I saw that in this cosmic space, it was filled with endless cosmic purple aura.

It's just that within the tens of thousands of miles around Hong Yun's body, there is no creature, as if he is the only one here.

The Killing Spear in his hand is still absorbing the surrounding vitality.

If nothing happens.

After a period of time, the grade of this sharp gun will rise to the next level, successfully entering the category of innate treasure.

And it will be more powerful than the innate treasure.

Hong Yun walked cautiously in the endless cosmos, trying to find the trace of the small tower before.

He hasn't forgotten the purpose of his trip.

Since that small tower can cut through the space infinitely, it can also break the space barrier between Hongmeng and Chaos.

It must be nothing.

In his heart, he became more and more curious about the small tower.

Amidst the Magnificence, the small tower lurks deeper, watching the red clouds walking carefully here.

Shaking the tower from time to time, as if watching a play.

The small tower in this world has been here many times, although the atmosphere here makes it more comfortable.

But it still likes to do whatever it wants in the wild.

And the creatures here are stronger.

If one is not careful, it may be caught casually, so it does not like it very much.

In the hiding place of the small tower.

Full of violent grand purple energy, it is hard to imagine that the state here is almost the same as chaos.

Came to this more manic zone.

Hong Yun didn't use any magic weapon to resist, but used his body to resist the madness here.

Obviously, the Gunkiller in his hand seemed to like it better.

The gun body vibrated and groaned softly.

The speed of absorbing purple gas has become even faster.

Hongyun glanced at the manic purple qi with his magic eyes, and suddenly found a very weak aura in it.

It is the small tower hidden here.

Hong Yun grinned, and then he opened his mana big hand and grabbed it directly in the direction of the small tower.

Instant time.

Mana tore through the purple torrent here, and went straight to the small tower.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the small tower directly tore through the space and disappeared in front of Hongyun's eyes again.

Hong Yun looked at the place where the little tower disappeared, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

This small tower looked more interesting than he thought, and in the midst of the greatness, it could actually tear the space.

Even a saint can't do this.

Even if Dao Ancestor visits here in person, I am afraid he is not sure to tear a crack in this solid space!

After the small tower disappeared.

Hong Yun turned around and left here, continuing to track the trail of the small tower.

Shortly after Hong Yun left, a dark and hideous figure appeared here.

The man manifested himself in a black robe, his eyes were staring in the direction where the red cloud disappeared, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"Here Hongmeng hasn't seen outsiders for a long time?"

"At the beginning, I waited to take over from Pangu and escape, but I never thought about the strong space barriers here and the prehistoric rejection."

"It makes me have no chance to enter the prehistoric land, and outsiders cannot enter Hongmeng."

"But how did this person get in?"

The mosquito person looked at the direction Hongyun was leaving, and thought to himself.

He wants to return to the predicament.

Although the Hongmeng space here is good, but after staying for a long time, I have always seen old friends who escaped from Pangu in the first place.

It is extremely boring.

He wanted to go back to the wilderness and see what the world created by Pangu has become now.

One thought ends here.

The mosquito person directly chased Hongyun's direction.

He wanted to capture this person to see how the other party entered into the Harmony here.

If the other party can come in, he can certainly also go out.

Just when the mosquito man was staring at Hong Yun, Hong Yun at this moment was completely unaware, and he was stared at by an innate **** and demon.

Moreover, he was the mosquito man, the sucker of chaos, who escaped from the catastrophe of Pangu.

This mosquito man's body was transformed by the blood-winged black mosquito of the beast, and could absorb all energy.

Whether it is the body of flesh and blood or the spirit of treasure.

If it is targeted by a mosquito person, it will be a big trouble.

Hongyun traveled all the way in this Harmony space, shuttled through the endless Harmony, looking for the trace of the small tower.

According to his inference, even the small tower has the ability to travel through space.

But in the Hongmeng space here, it should not travel too far, it should be nearby.

Just as Hongyun thought, the small tower did not leave too far.

But it was tens of thousands of miles away, in this vast and vast space, but you.

Xiaota looked at the red cloud that had been chasing after him.

I couldn't help but shook the tower body, and when Hong Yun just saw it, the tearing void disappeared again.

Hongyun frowned slightly looking at the direction where the little tower disappeared.

Searching for the trail again and chasing it up.

In the endless cosmos behind Hong Yun, the mosquito man could not help but his eyes lit up when he looked at the disappearing small tower.

It is actually the law of space.

You know, time is not out, space is big.

Among the Chaos Gods and Demons who have mastered the Three Thousand Dao, they are also divided into three, six or nine.

Pangu, Shichen, and Yang Mei are the top three.

It's just that although Pangu Kaitian succeeded in proving the Dao with force and achieved the position of Hunyuan, it also died away.

On the contrary, the rest of the gods and demons below.

Although the prevention of Pangu was unsuccessful, many people still survived the catastrophe.

Escaped into the Hongmeng space here.

It can't be said to be fleeing, on the contrary, it was the prehistoric world opened up by Pangu, which repelled them.

Makes them unable to enter the prey.

Among the remaining gods and demons in this cosmic space, time is the strongest, followed by raising eyebrows.

Time controls the law of time, and it is the strongest existence in the Three Thousand Dao.

And raising eyebrows to control the law of space is also not weak.

The small tower that had fled before, opened up in the mosquito man, and it also contained the law of space.

And it seemed a little different from the old ghost that raised eyebrows.

That little tower doesn't seem to be a product here.

When the mosquito person thought of this, he couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Although I don't know whether he can control the law of space, it is worth his shot just because the small tower can shuttle through the space.

What's more, the person in front of him was obviously chasing the small tower and came to Hongmeng.

He hasn't heard from the outside world for too long, and hasn't absorbed the laws of life for a long time.

So, it's better to catch him and hear the news.

Then absorb.

Isn't it beautiful!

One thought ends here.

The mosquito person looked at the unconscious red cloud in front of him, and his heart was even more moved.

He concealed himself and chased after him.

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