I Have a Trillion Merits

: Small tower, purple gas

Looking at the gray-black rays of light that continuously passed through the robbery, Hong Yun's eyes flickered.

Just as he thought.

Dispelling the qi from Lu Ya's body can induce this guy to move again, revealing his figure.

Hong Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. He wanted to see what this guy was.

It can actually disrupt the sky and spur the momentum of the calamity, which is really amazing!

Hong Yun looked at Nu Wa on the side and said with a smile: "Junior sister, would you like to follow me to see what that thing is?"

Nu Wa smiled and said, "Senior brother's request, naturally I dare not refuse."

Hongyun smiled when he heard the words, and then hand in hand with Nuwa's figure instantly disappeared in place, and went straight to the sky.

In today's Conferred God Volume Tribulation, the tribulation energy is gathered in the chaos of the sky.

But after the stirring of this thing, those tribulations began to slowly depress a lot.

I have to say, that mysterious thing is a bit powerful.

Not only can it disrupt the Heavenly Dao and reverse the movement of the Heavenly Dao in a small area, but it can also spur these disasters.

After the two Hongyun ascended to the outer sky, they directly protected their bodies with merits to prevent the external calamity from invading themselves, and then began to search for the mysterious thing in the rich calamity.

On this day, the outer heaven's calamity was extremely strong, and it also blocked the saint's divine consciousness, so that they could only see within a hundred miles.

The two were constantly shuttled in the robbery, looking for that mysterious treasure.

But the two of them walked through the robbery for a long time, but they never saw the treasure, as if it had completely disappeared, and became completely without a trace.

Nu Wa frowned and said, "Brother, the speed of that thing seems to be faster than that of the saint, and it has no scruples when it comes to walking through the qi."

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but nodded and said, "That's right, and I haven't been able to see the real body after it appeared several times. I am more and more curious about what kind of baby it is."

Having said this, Hong Yun couldn't help but grinned, although he was not short of treasures.

But the performance of this baby in front of him is indeed a bit extraordinary, but it makes him shine.

It can actually affect the movement of the heavens and the restlessness of the robbery.

He is now becoming more and more curious about what it is.

Just as the two were looking for that mysterious treasure, suddenly a strange surge appeared in the calamity ahead.

The calmness of the calamity began to become manic again.

Amidst the strong qi of calamity, a gray-black ray of light passed through it, drawing a space crack, sweeping a lot of qi of calamity.

Hongyun couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw it, and he hurriedly followed Nu Wa and chased after the gray-black treasure, and kept moving forward through the endless amount of calamity.

The speed of the two is extremely fast, they have been chasing behind the treasure, and at the same time they can see exactly what the treasure is.

In the endless gray-black light, it turned out to be a small tower.

A small gray-black tower with weird carvings on it, exuding endless vicissitudes of life.

The small tower was so fast that it almost disappeared in no time.

The two of Hongyun floated in the void, standing in the chaos, looking at the direction of the disappearing tower, their complexion changed slightly.

Nu Wa frowned and said, "How can it be so fast? What is the little tower? At the speed of the two of us, we can't catch up."

Hong Yun looked at the direction in which the small tower disappeared, and said: "The speed of the small tower is indeed a bit weird. It can actually pass through the endless calamity and chaos, completely ignoring the barrier of space."

This is what surprises Hong Yun the most, there is something that can constantly move through without the barriers of space.

Treasures possessing this supernatural power are rare even in the great prehistoric.

It can be said to be a rare treasure.

It's just that this speed is placed here, if the two of Hongyun want to catch this small tower, it is indeed difficult.

Hong Yun turned his head and looked at the chaos around him, the divine light in his eyes flickered, and the mana in his eyes seemed to forcefully penetrate through nothingness.

As he explored the emptiness and chaos around him, the small tower appeared again, and it flashed in front of Hongyun and the other two, seeming to be teasing them, flashing past them from time to time.

The endless aura of calamity swept through, as well as the emptiness and chaos, almost shattered the emptiness barrier.

Hong Yun chuckled and said, "Well, this little guy is quite capable, so he dares to tease me and wait."

Nu Wa's heart moved, and said: "Looking at the appearance of this tower, it seems that spiritual wisdom has been born. If you give him some more time, maybe it can be transformed into shape."

Hongyun shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "It is difficult for treasures born in the emptiness and chaos to give birth to spiritual wisdom. Even if the spiritual wisdom is born, it will not be transformed into shape. This has long been determined."

When Nuwa heard the words, her heart moved slightly and nodded.

Afterwards, Nuwa said in doubt: "But this small tower is so fast, and it can also shatter the void, how can we catch it?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Since this small tower has given birth to spiritual wisdom, then I will have a chance to catch it, as long as it still appears in front of me, then there will be a chance."

Nuwa nodded slightly when she heard the words.

Judging from the performance of the small tower before, it might really be possible to appear in front of them again.

Now they just need to wait quietly.

Hongyun's magic eyes scanned the surroundings, pierced through the chaos, and directly passed through the endless amount of calamity to explore it.

After a while, Hong Yun finally found the small tower hidden in a place where he was full of the aura of calamity, hiding there like a child hide-and-seek.

He carefully hid in the robbery, and seemed to be worried about being discovered by the two of Hongyun.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun smiled, and the vast mana in his raised hand directly condensed into a mana hand, and grabbed the direction where the small tower was hiding.

The big hand of mana covering the sky and sun directly aroused the endless amount of calamity.

And chaos.

Take it directly with the power that swept everything.

Such movement directly attracted the attention of the small tower, scared it hurriedly cut through the space again and ran away directly.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "I still want to go, leave it to this seat!"

With that said, the magic power hand turned around and went directly to the small tower that was running away.

The small tower sensed the arrival of the powerful mana behind it, and directly imprisoned the void and chaos around it, so that it could no longer break the void and leave. In an emergency, the small tower that fled to the edge of the void and chaos forcibly tore the imprisonment.

It broke through the void of this realm and escaped into the void and chaos.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun's complexion changed, and he went directly to the position where the small tower was tearing apart the emptiness and chaos, and his heart trembled as he looked at the purple qi that was exposed.

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