"It's a baby whale that devours a clan. How could it appear to us."

"Is this being taken as a mount?"

"Who is so bold, dare to catch and swallow the giant whales as a mount."

Several people floated on the wall, talking in a low voice while watching the Devouring Whale approaching the wall in front of them.

After a while.

They looked towards the plume of smoke rising from the head of the devouring whale.

I saw it above the head of the devouring whale.

Hong Yun was lying on the rocking chair, sipping a cup of tea in his hand, scanning the crowd slightly.

This glance made those people feel shocked.

And they were horrified to discover that in the hands of the mysterious red-clothed powerhouse, the cup of tea actually surrounds the Tao of Consummation.

There are only cultivators whose body is Da Luo Jinxian Consummation or even higher levels.

In order to have these principles after being transformed into the ontology.

Thinking of this, the hearts of several people became more and more panic.

It can receive the devouring baby whale that is comparable to the quasi-sage of the two corpses as a mount, and it will also return the perfect cultivator comparable to the Daluo Jinxian back to its original form, and use its body to make tea, which can be seen.

"Okay, I'm not going to talk more about it here. I can do it now, just to find a way to know the purpose of this person in my Chaos City and the origin of the devouring giant whale."

"I can't afford to provoke the devouring whale clan."

One of the middle-aged people in plain clothes changed his complexion slightly and spoke.

When the others heard this, their complexion changed slightly.

They are naturally aware of the swallowing giant whales who live on the edge of Hongmeng all the year round.

Among the swallowing giant whales, the juvenile giant whales with excellent talents have a cultivation level comparable to that of a quasi-sage when they are approaching adulthood.

Generally, when a giant whale reaches adulthood, it will reach the level of a quasi-sage with two corpses.

And before this, there has never been a precedent in Hongmeng where the Devouring Whale was taken as a mount.

After all, this kind of terrifying ethnic group can't be controlled by anyone.

Even according to the rumors, the gods and demons who came to the Hongmeng in ancient times did not necessarily dare to provoke the Devouring Clan.

Thinking of this, they looked at Hongyun's gaze, becoming more and more frightened.

Hong Yun looked at this chaotic city with his divine consciousness, but found that the city seemed to be hidden by some kind of innate formation. Even if he wanted to thoroughly explore the city, it was a bit difficult.

As for the people in front of them, the one with the highest cultivation level is just the level of a corpse quasi-sage, so don't worry too much.

After all, the devouring whale under his seat has the combat power of the two corpses.

You know, the giant whale that Hongyun has received at the edge of Hongmeng this time is the bloodline of the royal family that swallows the giant whale clan, and can reach the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian after adulthood.

That is, the cultivation of saints in the prehistoric.

Speaking of Hong Yun's luck, he was pretty good, and he ran into a devouring giant whale with such a talent as soon as he entered Hongmeng.

Moreover, this little guy is not yet mature, so he can easily be fooled into a mount.

Above the Chaos City, the middle-aged man floated in the air. After thinking for a moment, he bit his scalp and came to the giant whale and said deeply: "I'll wait for the arrival of the senior."

Behind him, everyone also saluted: "I'm waiting to welcome seniors."

Hong Yun looked at these people in front of him, nodded slightly, and said: "Er wait is the master of this Chaos City?"

The middle-aged man in the lead said, "If you go back to the predecessors, the next one is the city lord of Chaos City, Sima Xuan. These few people next to me are the deputy city lord and palm proclaimer."

Hong Yun heard the words and glanced at several people. Among these people, only this Sima Xuan had the highest cultivation base. Although he had not yet broken through the two-corpse quasi-sage state, he could break through smoothly when the time was right.

As for the rest of these people, they are basically stable in a corpse quasi-sage, some have broken through for a long time, and some have just broken through.

As for the great Luo Jinxian who was consummated, it was a young man.

If according to the life span of a mortal, the essence is just seven thousand years old, he has broken through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian Consummation, which is quasi holy in the future.

But what made Hongyun even more noticed was that it was the term Palm Proclaimer in Sima Xuan's mouth.

Hong Yun glanced at several people and said, "You don't have to be nervous, you are just passing by here, and you will leave after a while."

Sima Xuan and the others were relieved after hearing this.

Looking at the predecessor's appearance, it seems to be very talkative, unlike the big monsters who kill people without blinking.

Sima Xuan respectfully said: "Senior, where is this, I am waiting for senior to settle in my Chaos City."

Hong Yun glanced at Sima Xuan deeply, and shook his head slightly.

He could naturally see that what Sima Xuan was saying was a lie, and now the vigilance in the hearts of these people had not let go, as if they were on guard.


Sima Xuan waved his hand slightly at the city wall, and the Baizhang city gate slowly opened, revealing the glorious scene inside.

Although Hong Yun had explored the city a long time ago, he nodded slightly after the city gate was opened.

Apart from the Heavenly Court, there is nothing comparable to these cities.

Besides, the residents of this city are basically ninety-nine percent of practitioners, and their cultivation level is not low.

After all, in this great enlightenment, there is a unique innate condition in itself, and among them, there are few mortals that can't cultivate.

Sima Xuan was at the edge of the city gate, arching his hands and said, "Senior, please!"

Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then drove the giant whale past the guards and headed towards the city.

Sima Xuan followed behind and entered the city together.

At the same time, they were talking with Transsion.

"Where did this predecessor come from? He can actually recover a devouring whale as a mount."

"No matter where it came from, I just hope that he is not that bloodthirsty chaos **** and demon."

As soon as these words came out, several people were slightly startled, and their faces were a little gloomy.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years ago, some gods and demons came from outside the Harmony and entered the Harmony.

Part of it was milder in the spleen, and after entering the Hongmeng space, he began to live in seclusion.

However, some of them prefer to devour the Hongmeng monks for spiritual practice.

Therefore, the native monks in Hongmeng are unavoidably afraid of some mysterious and powerful powers.

They did not know the origin of Hongyun.

But what can be known is that Hongyun must have been to the edge of Hongmeng, it is better not to capture a devouring giant whale.

After a long time.

Someone whispered: "It should be not, those gods and demons are not so easy to talk, and they dare not capture the offspring of the swallowing giant whale clan."

A group of people entered the city with their own thoughts and followed behind Hong Yun.

Sima Xuan stepped forward and said, "Senior, how about coming to Chaos City for the first time, why not come to my city lord's mansion?"

Sima Xuan looked respectful, standing halfway behind Hong Yun, quietly waiting for Hong Yun's reply.

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