang Mountain, and Hou Tu who was in charge of the underworld.

Because these two people had never entered the prehistoric land, they were not contaminated even by the qi riot.

However, as long as these two saints enter the prehistoric land, they will be entangled by the robbery, which is inevitable in the entire prehistoric land.

Hong Yun's brows could not help but frowned slightly.

Nuwa naturally noticed the changes in her body beside him, and she also frowned.

I wondered in my heart: "Why is the robbery in this predicament starting to riot."

Hong Yun turned his eyes to look at Lu Ya, who was entwined with a heavy calamity qi, and his heart moved slightly, and the force of merit emerged between his hands.

Nu Wa looked at Hong Yun's movements, feeling a little puzzled.

I saw that the power of merit was gradually condensed and formed in the midair, like a bright golden seal.

Hong Yun flicked his finger at Lu Ya before popping out the gold seal in his hand.

In an instant, the Tribulation of the Golden Seal passed through the void, caught up with the rapidly flying land pressure, and directly printed it on.

The gold seal landed on Lu Ya's body, and directly dissipated the robbery qi entangled in Lu Ya's body.

Lu Ya, who had originally felt depressed, suddenly felt light, and stopped immediately, turned his head and looked around, wondering what happened.

Nu Wa looked at Hong Yun's series of actions, feeling even more puzzled, and said, "Brother, what do you intend for this action?"

Hong Yun watched Lu Qian's anger disappear, his brows furrowed, but he was expecting something in his heart.

Hearing Nuwa's question at this moment, she said, "Sister sister just looks at it, see if I can lead the snake out of the cave."

When Nuwa heard this, her heart became even more puzzled.

She didn't understand what Hongyun was talking about at this moment.

What's more, now that they have such a cultivation base, if they want to do something, I am afraid no one can stop it.

What's more, Hongyun is the most powerful saint among the prehistoric.

Just after Hong Yun said this, the two looked up at the sky outside at the same time, and a gray-black light once again entered the robbery.

After the gray-black rays of light traveled through the robbery Qi, it seemed to become more irritable, constantly walking around, entering the wilderness, and falling on some "unlucky" creatures.

Among them, there was a tribulation energy that once again moved towards the landing, but this tribulation energy was much thinner than the tribulation energy that had been entangled in Lu Ya before.

Nuwa looked at the gray-black treasures wandering in it and the changes caused by the amount of tribulation qi, and said in surprise: "Brother, is that the cause of this riot of tribulation?"

At this time, she understood what Hong Yun used to draw the snake out of the hole before. It turned out to be to draw this thing.

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