Hong Yun was sitting on top of the giant whale. At this time, the body of the giant whale had been reduced to the size of a carriage due to the relationship of the city.

Wandering on the streets of Chaos City, the eyes of the residents around were projected, gathered on the red cloud and the giant whale under it, and they talked endlessly.

At this moment, after he heard Sima Xuan's words, Hong Yun thought for a moment, then shook his head and refused.

"It doesn't need to be so, you can go back first!"

Hong Yun waved his hand faintly, and then caused the giant whale to shrink again, following behind him to hide his figure.

When Sima Xuan and the others saw this, they thought about it, and then retreated.

When he was leaving, Sima Xuan blinked at the young man beside him, and the young man nodded slightly before disappearing into the street.

The movement of Hongyun entering the city before has already alarmed the major forces in the city.

They also knew in their hearts that a great man had arrived in the city, and they all ordered them down, not to cause trouble during this period.

But in the same way, they all want to follow this opportunity to climb high.

After all, such powers are not very common in Chaos City, and have never seen such powers come to this city for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

In the Great Meng, a corpse quasi-sage already existed like a powerful person.

The quasi-saint level of the two corpses even occupies the pyramids in the cosmos. You must know that those gods and demons are just Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The strength in the city has existed for thousands of years, and they all want to go further. If they can connect with Hongyun this time, even if a family child is a boy next to them, they can let the family be in The power in the city went further.

As a result, the major forces in the city began to act secretly, completely ignoring the orders issued by the City Lord's Mansion, and began to want to contact Hongyun overtly and secretly.

But just when they sent their disciples to contact Hongyun, they found that Hongyun had not been seen at this time, even if they searched the entire city, they could not find it.

This matter reached the ears of the city lord Sima Xuan. Sima Xuan sat in the hall and frowned slightly: "This person will not leave Chaos City! Probably not, after all, this person just came here."

He originally wanted his son to find a way to get along with Hongyun, but he didn't expect that even his son would lose him.

Perhaps it was the actions that predecessor had already disliked me.

Therefore, the figure is hidden.

This is what Sima Xuan thought in his heart, and there is only one reason that is more reasonable. After all, the natural formation in the city can suppress the cultivation base unless it reaches the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Otherwise, it would be hard not to be discovered by him in the city.

Immediately, he ordered the people below to issue the order of the City Lord's Mansion, not allowing the major forces in the city to make such a disturbance.

Soon after this order was issued, the city suddenly settled down a lot.

However, such a large movement of various forces in the city had already alarmed the residents of Cheng.

Suddenly at this time, the flag died down, and it has become an after-dinner talk for the residents of the city.

At this time, Hongyun was walking in various streets, but now he is no longer what he looked like when he entered the city.

Before entering the city, he discovered that the city was enveloped by a large natural formation, but what he didn't expect was that this great formation was so strange that the outside of the city was completely different from the inside.

Outside the city, it can not only suppress the exploration of the spirits of others, but also possess unparalleled defensive power and a wide range of magical powers.

But after entering the city, he discovered that the city's natural formation could actually monitor the entire process, and this formation was in the city lord's mansion where Sima Xuan was located, and it was enough to control this natural formation.

Moreover, the Array Eyes in the City Lord's Mansion can control the large array, producing all kinds of magical spells.

I have to say that it is a wizard who has improved the natural array here.

Fang Yu of this kind of formation can even withstand Hong Yun's full blow, and its defensive power is evident.

Hong Yun walked slowly in the city, and began to slowly realize the law of the city's great formation. If this great formation merged with his Penglai Xiandao formation, it would be truly solid.

After a long time, he came to the last spot of this big formation, on the edge of a big spur outside the city.

On the edge of Daze, a young man knelt there, bowed his head and sobbed, as if he felt wronged in his heart, but did not dare to reveal the general, suppressing his emotions infinitely.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, then stopped paying attention, and then continued to look at the dots here.

Just like the previous arrays, there are all relying on geographical advantages as the object of the formation, which is as solid as gold, and only when it reaches the level of a corpse quasi-sage can it collapse from the inside.

Hong Yun looked at the dots here, but after only a moment, he had completely understood the mystery.

Just when Hong Yun was about to turn around and leave, he raised his eyes and scanned the young man beside Daze, but was surprised to find that there was a mysterious law hidden in the other side.

It is also the existence of that law that infinitely suppresses the operation of mana in the young man's body, and it also invisibly confines the young man's road of promotion.

If it weren't because of the mysterious law, the young man at this time had at least reached the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and it would not be the same as it is now.

Hong Yun thought for a while, and his body instantly disappeared in place, appearing behind the young man.

The young man who was sobbing on the edge of Daze suddenly felt that there was another person behind him. He quickly turned his head and looked behind him. At a glance, he saw the red cloud appearing behind him.

Suddenly he took a few steps back in fright and almost fell into the great Zee here.

There was a wary look on the young man's face, and he said, "Who are you? Why are you sneakingly behind me? Do you know that I am a member of the Li family in the city."

This place is located outside Chaos City, near the boundless Daze and Wanli Langshan. It is the longest place where Langshan Pirates come.

The so-called Wolf Mountain Pirates are those guys who live in the Wolf Mountain all year round and rely on robbing passing cultivators or caravans to survive. The Wolf Mountain Pirate members have the lowest level of cultivation.

Therefore, Li Yuan inevitably felt a little apprehensive, for fear that the person who suddenly appeared in front of him was a member of Langshan Pirates.

Hongyun glanced at Li Yuan slightly. In this person, he saw the mysterious aura of the law more clearly, which was somewhat similar to the spatial law of a small tower.

After a while, Hong Yun's brows could not help but frowned slightly. He could hardly imagine why this young man who had not even reached the heavenly immortals would have a breath of the law of space.

All this seems a bit too unreasonable, he should not be able to carry this space law.

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