Beside him, Nuwa was also a little surprised at the purple air at Hongyun's fingertips, her expression full of shock.

Nu Wa said in a somewhat unbelievable way: "Brother, this is... the grandiose spirit?"

Hong Yun looked at the purple qi at his fingertips, sensing the energy contained in it and the special principles, and his eyes were full of shock, just as Nu Wa said before.

This is indeed Hongmeng Ziqi!

Just like before in the Zixiao Palace, it was almost exactly the same as the purple energy that Hongjun had bestowed on them.

Hong Yun took the purple qi in his hand, and then began to touch the invisible barrier beside him with his hand. At this time, the barrier at the edge of nothingness and chaos was at the edge of nothingness and chaos outside the sky.

A special barrier that has existed since the primordial continent was opened up.

No one knows what is outside this barrier.

Because even Dao Zu Hongjun had never been to a place outside of the emptiness and chaos.

Now this small tower broke through the chaos barrier and left this realm directly. Now it is on the edge of chaos here, leaving a trace, a trace leading beyond the chaos.

Hong Yun touched the unhealed trace on his hand, and his heart moved slightly.


He turned to look at the Nuwa beside him, his expression a little hesitant, he wanted to see where the small tower was.

See if there is the Hongmeng world as he guessed.

But it was difficult for him to determine whether it was safe there, so he hesitated at the moment.

Nu Wa seemed to see something.

She looked at Hongyun squarely, and said, "If the brother wants to go, go and see!"

Hongyun looked at Nuwa and said, "That..."

Nuwa smiled and said: "It's just that the brother should be more careful. After all, the situation is unclear. I and the saint are not truly immortal. If we encounter any danger, we should return to this world."

"As for me, I am waiting here for the return of the brother."

Nu Wa knew in her heart that she was inferior to Hongyun in her cultivation and combat power.

If he follows him to this unknown space, and encounters a crisis that they cannot solve at that time, his own existence may drag Hongyun's back.

So, I might as well wait for the return of the red cloud in the chaos.

After Hongyun heard of Nuwa's commander, he moved in his heart and nodded.

If Nu Wa hadn't said this before, he might still have some consideration in his heart, but since Nu Wa said so.

Then he has no scruples.

It just so happened that he also wanted to see whether the place where the little tower went was really what he thought in his heart.

Hong Yun turned to look at the trace in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Then a crimson light appeared in his hand.

The Killing Spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

This space barrier is extremely strong, and if he hadn't possessed the Killing Spear, he would not be sure to enter it.

Hong Yun said: "Junior sister, let's go back."

After hearing the words, Nuwa quickly retreated a hundred miles, standing in the emptiness and looking at the red cloud holding the gun.

Until she stands still.

Hong Yun snorted coldly, and the sharp gun in his hand moved suddenly, directly touching the traces of the space barrier.

The tip of the gun went into it.

A trace of purple gas flowed out from the wound, and rushed out along the gunslinger.

It seems to have sensed the existence of purple gas.

The red light was flourishing above the Gunkiller, and it began to swallow the purple gas that flowed out wantonly.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry, there will be more in a while."


With the sharp gun action in his hand, he slashed downward, abruptly opening a crack from the barrier.

Instant time.

A large burst of purple energy spread out from it, circulating in the emptiness and chaos.

Just when this big burst of purple gas gushed out.

Hongjun, who had already fit the way of heaven, opened his eyes slightly and glanced into the chaos of nothingness.

After he saw Hongyun opened the space barrier.

Shook his head for the undetectable.

Hong Jun never thought that no one would want to leave the emptiness and chaos and go to unknown space for so long.

Today, some people have this courage.

In the emptiness and chaos, after Hong Yun opened the space barrier, he looked back at Nu Wa.

Then it went directly into the crack.

After the red cloud entered the crack.

Nuwa came to the front and put away all the purple energy that escaped in the emptiness and chaos.

Then he looked at the crack that was slowly healing in front of him with some worry.

For the saints who have survived tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years in the prehistoric continent.

Few people are willing to explore this unknown world.

After all, in the predicament here.

Almost all of their saints are immortal, and there is still some distance from the peak of cultivation.

No one wants to make jokes about their own Tao fruit.

Even when exploring the unknown, most of them use the method of clone, or the three corpses to explore.

As bold as Hongyun but not.

Nu Wa looked at the crack in front of her with some worry, and said in her heart: "Brother must return safely."

The other side of the barrier.

Hong Yun was standing in a purple space with a sharp gun in his hand, looking at everything in front of him blankly.

Around him, he was filled with a strong purple air.

The Killing Spear in his hand is constantly devouring the surrounding grandeur and purple energy, becoming more and more powerful.

Hong Yun's eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "Could it be that this is really a Hongmeng space."

Apart from Hongmeng Space, he really couldn't figure out where else had such a massive amount of Hongmeng Ziqi.

Rumor has it that Pangu opened the world.

Clear qi rises, turbid qi falls.

The Great God Pangu used his power to prove the way to save Hunyuan Daluo's golden fairy fruit position.

It is said that these realms have already surpassed the saints, and they are the top of this realm.

It's just a pity that the foundations of the prehistoric world at that time were unstable, and they tried to recover after the creation of Pangu.

Tiandi attempts to close.

So the Great God Pangu stepped on the ground with his feet and supported the sky with his hands to prevent the heaven and the earth from closing until his death disappeared.

Since then, Honghuang has been divided.

In addition to the heavens and the earth, there are thirty-three days, extremely emptiness and chaos beyond thirty-three days.

Then there are space barriers.

When Hong Yun saw the purple qi that was exuding, he felt a faint feeling in his heart.

The world outside of nothingness and chaos.

This is the Magnificent Space that was once a predecessor, where the three thousand gods and demons lived.

Now it seemed that it was no different from what he thought in his heart.

Hong Yun wandered through the Harmony Space with the Killing Spear in his hand, allowing the Killing Spear to continuously devour the surrounding purple energy.

He can perceive that the space here is extremely strong against the saint.

If it is said that the saint can be in the predicament, and he can reach what he wants.

So here, you can only fly in space like a big Luo Jinxian, and the speed is very slow.

Hong Yun covered his eyes with the saint's mana and raised his eyes to look into the distance.

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